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Strange and sudden symptoms when medicating...


New member
Hi all, first post on these lovely forums... Lurked for a long time and for some reason it took until now for me to formally join and post.

So, a little background: I've been a cannabis user for a little over a decade, and have always had the utmost respect and love for it. I've gone through stretches of smoking once a month, smoking daily, and everything in between. Cannabis has become an essential part of my life, not only in it's use, but as a career path for me, which is something I've dreamed of for quite a long time. So, where is this all leading?

Starting about a year ago, I began having huge problems with anxiety and depression. Most of my issues lied in panic episodes and feeling of derealization, but none of this would occur as a result of medicating. Then, about 6 months ago, I randomly had a massive panic attack after smoking a relatively normal dose for me. I had full body shivers, an insanely fast heartbeat, sweating, and various other panic attack symptoms. I eventually calmed down and was fine, though it was the first time in all my years of cannabis that something like that has happened. Since then, my tolerance has completely disappeared, almost instantly. I can barely smoke a bowl without getting way higher than intended (which, prior to this episode, I didn't think was a thing...), and I occasionally, albeit rarely, have similar panic episodes after medicating.

My latest issue that has developed in the past week or two, is that I have what I assume to be heart disease symptoms after medicating. I get an increased heart rate, high anxiety, mild chest tightness/pain, and occasional sharp pains in my arms. I have been to the doctor frequently since my original anxiety diagnosis, and have had my heart checked out numerous times. I have had an ECG that showed perfect pulmonary function, but all these symptoms have me convinced cannabis will cause some sort of cardiac episode.

I love cannabis, truly, and I want to believe that what I'm experienceing is mental, not physical. I'm in otherwise perfect health, and for the most part my anxiety and depression have been improving. I guess all I want out of this post is, what are some thoughts on my situation? How would you guys respond to having adverse reactions to the plant you love so very much?

tl;dr - I've used cannabis for a long time, recently started randomly developing anxiety attacks after medicating, along with what I perceive as heart disease symptoms. Should I be concerned, how can I remedy it, has this happened to anyone else, etc.


What ever it is it's most likely psychosomatic. I have never heard of a cardiac episode triggered by cannabis. If it makes you feel better I know a guy who has had several open heart surgeries (congenital heart defect) and smokes cannabis with the blessing of his doctor. I also have 2 friends in there 60's who have had heart attacks and are actively on heart medication, who both smoke cannabis with the blessing of there doctor.

Heart disease is almost always diet and exercise related (or tobacco)

Only physiological problem I have ever seen first hand from cannabis is this weird drop in blood pressure thing. I have seen people kind of black out from it. They have always been older people with zero tolerance who over did it. I always assumed it was that kind of swimmy head change thing just super strong.


The Tri Guy
Its the type you are smoking. You haven't told us your source, but I'm guessing you aren't growing your own. I suspect your source is selling you a diff type of weed to what you were buying. Some will do this to you. Many types I can't smoke at all for the same reason. Its strange, its not even a sativa indica difference, I can't explain it, or predict which types will trigger it in myself, but once I hit it, that strain of weed never gets smoked again.

In short change the weed you are getting.


New member
What ever it is it's most likely psychosomatic. I have never heard of a cardiac episode triggered by cannabis. If it makes you feel better I know a guy who has had several open heart surgeries (congenital heart defect) and smokes cannabis with the blessing of his doctor. I also have 2 friends in there 60's who have had heart attacks and are actively on heart medication, who both smoke cannabis with the blessing of there doctor.

Heart disease is almost always diet and exercise related (or tobacco)

Only physiological problem I have ever seen first hand from cannabis is this weird drop in blood pressure thing. I have seen people kind of black out from it. They have always been older people with zero tolerance who over did it. I always assumed it was that kind of swimmy head change thing just super strong.

I take solace in hearing this... I suppose it IS a little farfetched to assume it could have any real effect on my heart, but I guess I just didn't want to be too lax about the issue. Thank you!!


