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Can I use CBD Oil for Arthritis pain?

Rocky Mtn Squid


CBD, found in cannabis plant is one of the many compounds known as cannabinoids. Oils that contain concentrations of CBD are known as CBD oils. The concentration and uses of different oils vary. There has been a research on the potential therapeutic uses of CBD.

Cannabidiol oil is used for health purposes although, there is some confusion about what it is and the effect it has on the human body. Even though Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, there may also be some risks. And it is equally not legal in every state.
CBD is not psychoactive, meaning that it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it. However, it does appear to produce significant changes in the body and has been found to have medical benefits thus, anyone can use CBD oils.


Cannabis is legal for either medicinal or recreational use only in some states but not all. The laws also vary but, they generally approve CBD oil as legal for treating a range of epileptic conditions at various concentrations. We would suggest that if you eventually decide using CBD oil for treating a suitable health condition, consult with your local healthcare provider because they will be in a good position to direct you to safe CBD sources and local laws surrounding its usage.
Upon certifying that you are free on legal grounds to use CBD oil, the following are some of the reasons/health benefits why you can use it:

It has natural pain relief or anti-inflammatory properties: Some people feel that CBD offers a more natural way to relieve pain. CBD which is the non psychoactive compound in marijuana is suggested by researchers as a good treatment for chronic pains.

CBD oils for relieving Arthritis pain

Some studies suggest that CBD could help to treat arthritis and relieve the inflammatory pain associated with it as it helps manage chronic pain by affecting the brain’s response to pain signals.

It is helpful in the treatment of Arthritis Pain, Epilepsy and other mental health disorders because CBD has anti-seizure properties and a low risk of side effects for people with epilepsy. Studies into CBD’s effect on neurological disorders suggest that it may help to treat many of the disorders that are linked to epilepsy, such as neurodegeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases.

It could also help fight cancer

Researchers note that CBD appears to block cancer cells from spreading around the body and entirely invading an area. This compound tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote the death of these cells. It’s low toxicity levels could help in cancer treatments.

Treatment for Type 1 diabetes

Research found that CBD may ease the inflammation in the pancreas in type 1 diabetes. This probably is one step at trying to find a treatment for type 1 diabetes that is CBD-based.

Acne Treatment

According to studies, CBD has the capacity to reduce the level of sebum, which is responsible for acne due to its anti-inflammatory effect it has on our body.

Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Research found that CBD could potentially prevent people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s from losing their ability to recognize the faces of people that they know.

In the Central Nervous System of users thus far, there has been no significant side effect while using it nor any negative effect on a their vital signs and mood. However, the most common side effect noted is tiredness, diarrhea, and changes in appetite or weight.

Also, CBD oil can be used in different ways to relieve the symptoms of different conditions.

The products of CBD can be infused into different kinds of drinks or food, which can be consumed from a dropper. CBD products can also be massaged into our body.

Some are in capsules too. CBD sprays that can be administered under the tongue are equally available.

Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider before commencing treatment with any product of CBD oils.

Source: https://www.leafscience.com/2018/06/06/can-use-cbd-oil-arthritis-pain/




Autistic Diplomat in Training
I advise caution buying CBD oil off the internet.

The main downside to 'just' CBD is you end up wasting a lot of oil. CBD really works best with at least 3% THC, and it also works best if you use it every day.

The highest quality cannabis oil you can get is still the stuff you make yourself in the back yard. Cleanly grown, cleanly extracted with food-grade ethanol, a whole-plant extraction of cannabis is going to be significantly cheaper and usually significantly more effective.

$20 bag of happy frog soil
food-grade alcohol

I'm all for great products off the shelf, but in this day and age of ignorance I'd be very careful of the products available.


I advise caution buying CBD oil off the internet.

The main downside to 'just' CBD is you end up wasting a lot of oil. CBD really works best with at least 3% THC, and it also works best if you use it every day.

The highest quality cannabis oil you can get is still the stuff you make yourself in the back yard. Cleanly grown, cleanly extracted with food-grade ethanol, a whole-plant extraction of cannabis is going to be significantly cheaper and usually significantly more effective.

$20 bag of happy frog soil
food-grade alcohol

I'm all for great products off the shelf, but in this day and age of ignorance I'd be very careful of the products available.

good post, make your own.

