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Jupiter and Venus Visible in the Sky!!!!!



Check it out today guys between 5:00 and 5:30 pm eastern time look into the sky near the moon and u will see to huge ass stars which are the planets Venus And Jupiter.......Im getting a freaking telescope for this.....shitz interesting.... :rasta:


Active member
Awesome, stars that are planets too:yoinks:? This must be a once in a lifetime thing. Just kidding bro, I'll be checking it for sure. I think vintner posted a pic of it in the F.U.C.K.E.M. thread. It was a picture of the moon with two star/planets near it.


Matter of fact yeah Vint did post something like that not sure if it was the same thing though....I heard that there going to be visible like that until feb of 2009.....

I dont own a telescope but im getting 1 for this oh yeah.....


Yeah Highlighter I saw that too.....it was wicked....reminded me of the movie total recall......lol.....


ToKEN said:
its cloudy here dammit. I have a telescope too...

lol.....Token yeah it was pouring here today......it will be around till like feb 09 so we have plenty of time to bring out the big telescopes.....

Jiggy u didnt miss it yet bro....... :joint:


Active member
Hello all,

I think those are Venus (the brighter) and Mercury ( the smaller dimmer).

Still though, I nice sight to be sure.



Nope, its Jupiter and Venus! Check out the link I provided, or star chart for tonight.

Here is realtime chart showing the current(12-4-08) position of the planets(from the website I mentioned).


As you can see, Mercury is behind the sun, and unviewable, and you can see Jupiter and Venus lined up.
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Yeah Minds its Jupiter and Venus....the biggest star flashing is Jupiter....but its all good none the less......cool shit......


Gene Mangler
I was wondering what planets they were?

They've been huge all week on the west coast (is that far enough from east coast to matter?) first noticed them a few nights ago, were right next to a big sliver moon.

Beautiful! ;)


Active member
ICMag Donor
The brightest planet is Venus. It is FAR closer to us than Jupiter, the fainter looking planet (our systems largest).
Venus is always the brightest planet visible to us. It is also called "The Morning/Evening Star", but of course it is not a star at all.

A couple of years ago all five of the visible to naked eye planets were visible in the SW sky and all in an almost perfect alignment (to our view).
We can see without a visual aid Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
With just a common set of binoculars, one can witness the rings of Saturn.

SKy&Telescope dot com is a great place to study this stuff.
The interactive sky chart is one of the best there is.


Active member
Damn thats just crazy! I saw that a couple noghts ago and told my wife to look. I didnt know it was planets! Il be lookin out forem tonight too now!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Once I was keyed into what was going on up there, I found myself really intrigued with stargazing.
So many things to see without the aid of a scope...
For instance, in the constellation Orion, we can see the "Crab Nebula" with our eyes. It just looks like a blurry star, until someone describes what you are seeing, and then it hits home that it isn't a star.
200power binoculars opens up a whole new world.


Someone told me to use binoculars, I was very suprised. You can actually make out the moons of jupiter. Space is amazing.