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multiple leaf freakouts


breathe deep
Please help me figure this out. This is my first coco run and i am two weeks into bloom and seeing some issues. Thanks for your time
NOt sure why i cant find the troubleshooting forum, but I have had enough problems to remember most of it.

I think two problems might be happening or they are the same, i don't know.

Here is what i am experiencing.
The tips of the bottom leaves are brown and pointing up. Also some leaves are canoeing and then finally on the other tray some leaves have dark brown dime sized blemishes and other leaves have rust spots. The rust spots look like a calcium defic. but the rest ia m clueless on.
I have two trays on two different resevoirs one is eating about 1200 ppms, the other is at 1400 ppms. The only problem that i know of is that the dehumidifier is heating the tent and hard to control. Basically the tent will go from 60-90 degrees throughout the dark cycle. So here are the details.

14th day of flower
two gallon pots
Drip feed 3X a day to 10% run-off.
600 Watt HPS'
Temps daytime 70-75
temps night 60-90
Humidity 20-40%
PH a steady 6.0
Botanicare PBP soil bloom 11 ml/g
calmag 7.5 ml/g
karma 6 ml/g
sweet 4 ml/g
silica blast 2.5 ml/g
hydroguard 4 ml/g total ppm of 1400 which they have been eating for about 2 days now. Before this the only difference was only 2 ml of sweet instead of 4.
These problems are being seen mostly on the lower leaves

these are happening on the upper

this problem is happening directly under the light.


Chef Dude

well im not really all that familiar with coco, but from the pics id say your biggest problem is that heat fluctuation. im gonna study your pictures a bit and refer to my bible, which no grower should be without, and get back to you with more specifics on the discoloration, but the warping of the leaves is more than likely the heat issue. by the way the bible i referred to is jorge cervantes medical growers bible, it is loaded with like 500 color pics of almost any concievable problem and its solution.


breathe deep
Thanks for checking out my girls Chef. I too have the Medical growers bible and have read it in and out. Highlights dog ears....

The closest thing i can find in the bible is the Magnesium deficiency which is described as happening on the lower leaves and the tips pointing up. Other than that i don't know. The heat has been an issue from the start. Not really sure.

Again, I appreciate you checking things out Chef

Chef Dude

well i did some research and what i found made me laugh a bit. its kind of funny the name for your childrens condition is leaf spot, talk about being obvious right. anyway it could be a few different things causing it. here is the exact reading from my book:

to identify: leaf and stem fungi, including leaf spot, attack foliage. Brown, gray, black or yellow to white spots or blotches develop on leaves and stems. Leaves and stems discolor and develope spots that impair plant fluid flow and other life processes. Spots expand over leaves causing them to yellow and drop. Growth is slowed, harvest prolonged, and in severe cases, death results. leaf spot is the symptomatic name given to many diseases. These diseases may be caused by bacteria, fungus, and nematodes. Spots or lesions caused by fungi often develop different colors as fruiting bodies grow. Leaf spots are often caused by cold water that was sprayed on plants under a hot HID. Temperature stress causes the spots that often develop into a disease.

to control: cleanliness! Use fresh, sterile growing medium with each crop. Move HIDs away from thed garden canopy about 30 min before spraying so plants wont be too hot. Do not spray within four hours of turning the lights off as excess moisture sits on the foliage and fosters fungal growth. Do not wet foliage when watering and avoid overwatering, and lower grow room humidity to 50%or less. check the humidity both day and night. Employ dry heat to raise the nightime temp by 5-10 degrees F or 3 - 6 degrees C below the daytime levels, and keep humidity more constant. Allow adequate spacing between plants to provide air circulation. Remove damaged foliage. Avoid excessive nitrogen application.