Rocky Mtn Squid

What CBD Oil Could Do For The Health of Your Pets

What CBD Oil Could Do For The Health of Your Pets



The Facts:Several studies have shown multiple health benefits from administering CBD oil to animals.
Reflect On:Why has this kind of treatment been illegal for so long? Why are the same resources not poured into this medicine as there is the medicine that comes from the big corporations? Is this really about health, or is it about money?
More and more people are using CBD oil to maintain their health and treat various conditions. The benefits of CBD oil stretch far and wide, and it’s especially getting a lot of buzz today because of its effectiveness in relieving stress and anxiety – conditions that are almost unavoidable in the modern world.

But the wonders of CBD oil shouldn’t be reserved for humans only. Not just humans, but all vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) which fine-tunes numerous vital physiological functions and helps the body regain internal balance. So when pets ingest cannabinoids, the cannabinoids will interact with the ECS receptors (called CB1 and CB2 receptors) just like they do for humans. This supports a healthy ECS and triggers beneficial responses throughout the body, helping it fight various ailments.

If you have a furry friend whose health and wellbeing depends on you, you’ll want to know all about this. Here’s how you can use CBD oil to take care of your pet and help them live a happy, healthy life.

And just in case, we’ll get over with it right away: CBD is a compound that won’t get your pet high just like it won’t get you high – that’s THC.

Reducing anxiety and stress

Extensive research has been conducted to prove how cannabidiol can help people with PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety disorders and overall stress relief. Because other mammals respond to CBD via receptors the same way as we do, it’s no surprise that it has the same calming effects on pets.

Most pets, dogs especially, suffer from separation anxiety, which is something that leaves their owners worried and feeling guilty every time they leave the house. This is a real problem and we could never fathom the stress our pets experience when we leave them alone, but CBD oil can be used to help them feel calm and peaceful. Pets can also suffer from anxiety and phobias to various extents for different reasons, most often as a result of previous trauma, so CBD oil can be used as a cure for their condition in the same way it’s being used to treat people with PTSD.

Antibiotic properties

Pets are often affected by various bacterial infections, and unfortunately, a lot of visits to the vet result in prescriptions for antibiotics. Synthetic antibiotics have numerous side effects, most notably disrupting the gastrointestinal system by killing the “good”, healthy bacteria along with the bad. Research has shown that all cannabinoids have antibiotic properties so CBD oil can be an equally effective but more healthy and gentle treatment for a pet’s bacterial infection.

Treating seizures

Unfortunately, dogs are no stranger to epilepsy as well, and a fewer number of cats may experience seizures. Cannabinoids are now being used extensively to treat seizures in humans, as they’re proving to be more effective than any other kind of treatment. It’s no surprise to see that a lot of CBD oils for pets are now used as an alternative and efficient way to treat epilepsy and reduce or completely stop seizures, tics, tremors, and spasms.

Fighting cancer

The effect that cannabinoids and other substances found in hemp and cannabis have on treating tumors has been studied extensively, and it’s completely changing cancer treatment (for the better). Cannabidiol is known to kill cancer cells as it blocks their energy-producing abilities, and some studies show that CBD can even stop cancer cells from growing. Inarguably, CBD oil can be used not just to treat cancers and tumors in pets, but to prevent them from developing in the first place.

Pain relief

Studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) has the most analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties in comparison to other cannabinoids. That’s why CBD oil is often used to reduce inflammation and pain in injured cats and dogs, as well as for relieving chronic and intestinal inflammation. This helps with a wide variety of conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease. It’s a more healthy and natural alternative to painkillers and other drugs which can potentially harm a pet’s internal organs just like they do for humans.


The Facts:Several studies have shown multiple health benefits from administering CBD oil to animals.
Reflect On:Why has this kind of treatment been illegal for so long? Why are the same resources not poured into this medicine as there is the medicine that comes from the big corporations? Is this really about health, or is it about money?
More and more people are using CBD oil to maintain their health and treat various conditions. The benefits of CBD oil stretch far and wide, and it’s especially getting a lot of buzz today because of its effectiveness in relieving stress and anxiety – conditions that are almost unavoidable in the modern world.

But the wonders of CBD oil shouldn’t be reserved for humans only. Not just humans, but all vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) which fine-tunes numerous vital physiological functions and helps the body regain internal balance. So when pets ingest cannabinoids, the cannabinoids will interact with the ECS receptors (called CB1 and CB2 receptors) just like they do for humans. This supports a healthy ECS and triggers beneficial responses throughout the body, helping it fight various ailments.

If you have a furry friend whose health and wellbeing depends on you, you’ll want to know all about this. Here’s how you can use CBD oil to take care of your pet and help them live a happy, healthy life.

And just in case, we’ll get over with it right away: CBD is a compound that won’t get your pet high just like it won’t get you high – that’s THC.

Reducing anxiety and stress

Extensive research has been conducted to prove how cannabidiol can help people with PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety disorders and overall stress relief. Because other mammals respond to CBD via receptors the same way as we do, it’s no surprise that it has the same calming effects on pets.

Most pets, dogs especially, suffer from separation anxiety, which is something that leaves their owners worried and feeling guilty every time they leave the house. This is a real problem and we could never fathom the stress our pets experience when we leave them alone, but CBD oil can be used to help them feel calm and peaceful. Pets can also suffer from anxiety and phobias to various extents for different reasons, most often as a result of previous trauma, so CBD oil can be used as a cure for their condition in the same way it’s being used to treat people with PTSD.

Antibiotic properties

Pets are often affected by various bacterial infections, and unfortunately, a lot of visits to the vet result in prescriptions for antibiotics. Synthetic antibiotics have numerous side effects, most notably disrupting the gastrointestinal system by killing the “good”, healthy bacteria along with the bad. Research has shown that all cannabinoids have antibiotic properties so CBD oil can be an equally effective but more healthy and gentle treatment for a pet’s bacterial infection.

Treating seizures

Unfortunately, dogs are no stranger to epilepsy as well, and a fewer number of cats may experience seizures. Cannabinoids are now being used extensively to treat seizures in humans, as they’re proving to be more effective than any other kind of treatment. It’s no surprise to see that a lot of CBD oils for pets are now used as an alternative and efficient way to treat epilepsy and reduce or completely stop seizures, tics, tremors, and spasms.

Fighting cancer

The effect that cannabinoids and other substances found in hemp and cannabis have on treating tumors has been studied extensively, and it’s completely changing cancer treatment (for the better). Cannabidiol is known to kill cancer cells as it blocks their energy-producing abilities, and some studies show that CBD can even stop cancer cells from growing. Inarguably, CBD oil can be used not just to treat cancers and tumors in pets, but to prevent them from developing in the first place.

Pain relief

Studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) has the most analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties in comparison to other cannabinoids. That’s why CBD oil is often used to reduce inflammation and pain in injured cats and dogs, as well as for relieving chronic and intestinal inflammation. This helps with a wide variety of conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease. It’s a more healthy and natural alternative to painkillers and other drugs which can potentially harm a pet’s internal organs just like they do for humans.

Increasing appetite and helping with nausea

A healthy pet never has an appetite problem – far from it. But when something goes wrong or when they’re just healing from an injury, it’s heartbreaking for owners to watch their pet’s unusual disinterest in food. It’s our responsibility to keep them healthy and well-nourished so many owners resort to CBD oil for increasing their pet’s appetite when they’re injured or for treating vomiting and nausea, as it has the same effect it does on humans.

Protecting the nervous system

Lab research conducted on rats shows us that CBD and other cannabinoids have a neuroprotective effect. CBD is a powerful antioxidant that helps cells fight free radicals which have a degenerative effect on the entire system, and it has been used to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Thus CBD oil can be especially effective for ageing animals to protect their brain cells and keep the nervous system intact.

Overall, CBD oil is not only a powerful treatment for conditions your pet could be suffering from, but it’s also a great supplement to help healthy pets stay that way their entire life. The most important thing when choosing a CBD oil for your pet is to make sure that the product is natural and organic because any other form can contain pesticides and other chemicals you want to avoid. Then you’ll have to go through the usual shenanigans of slyly mixing it in their food – but they’ll have no idea once it’s in there. Here’s to healthy and thriving pets!

Source: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/07/08/what-cbd-oil-could-do-for-the-health-of-your-pets/




the link doesn't actually seem to lead to a place selling the product, but it is a bit spammy, we are on a cannabis site after all, we all know the value of cbd, just check out the holy anointing oil thread for example in the concentrates section.

