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Massachusetts! VOTE YES ON #2!!!



Just got this amazing email from MPP! I knew it was coming but theres nothing like having the ballot question #.

MPP is pleased to announce that the marijuana decriminalization initiative proposed by the Massachusetts-based Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy (CSMP) has been officially given a ballot question number by the secretary of the commonwealth. This critical initiative — which will create a civil, rather than criminal, penalty system for possession of an ounce or less of marijuana — will appear on the November 4, 2008 Massachusetts ballot as Question 2!

Now that this measure has been certified and given its ballot number, CSMP's campaign can begin in earnest — and they need your help. Would you please consider donating $10 or more today to help CSMP run the most robust campaign possible to ensure Question 2's victory at the polls in November?

MPP has worked closely with the Massachusetts campaign operation to ensure the initiative's placement on the ballot. CSMP turned in more than 100,000 signatures last November and another 20,000 last month to qualify the initiative for the ballot.

And Massachusetts is clearly ripe for reform: Polling conducted among voters in February 2007 on this question found that the initiative was supported by a 60% to 30% margin (with 10% undecided). Additionally, since 2000, 30 nonbinding public policy questions advocating marijuana decriminalization have passed in the commonwealth with an average of 65% of the vote.

Nevertheless, Question 2 will mark the first time in history that a binding initiative to decriminalize marijuana possession will appear on any statewide ballot, and there is every reason to expect well-funded opposition to arise. Will you please donate $10 or more today so that CSMP has the resources necessary to get their message out?

In addition, there are a number of other ways you can help this landmark effort. To kick off the Yes on 2 campaign, CSMP is asking all supporters to help organize three major volunteer committees:

Events Committee: Help identify and attend local events to educate the public;
Letters Committee: Be part of a response team to local media; and
House Party Committee: Hold a get-together to educate family and friends about the importance of voting Yes on Question 2.
To learn more about these volunteer committees, please e-mail Jesse Sullivan, CSMP field coordinator, or call (617) 901-7715.

Thank you for supporting the Marijuana Policy Project and all of our allies. With your help and support, CSMP will make history in Massachusetts this November!


Rick Kelley
Assistant Director of State Campaigns
Marijuana Policy Project

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