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Security troops on US nuclear missile base took LSD


moose eater

^^^ Used as an experimental interrogation drug in Saigon, and sometimes administered via a soft capsule in a match book, by reaching for an ashtray over the target's beverage, and squeezing while they reached across.

I recall an interview with a Staff Sergeant (?), a Black man who later sued the Gov. over his interrogation re. supposedly stolen docs, and they reportedly kept him dosed over and over for an extended period of time while interrogating him, and refusing to let him sleep. He was reportedly innocent of the theft.. Said he was never the same again.

Goes to show you;' you can give some people something beautiful, and they'll still manage to fuck it up and make it ugly... Folks like.. the CIA.


Active member
in the one i checked they tossed the dude out a hotel window because they suspected he was going to expose them and told his family it was a suicide smh

moose eater

There were also experimental treatments (NOT MICRO-DOSING!!) with patients deemed to be hopelessly chronically depressed, and/or bipolar with schizoid features, or schizophrenic/schizotypal disorders. Folks in institutional settings.

In the mid-70s we had some of the Rx/Pharmaceutical gel tables, squat pyramid shape, reddish, sold as 'Strawberry Fields' that was supposed to have come to the mid-west from West Virginia from such a venture. Good shit in the right setting. Like a reasonable dose, that was voluntarily taken, and without all the mind-fucking of the Gov or the Psych folks.

Lots of history in those reports, that seemingly screwed up the benefits and beauty of Owsley's 'gifts.'

Some folks are safe to play with tools, and some aren't.

moose eater

I think Leary was the 'kinder, gentler' edge of the LSD experiments from places 'on high.'

The thought of antagonistic persons super-dosing me, while interrogating me, and no sleep allowed, in a semi-sterile and unfriendly environment, would likely do me in, and end any desire to play with hallucinogens ever again..

The Army fellow who I saw the interview of/with, was psychologically 'undone' years after the fact.


ICMag Donor
I know someone who was treated by them for a nervous breakdown. Let's just say it was a really bad idea.


Active member
They were silo base guards, not missile guys.

Made me wonder how many would join. The hard part of any job, such as service, is giving up some self control of destiny concerns. Being under others.

I really can'y fathm the world, the reality it is or is not. I do work on me and lot's of us used drugs or something at some point. The military always had avdrug problem. Either booze, smoking, sex or whatever. Being asked to do things and generally being fucked while having something to ponder or do for yourself. Gotta be rough and perhaps thankkess at times.

Let's hope there isn't massive shit hitting the fan. Russians and chinese don't take drugs like Americans. Suppose they could but their history has been more repressive.

They say rule breaking is creative and leads to more creativity. They fear treason a lot everywhere. Like nuke silos.


Active member
I think anyone entrusted with making decisions involving nukes, including the president, a background in LSD and psychedelics should be mandatory. Not that they should be anywhere near 'The Button' when they're frying...

I agree. I have only taken LSD twice in my life and the first time was probably one of the best nights of my life. An amazing and profound experience. I won't do it again BTW cannabis is my thing but I am certainly glad I did experience it.


Active member
Russians and chinese don't take drugs like Americans. Suppose they could but their history has been more repressive.

but their miltary,the Russians. did also do the exact same experiments that the Americans did. Kept people awake 70 days,forced dropped large doses of acid, watched them kill each other or themselves.
apparently now days they using crystal meth to keep soldier awake.
But yet the mainstream still makes out that smoking a harmless spliff is the most evil thing someone could do, its a f'ing a joke, a sick one.


Every body should take LSD , shrooms , and or DMT at least once in their life if not several times a month ��. Also I like how they head line the LSD and hardly mention the real drug COCAINE


Active member
on a side note i dont fox wit the acid anymore, last binge was back in 2010 when me and a buddy took 8 papers (bicycles aka hoffmans, red hearts, zimbabweans aka sunflowers and psychedelic roosters) each within 3 days, by day 5 i had to book myself into a psychiatric clinic, no lie. i would not recommend it to anyone.


moose eater

Every body should take LSD , shrooms , and or DMT at least once in their life if not several times a month ��. Also I like how they head line the LSD and hardly mention the real drug COCAINE

I did civilian contract work for Uncle Sam's Army in 1990. While they were hard-core negative on all illicit drugs, their gathering post was the officers club and the bars. They were hardcore into alcohol.. and cigarettes. The two serious killers.

But hey, they were traditional All-American killers, so they were OK.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
One of the big problems with acid is dosage....there is a BIG difference between 500 micro-grams and 5000.....and some people can't even handle 500 mics.