Rocky Mtn Squid

CBD To The Rescue

CBD To The Rescue

Cannabidiol (CBD) is everywhere today in health news. It has made cannabis respectable, once again. As one of over 100 chemical compounds in the cannabis plant and one that is non-psychoactive, CBD is a current stand-out in the cannabis family.

Of course, it wasn’t always this way. After 81 years of prohibition since the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act and the more recent 1970 Controlled Substance Act in the U.S., CBD has ushered in a renaissance of acceptance for the sacred plant (so-called in India). This, despite continued federal designation of cannabis as a “Schedule 1 drug” in the same category as heroin with criteria of: no accepted medical value, not safe for medical use, and highly addictive.

Starting at some point in the 1930s everything cannabis was lumped into the basket of “evil weed,” vilified for its psychoactive properties. Given the negative spotlight put on Black musicians and Hispanics in New Orleans and New York, it was considered a menace to white folk, and as seducing the young. [1] Panic over the plant was so palpable that cannabis as the medicine it always had been, didn’t stand a chance.

That was then and this is now. Evidence-based science is now showcased in the U.S. Government’s PubMed peer-reviewed publications, adding credibility to the many beneficial properties of and uses for CBD. First discovered in 1940 by an American chemist, Roger Adams, [2], the cannabidiol molecule was more fully understood when Israeli scientist, Rafael Mechoulam, isolated it in 1963. [3]

In a report of the February 2013 issue of The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology CBD is cited as “an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, anti-oxidant, anti-emetic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic agent, with the potential for the treatment of neuroinflammation, epilepsy, oxidative injury, vomiting and nausea, anxiety and schizophrenia, respectively.”

The CBD molecule is also neuroprotective. It protects the brain from certain disease processes and degeneration while regulating neurotransmitter function. This benefit to the brain is what caught the attention of the government and, in 2003, led to their procuring U.S. Patent No. 6,630,507.

“It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics dope and all of that stuff. It is a thousand times better than whiskey. It is an assistant and a friend.” ~Louis Armstrong, American musician, 1901-1971


CBD alters and lowers the overall psychoactive effect of THC, and is additionally considered a potential remedy for psychotic effects, and certain cognitive deficits such as PTSD and depression. Plus, it is documented to help with arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, antibiotic-resistant infections, and osteoporosis in women.

Thinking CBD is too good to be true? Think again.

The reason CBD (and other cannabis molecules) can help a number of different health conditions is because of its interface with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). Every mammal has one. It is a signaling (communication) system that regulates the homeostasis (balance) of every physiological system of the body. However, due to toxic build-up in our bodies over time, the ECS can become deficient, lose effective functioning and lead to various disease processes.

CBD, when used as medicine, mimics many of the body’s naturally manufactured molecules vital in the interface with the ECS for optimal function. Because its external administration precisely mimics internally-made molecules, CBD can reduce potential ECS deficiencies that may be triggering physical and mental symptoms, and thereby restore efficacy of the ECS towards needed homeostasis.

The only problem is that many people now believe CBD is the good part of cannabis and THC is the bad part because of its psychoactive effects. This could not be further from the truth. Yet such thinking is easy to understand due to the stigma branded on cannabis, and also for the fact we have been conditioned by a more reductionist type of healthcare system – one drug for one organ or bodily system – to think of a remedy in isolation of its plant context.

Throughout ancient and modern history and until its prohibition, cannabis was valued holistically, both hemp and marijuana. Medicinally, the whole of the plant was used to ensure a synergistic and beneficial impact on a person’s overall, general condition beyond symptom management. Called the entourage effect, the interaction of the THC, CBD, and its other equally beneficial but less understood compounds, accounts for why the therapeutic use of cannabis provides relief to a wide variety of conditions.

Those of us helping others use cannabis as medicine are forever grateful to CBD for opening the door to the opportunity to provide deeper education about the whole cannabis plant and its genuine healing gifts.

Source: https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/07/cbd-to-the-rescue.html



Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I have found that pure extracted CBD is not as good for pain. A wide spectrum extracted from hemp,in an oil works within minutes, for someone that was addicted to painkillers.

Can someone PM me a source of cheap wide spectrum oil??? My 2 dogs have breast cancer. Going to bring for surgery, but want that for whatever they can't get.


New member
I've found CBD useful for pain but similar to Loc Dog above I was using full spectrum oil from a tincture - I have recently ordered isolate CBD E Liquid but after reading the above am not expecting much!

