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Quaze / Quasar


I think this one is an oldie don`t no the strain , but it is a very nice Sativa.
almost no leafs , full with THC very nice uplifting high.
think its some mexican whatever
we call it Quaze






ICMag Donor
hell nice one ... :D welcome to icmag ... :wave:

keep on posting such things and we will have some fun ! :smoke:
how's the smell on this one ??



the smell is fruity / lemon
taste is amazing nice soft in the throat
can you see the pics in this threat because I can`t
I try to edit but still see no pics that I put in??

thanks for the reply

Nik Dynosaur

Active member
god that is an interestingly beautiful plant quaze. good show. I wish the pics were bigger i'd love to take a closer look.


Welcome to IC Quaze! That is a an interesting lady you got there that bud structure is insane!


sorry dudes i put some bigger pics looks like shit lol
cant save in edit so have to do it by url


that's one of the most amazing sativas i've seen, the structure is just ridiculous. what an awesome looking strain man.
no details on the lineage or what it is exactly?


no we think its a pure Sativa landrace
out of a single seed this beautifull plant came out after god nows how many years of hiding.

Genesis 1:29-Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

thanks for your reply`s


about 14 to 15 weeks flowering it depends on if you want a lot of seeds .
the longer you flower the more seeds you get with this one its a grazy mother

Nik Dynosaur

Active member
Good god man. That thing is incredible. I've only ever seen one plant like that before and it looked exactly the same. I wish i could remember what it was.

this is a truly magnificent plant, good job.
Quaze, Thanks for the Birthdaycard....

Quaze, Thanks for the Birthdaycard....

.... The beans made it to the first of a few "re-mailing's" my friend e-mailed me some pics of the package. he checked to make sure everything was in order and placed Birthday card and all in a new package, drove it cross town and had another unknown contact mail it to the next address on my list. this game of paranoia while maybe a little much, it is better safe than sorry here in the states. The beans should be at there final stop here in my town in about two weeks. (I don't know if i can wait that long.... ) anyway, I wanted to thank you for this gift. To me a unique strain is a treasure, and a gift to be respected. I will be returning the favor shortly. and already have a dozen crosses planned (along with some "selfed" In line breeding i hope). a few questions if i may so i can do this lovely strain justice and plan for it's introduction to my setup properly. what soil mix and Ph does quasar like, how heavy of a feeder? watering cycle, does quasar like the soil to never dry out, or get just shy of fully dry? Light mix and intensity, MH only or MH & HPS mix in veg? and HPS only or HPS & MH in flower? How many watts per meter and what spacing between top of plant and bulb (for this answer please also state the bulb wattage you are basing off of, so if mine differ i can calculate the correct distance for my bulbs). also the bulb brand and model (so i can adjust for like spectrum if my bulbs are vastly different spectrum). How many days for veg? and how long for flowering? how much does it stretch in the first few weeks?
and any thing else you care to share about the growth habits of this plant called quasar......
Here are some pics of the sister of the "Branch-by-Branch" hermi i'm first crossing the quasar to.

Grow for all the right reason, Peace. GF


.... De bonen gemaakt aan de eerste van een paar "re-mailing is" mijn vriend e-mail me enkele foto's van het pakket. hij gecontroleerd om ervoor te zorgen dat alles in orde was en geplaatst Verjaardag kaart en dat allemaal in een nieuw pakket, reed hij cross stad en had nog een onbekend contact mailen naar het volgende adres op mijn lijst. deze game van paranoia terwijl misschien een beetje veel, het is beter safe than sorry hier in de staten: Sovjet-Unie:. De bonen moeten op er definitief stoppen hier in mijn stad in ongeveer twee weken. (Ik weet niet of ik kan wachten zo lang ....) anyway, ik wilde u bedanken voor dit geschenk. Voor mij een unieke stam is een schat, en een geschenk te worden gerespecteerd. Ik zal de terugkeer van de gunst binnenkort. en al een tiental kruizen gepland (samen met enkele "selfed" In lijn fokken i hope). een paar vragen als ik dat mag dus ik kan dit prachtige stam rechtvaardigheid en plannen voor haar inleiding op mijn setup goed. wat bodem mix en Ph doet quasar willen, hoe zwaar een feeder? drinkinstallaties cyclus, doet quasar als de bodem om nooit droog uit, of ga gewoon verlegen van volledig droog? Light-mix en de intensiteit, MH alleen of MH & HPS mix in veg? en HPS alleen of HPS & MH in bloei? Hoeveel watt per meter en wat afstand tussen de top van de plant en de lamp (voor dit antwoord kunt u ook de gloeilamp wattage u zich baseert off van, dus als de mijne verschillen Ik kan het berekenen van de juiste afstand voor mijn gloeilampen). ook de bol-merk en het model (zodat ik kan aanpassen voor soortgelijke spectrum als mijn bollen zijn enorm verschillend spectrum). Hoeveel dagen voor de plant? en hoe lang voor bloembollen? Hoe duur is het traject in de eerste paar weken? en elk ding wat je zorg te delen over de gewoonten van de groei van deze plant genaamd quasar ...... Hier zijn enkele foto's van de zuster van de "Branch-by-Branch" hermi Ik ben eerste overschrijding van de quasar is.

Groeien om de juiste reden, Vrede. GF


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Wow GentlemanFarmer, that looks like some badass mutant DJ gear! Yes?
Great project in the works! :yes:
Highlighter, yes it's a DJ Short F-13

Highlighter, yes it's a DJ Short F-13

I have some pics of her on other post and in my gallery and I have a male leaning herm that shows the same features as her i'm planning on breeding to the Quasar. (thanks to Quaze) let us all hope the offspring is what i expect, or even better if my expections are beat out of the water. the Quasar I belive is the key i've been looking for for many crosses. I have to run now but i'll list some of my ideas later. I need to get in tuch with Quaze and see if he wants to have my updates on this thread or if we should start another one for the prodject? (let me know my friend.)

Grow for all the right reasons, Peace. GF


When i was in the dam, We had some Quazer haze from Barney's lounge looked exactly like this, and the guy was saying it takes 28 weeks to grow, that's why not alot of people grow it, because it's not as profitable. Was bloody good though, Did yours take long to fully grow? I would expect so being a Sativa.


Active member
nice quaze, she remnds ALOT of a pheno I got out of my Island Thai strain before, wish I still had pic for comparison. I call them the ropey buds....