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BHO Saffron Candy for Lollipops, Molds and Freeform


New member

I use a standard hard candy recipe and tweak it to my liking :)

2 cups organic evaporated cane juice. Sugar works great.
2/3 cup Agave nectar, or light corn syrup
¾ cup water
1 tsp my dry 11-spice blend
1 Tbsp vanilla extract or use paste if you have it
a pinch of saffron
3 g BHO

boil sugar, agave saffron and water to 295 f then remove from heat and put in the spices and BHO when the bubbling stops. I like to decorate it with fresh leaves. They will survive the heat once the candy is starting to harden. The saffron threads resemble red hairs and the flavor is amazing. Any spices or flavorings will do.