Will let you know how i get on.

Rocky Mtn Squid

Study: Non-psychoactive CBD Oil Effective in Reducing Anxiety

Study: Non-psychoactive CBD Oil Effective in Reducing Anxiety


The legality of CBD (cannabidiol) oil has been a subject of confusion and misinformation. Simply put, CBD oil from industrial hemp is perfectly legal in all 50 states as long as it is sold as a supplement. In other words, it cannot claim to cure or remedy any ailment.

The information on what CBD oil can do is spreading through many internet articles and sites that are easily accessible to the public. This can be a boon for many who suffer from various forms of anxiety but reside in states that do not permit medical marijuana use.

A 2011 Brazilian human study demonstrated efficacy without side effects for anxiety using CBD only. Prior to the human study, an animal (mouse) study demonstrate the same results.

Anxiety is an umbrella term that covers several variations of nervous system disorders involving situations that trigger often overwhelming fear, panic attacks, dread, depression. PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that many military veterans suffer from.

A large segment of our society, over 25 percent, suffers from mild to debilitating aspects of anxiety. CBD’s legality and access would be of great value to them as well as the almost 8 million PTSD sufferers.

This Human CBD for Anxiety Study

This Brazilian CBD study seems to have been one of those phantom studies not picked up until the thriving cannabis internet media came upon it recently. It was published by the journal Neuropharmacology May 11, 2011.

CBD (cannabidiol) is the second most abundant cannabinoid of over 100 cannabinoids discovered so far in the cannabis sativa plant. The other most abundant is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol sometimes differentiated as Delta 8 or 9), which is the cannabinoid that creates psychotropic effects (the high and increased awareness) as well as offering several medicinal properties for many diseases and disorders.

They split 24 people into two equal groups of people experiencing SAD (social anxiety disorder) who had not received any treatment yet. Social anxiety disorder is probably the most common variation of anxiety there is.

The final 24 subjects were derived from screening applicants to ensure none had received any type of pharmacological treatment or psychological counseling for their SAD. Applicants with any type of chronic disease, including major psychiatric disorders, were excluded from the study as were those who had a history of drug abuse.

None of the study participants smoked tobacco, and none had used marijuana more than five times in their life. None had used marijuana at all in the last year.

A public speaking event was rigged, which normally SAD people will shun completely or fall apart in their attempts at delivering. Twelve were given placebo capsules (control group), and the other 12 were given capsules containing 600 milligrams (mg) of 99.9 (or thereabouts) percent pure CBD (cannabidiol).

The 600 mg amount is considered the maximum dosage needed for anxiety according to prior testing that relied on physiological monitoring without the challenge of public speaking. Both placebo and CBD doses were given an hour before each subject’s speech.

In addition to observations of each speaker, each without knowing which pill was taken, testing was performed on both placebo and treatment subjects with the following conclusions:

Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed [by various measurements and tests available in the study’s full text.]

Therefore, the effects of a single dose of CBD, observed in this study in the face of one of the main SAD’s phobic stimuli [public speaking], is a promising indication of a rapid onset of therapeutic effect in patients with SAD. (Source)
The researchers cited other studies including animal studies and studies that involved testing and instrument monitoring studies without a dramatic phobic stimulus such as public speaking. They also discussed how some SAD victims often “self-medicate” with whole plant cannabis containing THC and experience an intensified anxiety event or paranoia.

The purpose of this study was to prove if CDC without THC was sufficient to offer anxiety relief in challenging situations, the prospect of a possible paranoia event would be avoided. THC can occasionally cause anxiety or paranoia among even non-SAD folks, especially those who are new to using marijuana medically or otherwise.

After pointing out the pharmaceutical medications for anxiety with little benefit and several adverse side effects, the study authors stated:

CBD has important advantages in comparison with the currently available pharmacological agents for the treatment of SAD, such as an early onset of action and lack of important side effects both with acute and chronic administration to healthy subjects

Thus, because of the absence of psychoactive or cognitive effects, to its safety and tolerability profiles, and to its broad pharmacological spectrum, CBD is possibly the cannabinoid that is most likely to have initial findings in anxiety translated into clinical practice.
Commentary on CBD

The CBD this study used was not synthetic. But the 99.9 percent “pure” label used by the researchers indicates their CBD produced from natural hemp was probably an isolate.