I hope this helps you out buddy, the picture in the book that corresponds to this article is almost identical to those you have posted, and id be willing to bet my garden that once you get those temps in check and master that humidifier problem you will be well on your way to some great smoke.


breathe deep
Thanks Chef. I found that after you pointed me to it. I am not sure if that is the exact issue, but maybe. I am taking steps to try and lower the temps, and watching to see how these issues progress. The only reason i am skeptical is because i have not grown in coco, have not grown these strains, and am not sure i am feeding them exactly the correct amounts exactly when they need them.
I am thankful for your assistance. Keep cooking in up!


check temp and humidty. It could also be to much nitrogen with the look of the claw. The color green kinda says that also. I would water ph water only for 1-2 waterings and ur problems should be fixed. Thats only what I would do, so shouldn't hurt anything. I'm still a newb so maybe other with more exp could chime in. thats what the first pictue looks like, the second could be maybe a drip or two of nutes when watering. Peace


european ganja growers
have you flushed your ladys out bro? (could be salt build up).
what is the ph of your runoff (takes 2 min test)...your ph might be 6 going in but what is it coming out?..
the pic off the clawing look like to much N, the others(brown spots) look like calcium def..

i would go with a flush with water ph to 6,, 5ltr pot = 15 ltr water ect, this will get rid of any salt build up + the nutes in the pot..give them 2/3 days then start your feeding again (half strenth). let them get back into there stride then up the nutes...

oh and you HAVE TO get your night temps sorted, 60 all night would be better than juming between 60 and 90. (70 would be better)

keep it green


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I'd have to agree with highlander,the clawing is caused by to much nitrogen and it might have something to do with you using a soil nutrient in coco.


cant stop wont stop
i dont see the heat fluctuaions (although extreme) causing the discoloration and dead leaves, if anything you might want to worry about hermes developing in those conditions.

you wouldnt happen to be running a ozone generator in the tent would you?
i've seen some brown spots similar to those you have due to an ozone toxicity. if not, like highlander mentioned try a good flush and give'm a couple days and see how they are doing..

the good news is that despite a few sickly looking leaves you're very close to the point of return.. i've seen alot worse come around in the end.

keep it green, not brown lol!!


Looking at the second pic:

My leaves looked like that when I did not believe in flushing...

Coco I flush once a month - regardless if it is in veg or flower.

Third pic: looks like a calcium def - before adding calcuim, try makeing the potassium less - they are in direct competition -

Pic 4: I would say Calcuim - but maybe not from a lack of it, maybe from a excess K.

IMO, most of your problems will be cured with a monthly flush.

The damaged leaves will not heal themselves, but check your new growth and dont be worried if the affected leaves gets worse after new growth, a lot of times the plant will use damaged leaves as reserves, once the new growth dominates.


breathe deep
Wow its nice to feel cared for. I just got back from a 12 hour work shift and read all the replies. Thank you all so much. If nothing else it feels good to tackle these issues with the support of others. I do all this by myself and don't know any other growers except the guy at the hydrostore.

Nuggies- Well thanks for sharing. I am not sure whether i should flush or just water with plain PH'ed water. The lazy part of me is definitely leaning towards watering.:joint: Yet i have put so much love and care and cash into this grow i need to take no chances. So maybe a flush... The strange thing about the over nitrogen is that a week ago i stopped feeding the Grow formula and switched to Bloom only, although calmag has 2% nitrogen, but i have not upped that.

Highlander- Thanks for the advice. Hard to argue with a flush as the plants are more clawed than they were yesterday. So i think i will. By the way my run-off PH is at 6.1.

Marijuanamat- thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Dee9- Thanks for sharing your experience. Thats what its all about. I have been resisting flushing because i water to a good amount of runoff, but i am goiung to pony up and get on a regular flush schedule. I had also heard that flushing coco can screw up the balance in the coco. I suppose it will until they are fed properly.

Ya'll make this site what it is. Peace and blessings


breathe deep
One thing i forgot to mention is that a lot of leaves are overlapping and inbetween the leaves is moisture. Well some of the leaves. I am wondering if this can cause mildew or mold. Well i am sure it can, but is it likely? I dont really see preventing it 100% as a possibility. Anyone?


breathe deep
Things have gone well for my first hydro/coco experience. Could have been better, and i will try less and hope for more.
I just posted another thread in the infirmary because i am trying to figure out the burn/deficiency happening late in flower on day 50. I am not too concerned as they are getting close to the finish line, but would like to learn what i have done wrong for the next go around.
The thread is titled 'coppering leaves....'

here's my log:
