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How does cannabis affect your love life?...



I was talking recently with a member and it came up that their spouse does not smoke... So, it got me to thinkin' and wondered how that worked, or if it did..
I had been smoking longer than I had been dating and it was pretty much the rule that, if they don't smoke cannabis, I didn't go out with them... Is cannabis something that comes between you and your spouse/significant other? Is it something that brings you together? It does in my case, it has pretty much been a very common goal in our marriage to always have some smoke :canabis:
How does cannabis affect your relationship?


Anita Bonghitt
uuummmm very intersting

uuummmm very intersting

:chin: Although I have not really had a truely sucessful relationship,So I can't give much insite, but, at this point in my life,I have a hard time just finding someone that approves of my use of cannabis.Some say they don't care if I smoke, but turns out they really do, and it eventulaly leads to problems. The last guy I went out with (that appproved) only wanted a new connection. But I think its important that both partners have simular smoking habbits.


I know this is in the womens forum, sorry to interupt but i found it an interesting topic. Hope you dont mind mrs G?

Im the only one who uses marijuanana in my personal relationship.
As far as i know its working out great, she encourages me to use medical marijuana at my liesure and we have never had a problem with it in our lives. Im tempted to say im lucky, but i have a feeling that luck is only part of the equazion.

The other parts(I think) are respect and understanding, of which we have both, for the different needs we both have in life.


Oh, LeeRoy you know you are always welcome in the women forum :friends:
well, you bring up an interesting perspective on this then.. It is certainly mutual respect in your situation, but I am sure that the fact of it being medicial for you, makes her look at it totally different, then say.... if you were hanging with friends blowing a fatty just to get high and hanging out.....??? Is it all in "how" you use???
Medical VS. Recreational ... or can it be both??? I certainly think so..
I guess with anything and everything.. it is perspective...


Cough... That is it too... why would someone pretend to be ok with something that they are ultimately not Ok with..?? I think you are right that it is important to have similar tokin' habits, unless... and very rare.. you get someone who truely loves you no matter what.... and no matter what, includes cannabis... well.. that is my morning stoned opinions... lol.. :wave:
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Sometimes I feel as though my girl is a buzz-kill. We can get high together, but I get higher with other friends more dedicated to herb. Its like the family stuff just doesn't allow me to really enjoy my high. Where I could go hang with another grower pal and all we talk is strains, highs, and how our girls don't understand, I end up way higher. I think we smoke more too, I notice that my girl reaches her high quicker than I do, then I am trying to still get stoned and she has moved on. Not quite a session if you ask me. Any suggestions?


Non Conformist
shmokin with the other half... hhhmmm...

shmokin with the other half... hhhmmm...

You know what's really sad is when one half tries to hide from the other half, this just dosen't seem to work.If someone is going to split because you burn bud makes ya wonder if their worth being with at all... seems shallow, honesty is best right up front. Otherwise a mole hill always turns into a mountain later down the road... I feel blessed to be with the woman I'm with ( 16-17 years ).We like to get high and do things together seems to enhance what ever we're doin, esp. in the bed room. We call it rideing the big ka-huna... hehe... after being together for so long we are toatally comfortable with each other, so when the big O happens it's like rideing a big wave of plessure that goes on for a long,long time it deffently last longer ( for both of us ) than if we weren't high. Probably one reason we've been together so long. hehe I hope I haven't offened anyone by writting this, if I have I'm sorry.

Cough, from what I've seen in your posts you're a great person and sooner or later you will find someone worthy of your affection and not just a front looking for a connection ( whata butt-head ) well I rambled long enough... good morning buzz too all...


I'm not sure if this should be a suggestion....

I'm not sure if this should be a suggestion....