Having observed many 'Acid Casualties' in the 70's and 80's in California, and taken several trips myself during that period. Unless certifiable LSD was served up in sensible doses around people who knew you and cared how your trip goes....I wouldn't do it again.

That last trip in around 1981 I tripped my balls off so heavy that I think that it left a scar on my psyche, so I can understand that people with delicate minds can suffer immensely and its a case of 'When am I gonna come down, when am I going to land' for many acid casualties even to this day...

Most LSD experiences seem to be positive, but quite a lot are not.......and having people in charge of nuclear weapons while high on LSD....is not such a good idea.

moose eater

It's what is going on around you, where you are, what's in your life at the time, your own mental well-being at the moment, stressors in life, etc.

I had 3 mushroom trips in the woods, in my tree stand, during moose hunting, and three for three went the way of seriously alarming/disconcerting introspection.

Serious confrontations with the self can be very good for the soul, but not without cost or pain. Looking at the self in a more honest view, absent the protections offered by the ego and subconscious bullshit, can be devastatingly stark, and similar to a 'starting over' in terms of an opinion of the self.

Coming to grips with times and actions that defied who we want to see ourselves as being. It's not necessarily supposed to be comfortable or silly, really.

Didn't plan on it. It happened. The Cosmos saw me as ready and needing, rather than something I wanted.

As a young teen, starting at about 13, I ate acid routinely. Even at work at age 14, after being released from a juvenile facility, and on probation.

I got to where a hit of micro-dot (back in the days of reasonably stout doses per tab) barely made me grin.

Ate 2/3 of a 4-way of 3-day old brown window pane at work during that time, after lecturing my friend about what to expect from his first trip eating the other portion of that tab, (inaccurately cut into 2/3 and 1/3 for using a poorly chosen instrument).

Spent most of a LONG ass shift trying to figure out how to look busy without having to move too much, while others played with my condition by whispering shit into my ears that had me contemplating reality. Things growing on the walls, etc. Steam from the equipment transporting me into a London fog.

When I clocked off, I looked into the mirror in the restroom, and it appeared as though I had a red spaghetti sauce beard and mustache, and I initially panicked, still high as could be, thinking I'd been working that way all evening.

Not to get hung up in the shock of the moment, I did the sensible thing, and took a hand towel from the dispenser, and began wiping my face. Every place I wiped became clean and revealed my face. But when I looked at the towel, it was still bright white and clean.

One of the very few hallucinations (??) where I have no idea to this day which part was real.

I'd conclude by referencing what my friend said when we heard an ONDCP ad on the radio during one of our legalization efforts, with a young man saying, in graphically bizarre tone, that when he smoked marijuana, he "..felt alone!" That he "...felt SO alone that one time (he) smoked pot, and carved the word 'alone' into (his) arm." (*Fucking ONDCP dishonest anti-dope ads!!!)

Pretty graphic, and who knows what person dealing with psychiatric/psychological issues they found to be their poster child for that bit.

Peter turned to me and said, "You know what I think?" I said "No" ('cause I didn't; mind-reading declined years ago for me ;^>)). Peter replied with, "I think people with mental illnesses should avoid recreational drugs."

I concurred. With the caveat that if they benefitted routinely, that might be different.

That said, these days, micro-dosing, referenced by Curtis Douglas, is finding all kinds of effective uses; PTSD, long-term chronic depression, and more.

I've got 5 tabs sitting and waiting (since last year) for the opportune moment, in a piece of folded parchment paper, for the 'right time.' But after eating literally hundreds of tabs over time as a younger person, whether peyote, 'shrooms, or Sidney, I pick and choose my timing much more carefully these days.

Those three days out moose hunting with 'shrooms told me that while spiritual growth can be painful at times, but is generally a good thing, too much in too short of time is disparaging

And with the cactus, like Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose Seeds, I never found puking to be an enjoyable event, so that has been a 'spiritual venture' for going on 40 years now.


Active member
It's what is going on around you, where you are, what's in your life at the time, your own mental well-being at the moment, stressors in life, etc.

I had 3 mushroom trips in the woods, in my tree stand, during moose hunting, and three for three went the way of seriously alarming/disconcerting introspection.

Serious confrontations with the self can be very good for the soul, but not without cost or pain. Looking at the self in a more honest view, absent the protections offered by the ego and subconscious bullshit, can be devastatingly stark, and similar to a 'starting over' in terms of an opinion of the self.

Coming to grips with times and actions that defied who we want to see ourselves as being. It's not necessarily supposed to be comfortable or silly, really.

Didn't plan on it. It happened. The Cosmos saw me as ready and needing, rather than something I wanted.

As a young teen, starting at about 13, I ate acid routinely. Even at work at age 14, after being released from a juvenile facility, and on probation.

I got to where a hit of micro-dot (back in the days of reasonably stout doses per tab) barely made me grin.

Ate 2/3 of a 4-way of 3-day old brown window pane at work during that time, after lecturing my friend about what to expect from his first trip eating the other portion of that tab, (inaccurately cut into 2/3 and 1/3 for using a poorly chosen instrument).

Spent most of a LONG ass shift trying to figure out how to look busy without having to move too much, while others played with my condition by whispering shit into my ears that had me contemplating reality. Things growing on the walls, etc. Steam from the equipment transporting me into a London fog.

When I clocked off, I looked into the mirror in the restroom, and it appeared as though I had a red spaghetti sauce beard and mustache, and I initially panicked, still high as could be, thinking I'd been working that way all evening.

Not to get hung up in the shock of the moment, I did the sensible thing, and took a hand towel from the dispenser, and began wiping my face. Every place I wiped became clean and revealed my face. But when I looked at the towel, it was still bright white and clean.

One of the very few hallucinations (??) where I have no idea to this day which part was real.

I'd conclude by referencing what my friend said when we heard an ONDCP ad on the radio during one of our legalization efforts, with a young man saying, in graphically bizarre tone, that when he smoked marijuana, he "..felt alone!" That he "...felt SO alone that one time (he) smoked pot, and carved the word 'alone' into (his) arm." (*Fucking ONDCP dishonest anti-dope ads!!!)

Pretty graphic, and who knows what person dealing with psychiatric/psychological issues they found to be their poster child for that bit.

Peter turned to me and said, "You know what I think?" I said "No" ('cause I didn't; mind-reading declined years ago for me ;^>)). Peter replied with, "I think people with mental illnesses should avoid recreational drugs."

I concurred. With the caveat that if they benefitted routinely, that might be different.

That said, these days, micro-dosing, referenced by Curtis Douglas, is finding all kinds of effective uses; PTSD, long-term chronic depression, and more.

I've got 5 tabs sitting and waiting (since last year) for the opportune moment, in a piece of folded parchment paper, for the 'right time.' But after eating literally hundreds of tabs over time as a younger person, whether peyote, 'shrooms, or Sidney, I pick and choose my timing much more carefully these days.

Those three days out moose hunting with 'shrooms told me that while spiritual growth can be painful at times, but is generally a good thing, too much in too short of time is disparaging

And with the cactus, like Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose Seeds, I never found puking to be an enjoyable event, so that has been a 'spiritual venture' for going on 40 years now.

Great story.

Also you are a brilliant writer. I would read a book written by you


Well-known member
I wonder if they were getting high enough to know better than to kill people, let alone incinerate them by the thousands.
I have heard that some old heads believe LSD is a gift given to us at a time the world was on the verge of nuking itself as a way to waken the human race. Seems with the shitheads running this shitshow threatening to use nukes again that the wide availability of quality LSD is again at the perfect time.

Personally I would prefer anyone in a position that can kill another has been through several very poweful psychedelic experiences. Every politition, cop, military.........

Hah. Who am I kidding. Everyone needs to learn

moose eater

Great story.

Also you are a brilliant writer. I would read a book written by you

Thank you. I'm flattered and humbled.

I've written many articles, started a couple of books that lost their way, and ended up in piles here and there; on my desk, in filing cabinets, etc..

Used to joke with persons who knew me and encouraged a book, that if I wrote a thorough accounting, many wouldn't believe it anyway, and some of the likely star characters might want me dead. :)

These days,. I'm just older, achy, and trying to keep pace with my ideas of what I need to do. Seems my mind is sometimes younger than my body. :)

Thank you again.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What's the big deal? I'm sure lsd use is still prevalent in the military. I know it was pretty easy to get when I was in. Didn't have to worry about the piss test. I had some great trips! First time I ever saw feral hemp was in Kansas. We were tripping balls at the lake, when all of a sudden I realized I was in a forest of 10 ft pot plants. I was young, didn't realize it was hemp. Thought I was in heaven! Haha


Well-known member
If you find this sort of thing interesting, you might enjoy looking at what is available on Al Hubbard.
The man's life was extraordinary.

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