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Growing by the moon in a 12/12 cycle from seed to harvest


I have been following Lolagal and her process of gardening by the moon so following her lead, I germed 17 seeds last week on Wednesday the 28th of January, all popped their seed and got various degrees of tap roots, I planted the 17 taproots in soil and out of those 17, 16 sprouted through the soil with in 1 day. And that one still has not popped. so I figure it's a gonner. But thats 16 for 17, germed on Wednesday the 28th and planted on Friday the 30th.

I am also doing a lighting experiment with these 16 seedlings. I am working with the 12/12 from seed to harvest idea, so these sprouts are in 12/12 under a 400w MH and 9 (23w) CFL's. I am going to starting this new thread.. Please feel free to stop in and watch the progress. I am certain I will be asking for guidance along the way....


12 days in

12 days in

ok so were 12 days into this working with moon phases and a 12/12 lighting regime from seed to harvest.

I chose 12 of the seedlings to begin working with. I picked 12 of the strongest seedlings and planted them in 2 liter bottles. I removed the labeling from the bottles and wrapped them in tin foil to keep light off the root systems as i read somewhere on here that leaving them in the clear bottles could allow a moist algae like substance to form on the root systems and kill off the plants.

Out of the 12 seedlings I chose, 1 of them was from a stash my mom had for probably 20 years. I found a big can of seeds when she passed away last July. Not many will germinate, but if your familiar with my other thread on here, My girl Dame, who is now 6 weeks into flowering, is a Momma seed. So I have NO idea what I will get with them. 5 are from a purchase I got about a month ago, that I believe was a male as it was 1/2 weight in seeds. But it was a decent giggly, feel good high and I figured If I can bring a female out of one of the seeds I might be in for a really nice smoke. The final 6 seeds are also from a recent purchase that I believe to be a male also as I had the same situation. I purchased a 1/4 and got 3-4 grams of seeds out of it. However, this high was much more couch lockie. I found my self stuck quite a few times after smoking it. In total that is 12 newbies in the soil now...

First and foremost I found a difference almost immediately in the way the leaves look between the giggly and the stuck seeds and am wondering about what I read around here somewhere that says the Indica plants MUST HAVE there veg state if even for a few weeks. Funny thing is it is the seeds from the "stuck", couch lockie seeds that are looking VERY peculiar and I am wondering what the chances are that this was a true Indica plant? hence the type of high and the current look of the seed plants..

Well, give it a look and let me know what you think....

Stony Couchlock http://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=1136&d=1234331911 http://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=1137&d=1234331911
Giggly, Fun High http://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=1138&d=1234331911 http://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=1139&d=1234331911

I had the picture thing right on my other thread but can't seem to get them to show up in this one.......:confused::confused::drum:


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Good luck with grow! I tried this by accident once, (seeds popped long after 12/12), and I got a giant girl with some huge colas out of it...She did hermie on me though, but I don't know if that was just luck or the 12/12 from seed.

Interesting grow, I got a seat for the ride!




ok, So it has been TOO long will update tonight after feeding my son...... Lots NEW to show everyone and I think Stealth has showed me how to put the pics in the thread right, so will have a BUNCH of NEW pics..... In a minute




OK so figured time to update everyone. I can't seem to get the pictures to show up, no matter what I try, but I know you can look at my photo albums and see all. I am going to put links to the best pics here and if some one can show me how to make them show up on the thread I would be most grateful....

These were all started on 1/31/09. The first link is to a 12/12 from My Mom's stash.. If you have been following my threads you know that the one girl I have in flower at 38 days, 9 weeks from seed is one I got from my Mom after she passed. the first link is ANOTHER one of her seeds running 12/12 from jump.....


Along with my set up for them...


And some strange things I have seen while running 12/12 from seed

This one grew sprout leaves where NO fan leaves existed

and this one shows the deformed leaves most of them started with

I have also started a new group that are 2 weeks behind these 12 and running 12/12. Here are their pictures..

http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=2210&pictureid=24793 http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=2210&pictureid=24794

looks like I have atleast 2 more about to sprout. these were put to soil on 2/16/09.

My albums also have pictures of the grow/flower room set up. Enjoy, Just wanted to update everyone. I am gonna go see if these 12 3 week olds have started to drop their pants and show their goods yet....Hope everyone enjoyed....
looking good. I am curious about the 12/12 from seed. I have herd different things about it both good and bad. I hope it turns out good though but it seems that everything is going according to some plan lol.



Jayla, I'm still curious as to why you wanted to try the 12/12? what is the benefits of this method?

I like to veg 24-0, and when ya flip em to 12/12...BAM! 7-10 days later, they will show sex for sho! So vegging for 30 days, plus 10 days = 40 days from planting.

I had troubles with my accidental 12/12 from seed plants...seemed like they didn't want to show sex forever.... Didn't see any benefits from 12/12, what are they?


Well since I figure ALL of this is my first grow, I wanted to try a lot of different things. I am limited to how many lights I have and I figure if can use all of them at once I could kill two birds with one stone and when I heard about 12/12 from seed and saw some of the results I figured I would give it atleast 1 run and that run is 1 month behind my first set that went 1 month in veg 18/6 before flipping to 12/12. Since both will harvest close to each other I will be able to decide which works best for me. Both of them the 18/6 to 12/12 and the 12/12 from seed have two sets of plants 2 weeks apart. I figure this way I get a variety and can pick whats best for me. Ultimately I want the best yield, with the least energy output in the smallest plant....But doesn't EVERYONE? So this is truely an experiment and since I am only running bagseed and not expensive genetics I figure NOW is the time to experiment and learn what I like and then get serious and go from there...

Make a little sense now?


I see that you are having an experiment, but what is the advantage to 12/12 from seed supposed to be?


reduced energy consumption when growing in a constant perpetual harvest. See it is my plan to get on a schedule and pull out 12 plants a month. Also they grow differently in 12/12 from seed... Close to the stem buds with less foliage, hence smaller footprint in the lighting and the ability to get more plants under it. Thought behind it and what I have read is that you can pull 1 gram per watt when running 12/12 from seed, because of the plant size and growing characteristics.... and IF and it's a BIG IF that is true, I should be able to pull in MORE than enough, even if I become a primary caregiver in my state. that would allow a harvest of up to 1300 grams with my current lighting amounts 400w MH and 9 (23w) CFL's or (900) equiv...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I thnk trying different things is a great way to learn, this is how I'm learning too. I have some in coco, some in soil, some I'll scrog, some I just grow..see what works best eh? :smile:

if it all goes wrong, I'll buy some prefed soil and some autoflowerers...lol


Thanks Core, I see you've been around here awhile. Please, pull up a chair and hang around, I am CERTAIN you will be able to add some much needed advice along the way..


New member
Nice Setup. i wonder how much the MH is helping with Flowering... warm color spectrum is more suitable. Consider some soft white cfls to give the plants more of the flowering spectrum.


So BlackHaze, Do you think I should flip around the lighting so that I have the 6 big girls under the 12 CFL's and put the sprouts and smaller plants under the MH? I was noticing that the ones under the CFL's look lusher and healthier. I got a GREAT GREAT deal on some 150w HPS at circuit city when they were going out of business and ultimately want to use them for flowering, however right now I don't have a fixture to put them in and am hoping if I get my tax refund that I can invest in an outdoor security light that takes a HPS 150W medium base bulb.