New member
Its the type you are smoking. You haven't told us your source, but I'm guessing you aren't growing your own. I suspect your source is selling you a diff type of weed to what you were buying. Some will do this to you. Many types I can't smoke at all for the same reason. Its strange, its not even a sativa indica difference, I can't explain it, or predict which types will trigger it in myself, but once I hit it, that strain of weed never gets smoked again.

In short change the weed you are getting.

I've wondered if that could be a factor. It has seemed to be specifcally the Silver Haze I currently am medicating with. I suppose I should attempt to switch it up and see where it gets me. I always take for granted how often strains come up that simply don't vibe with certain people. Thanks for the insight man!


The Tri Guy
Its not far fetched at all. You absorb it through your cardiovascular system, and it affects every part of your body. On top of that, your automatic nervous system controls your heart rate. This is affected by taking any substance. Most will lower your heart rate, to say others could not possibly raise your heart rate is overlooking the obvious


New member
True, but I simply worry that it could have an adverse effect on systems that it may be affecting harder than others (ie. my cardiovascular system). Increased heartrate isn't uncommon at all for me when smoking, it just usually doesn't bother me unless accompanied by other "symptoms" (mental or otherwise).


The Tri Guy
Ah a haze, yeah swap smokes man. For me there's a local type that gets called blues, its horrid but the kids seem to like it


Well-known member
Sorry to break this to you, but some people can't use cannabis for this very reason. My wife can't even handle second hand smoke. Sends her straight into a massive anxiety attack. I have to smoke in the garage.

The wife isn't the only person I know that can't do cannabis.

You may have to moderate your dose. Your body changes. You may just have to use less, or change up what you smoke


Well-known member
Hey DoctorQ

This seems to happen to people who have been smoking for a long time and have had periods of intense stress. The panic attacks are usually triggered by a stressful event, but have become associated in their minds with weed, which results in most strains making them anxious and on the edge of a panic attack. Hazes are one of the worst, but you'll probably find you now have this sensitivity to most strains. You might want to avoid racy sativas though.

From what I've heard, CBD strains combat this anxiety very effectively. If you're in a place that can get hold of some, try this first.

Also keeping a heavy indica in your smoking routine might help. All sativas can wear your nerves.

Low strength edibles might be worth a try - certainly provided a less anxious high for me.

Yoga breathing helps keep the attack from escalating.

And just consider yourself now a bit sensitive to THC - taking too much will just make it unpleasant.

Hope you find something that works bud - :)


New member
Hey DoctorQ

This seems to happen to people who have been smoking for a long time and have had periods of intense stress. The panic attacks are usually triggered by a stressful event, but have become associated in their minds with weed, which results in most strains making them anxious and on the edge of a panic attack. Hazes are one of the worst, but you'll probably find you now have this sensitivity to most strains. You might want to avoid racy sativas though.

From what I've heard, CBD strains combat this anxiety very effectively. If you're in a place that can get hold of some, try this first.

Also keeping a heavy indica in your smoking routine might help. All sativas can wear your nerves.

Low strength edibles might be worth a try - certainly provided a less anxious high for me.

Yoga breathing helps keep the attack from escalating.

And just consider yourself now a bit sensitive to THC - taking too much will just make it unpleasant.

Hope you find something that works bud - :)

As it so happens, I DID have a stressful event with weed that sort of started all of this... My girlfriend was a heavy smoker in the past, and about a year ago she smoked before getting in the shower and passed out (there were other factors as well but she seemed to think the cannabis was the straw that broke the camels back). That really messed me up, as inconsequential as it may sound, and since then I've noticed myself being worried about passing out when high sometimes. I think there is something to be said for Indica's though... The most wonderful and medicinally effective cannabis I've had in the past year was Grand Daddy Purp, and it was the most pleasant buds I've ever had. Maybe I should just start to be more selective with my strains!

Dog Star

Active member
Use some CBD/THC 1:1 strain,you will not have those wild highs as from SSH.

SSH is sativa hybrid and there is a lot of pure THC whithouth CBD...that can induce paranoya,depression and other unpleasant experiences since this THC affects neurotransmitter adrenaline and noradrenaline.

If you found some strain that haves 8% THC and 8% CBD you will have again nice experience and stone moments.

Good stuff will be to stop drink coffie,alchohol if you drink of course...some physical
activity and not eating meat too much (meat have lot of adrenaline inside self so you add oil on fire if you use him too much as diet)

Phisical activity,running,walking,deep breathing helps for anxiety,depressions thing,
also to have positive thoughts helps a ton in this states.

Good food change chemism of brain in best way,use complexed sugars,hole grains cereals,from meat use chicken,turquey or some good fish but not much,
eat a shitload of fruits and veggies..specialy if you could organic ones,
cruciferas from veggies are most important stuff that will give you energy back.

Listen some interesting music,classical music is specialy good for this states,
Four Seasons from Vivaldi,7thBethoween or choose what your ears love..

Music vibration can help,but food,sleep and phisical activity is most important to be stabile and that your body produce those right neurotransmiters you need for normal life.

All the best



could it be the strength of the meds your taking? When i first started smoking Oil i would smoke it by the gram and had a few panic attacks. it only happen when i was alone i would hear something out side my apartment and think the cops were coming for my closet full of plants and loud reggae music but some flowers and a few minutes calmed me down


Active member
Good tips people.i tpmsuffer from this.i quick smoking all together untill i can sorce a good high cbd strain to deal with this and build up my tolerance again.it sucks so bad.herei am growing weed im scared to smoke.lol oh the irony.


Lol I'm just gonna say it, when shits wrong in my life, and I get stupid amazingly stoned, I just fucking worry about whatever is wrong. Cannabis has a way of not letting you continually make the same mistake. It's usually a good thing in my life, but yours sounds like it kind of sucks, sorry bro


Active member
When the negatives outweigh the positives, it may be time to take a break. As I've gotten older, I've noticed that I get completely blitzed from even a couple of hits of any decent strain. Not only that, but, if, for example, I smoke on Friday night, I am still stoned on Saturday when I wake up. I can't shake the feeling. I know most people say their high lasts only a couple of hours, if that, but for me, it can last for days. If I quit, it takes me three to four weeks to completely come down. Whether age is a factor, or if it's just the buildup of cannabinoids in my system, I'm not certain.
Switching from hazes is good advice, although I enjoy Super Lemon Haze, and it doesn't have the same effect on me as SSH does. It is more mellow, probably due to the lemon skunk that is part of the cross.
If I were having effects as you describe, I would give it a rest, and quit entirely for awhile. After being "clean" for awhile, the high you get when you resume using is much more enjoyable anyway. Moderation can be the key.


New member
Wow I am incredibly thankful for all these responses. The cannabis community never ceases to amaze me with it's compassion and knowledge. I'm going to experiment with different strains and methods of medicating, and if need be, I'll take a break all together. I don't want cannabis to develop some insurmountable negative connotation in my brain, so I'm willing to figure out what works best. I am so excited for the day I can try a CBD rich bud and see how it helps/hurts. I feel like it could be a reawakening for my love of cannabis.

Thanks again everyone, this definitely encouraged me to become far more active on the forums. See you all around!


Active member
Thats a good th8ng bro.stay strong.i just hit some trees today and it went down well.

high five bro.

sure have been a lot of posts lately about how weed makes people suddenly ill. it's not that i don't believe them - i've seen a few cases of people smoking weed grown by satanists or masons with god knows what in it (either substantial or energetic infusions) that threw people pretty bad, especially people with minimal control over their own lives who are forced to depend on satanists and masons et c. to get their weed.

guess we better chalk it up to the ol' medical science, after all, it knows more than any one of us, and we can't argue with that, right?

that's weed.. making adolescents crazy since the dawn of... well, bullshit civilisation at least....

heck if you can get the stoners to believe weed is bad by writing enough forum posts i guess..

you come and be a part of the weed community, we will look forward to lots of posts.

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