A quick search on the researchers’ CBD sources located in Britain and Germany satisfied any concerns of whether the CBD was synthetic or extracted from natural sources. Both companies deal in herbal products.

It’s argued by some that isolates lack an entourage effect, a synergistic effect from combinations of other cannabinoids and terpenes contained in full spectrum or whole plant hemp. Thus these isolates may not satisfy everyone’s needs at all times.

However, a CBD internet site offers the following explanation:

With CBD isolates, you receive the sole benefits of CBD. In comparison, whole plant hemp extract provides the synergistic benefits of the whole hemp plant.

Whether you choose CBD isolate or whole plant hemp extract is dependent upon your health goals. Both have proven benefit in certain instances. (Source)
Industrial hemp differs from cannabis plants cultivated for use as marijuana. Industrial hemp is cultivated for its fiber for several applications, so it grows stronger and higher outdoors with short growing times.

Marijuana with various levels of THC and all or most of the other cannabinoids are various hybrid strains usually grown indoors with appropriately controlled environments. Instead of hemp’s tall strong stalks, marijuana plants are more like bushes that aren’t as tall, thus less durable than hemp stalks.

There is the argument that CBD extracted from cannabis as marijuana, cultivated with varying levels of low THC, has a stronger medical effect than CBD extracted from industrial hemp.

One of those was “Charlotte’s Web,” which was the subject of positive coverage from mainstream media.


CBD Oil Without the “High” – Medical Marijuana’s New Healing Force the FDA Wants to Restrict

But those containing THC higher than industrial hemp’s almost unnoticeable legal trace amount limit – 0.3 percent (less than half of one percent) of THC is allowed everywhere in the United States and elsewhere.

If you live in a state that allows medical marijuana, you’re free to purchase those CBD compounds that are from marijuana plants.

Those strains contain from one to over ten percent of THC by dry weight.

Outside those states, you can still have actual CBD oil or tinctures extracted from industrial hemp, which by law cannot contain more than 0.3 (point 3) percent THC.

It offers several healing properties beyond most pharmaceutical drugs normally prescribed for many conditions. The one caveat is to make sure the CBD comes from whole plant hemp, not just the seeds, for optimum results.

Some CBD products are from hemp seed oil, which is more nutritional than it is pharmacological. They lack the potency of full spectrum industrial hemp. It’s more complicated than what you might think but worthy of research, if interested.


Source: https://healthimpactnews.com/2018/study-non-psychoactive-cbd-oil-effective-in-reducing-anxiety/




Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Maybe a thread title change to something a little less specific? Like "mmj blogs and articles" or something.

Random but kind of related thought - I'm much more inclined to click on a link than read a copy/pasta. Is that weird?


Active member
"""CBD really works best with at least 3% THC, and it also works best if you use it every day."""

3% THC, and what % CBD?

What is the best ratio of THC to CBD? I've read that 1:1 or 3:2 is helpful. Does that still have any noticeable mental effect?
Last edited:


New member
I have been making CBD ointment for a year now and it works best for arthritis. I have it severe and I rely on it every day. I have been using some 1.1 My favorite so far is Seedsman CBD Hashplant. I Decarb it and use Apricot Kernel oil with a chunk of beeswax to thicken it.It works in about 1 minute and last anywhere to an hour to three hours. So you may have to use it a bunch but it beats taking Qxy all day every day. I had to get off of that shit. I just crush the buds and put them in a saucepan with the oil and bees wax and cook on 2.4 on my burner for 24 hours. It's enough to keep it hot but cool enough not to ruin the CBD/THC.


Well-known member
i've been smoking high CBD hemp buds for weeks now , helping with arthritis pain in my shoulders/hips. sleeping better now too.:tiphat:

Rocky Mtn Squid

Pain Cream

Pain Cream

I`ve been using a topical cream that I get from a member only non profit Co-Op dispensary that has 250mg THC-A and 250 mg CBD.

Great efficacy - pain relief, no foul smell, and lasts for hours.




New member
Studies show that CBD has various healing effect including arthritis and joint pains. You can mix CBD oil with your lotion and apply it directly to the affected to relief your achy joints. You can also rub CBD cream to your joints.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
ROOT oil is actually fantastic for arthritis, and I'd heartily recommend it over plain CBD any day.

3% THC will allow CBD to be more effective at lower doses. It doesn't matter how much CBD you're using, as long as it also is over 3%.