But it is a true story...
When GH and I got together (a lil over 10 years)... This too was an issue, kinda right off the bat because of all the "family" drama the was surrounding us at the time. He sat me down one day, Before we smoked and told me... "honey I don't want to hurt your feelings but I have got to tell you something because I want our relationship to be the best it can be.. (he used the word relationship, so i was all ears....) When we smoke together I would really prefer that we don't talk about "family" stuff. I want to be able to escape that for a while... I know that you can really concentrate on the issues at hand when we smoke, but I choose not to!!.. I don't wanna try to figure all that stuff out when I am high... SO, why don't you think, ponder and figure out what we need to do and tell me when we are not high, so I can really pay attention and not misunderstand what you are trying to communicate to me.... Now, at first I was a little upset... but keep in mind, then we caught a buzz... So of course I got to thinking (cause that is what I do)...... yeah, that is a bummer for me to monopolize his buzz with my social observations, thoughts and theories... SO.. like he said, I get it all figured out, and let him know what we need to do, at a time that I have his attention fully... I think that was the beginning of our "mutual respect" in our relationship....
But at the same time, you must allow for her to express her feelings at some time or she will not feel connected to you... so I guess it also includes compromise... Can't be all one way or the others... But ya gotta talk about it....
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Great Idea, a guy could learn a thing or two if you lurk in the Womens Forum long enough. Thanks for the story, I never thought of letting her know (thats why I'm StoneyPufnstuff), maybe I should...duh. I always figured she would get pretty offended by it though, who wants to hear that they're a kill-joy.


well.. I wouldn't use the word kill-joy if you are going to tell her... lol.. and ya know, looking back on the whole thing :chin: , grat3fulh3ad might have been half ass patronizing me, but it opened the line for communication, and I think that is the important part....
Someone once said, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results......


ICMag Donor
love life

love life

you guys have relayed your experiences very good, mrs.grat i can see you guys have a great relationship, have to keep it honest if you want to survive, babba and i have always enjoyed smoking together, we clicked the moment we met[playin co-ed softball] many moons ago, i didnt even know he smoked till we went out later on, but it does relax us and lets us explorer each other in a way that is very pleasurable. After a hard day at work, i know that a good puff or 2 will help me relax and enjoy my family :joint: its a part of my life and probably will be till the day i die...i gues i got off the subject a little, but you get the idea, it works for us :wink: mrs.b


New member
I to don't want to break into the ladies forum but its impotent to have a mutual respect for each other no matter the issue,I was in a job that was regulated by the coast guard and was subject to random drug test for my entire career,and what that meant was I was tested at least every 90 days no matter what ,and every time when coming back from extended time off,so it was impossible for me to smoke,but my lady did and it was not a real problem for us :joint: as I felt it was up to her,she controls her self and I like that,and then a few years ago I was hurt in an accident at sea :confused: and had to retire so the smoking thing came up at that time,before I made sure she was well supplied and never out of weed,then I had this wild thought,I could grow our own,well I grew the first crop of bag seed and it was ragweed full of chemicals and nasty,she didn't want to hurt my feelings,so she lied and said it was good to protect my feelings,I really needed to hear the truth,so I could improve my skills,well I found some sites on thru net and learned to grow this great med and now my stuff is second to none,I applied for my exemption and was given a recommendation for in excess of the states allotted amount,she applied and was granted an exemption for the minimum amount,its all in the presentation.
well I found that growing MMj is my new passion and I am a vape user,but I still have to have others test my MMj,she is afraid to hurt my feelings no matter what I say,so I guess my point is that be honest and think of your mate and then its all good,stay safe and grow big
Medron :canabis:


New member
Your mate and you are very lucky to have your exemptions. She sounds like a very kind person, being so afraid to hurt your feelings. At least you understand it.


Active member
Ms.G Mrs.B we (lil diddy & I) are with yah both 100%... I never really enjoyed realationships with girls that did not blaze watsoever and little diddle and me met through a bunch of stoners and became best friends getting stoned everyday when we became sexually active then we began to expiriment with haze and love making...

In the past we would only smoke indicas which was the only decent bud available and that always made diddy sleepy and not so playful so then I decided it was time for me to just get us haze so that we can both enjoy our smokes and have more of a positive active realationship.... the change was instant and incredible. Before we knew it we were haze junkies making love in public places! Granted it is expensive to purchase quality herbs in NYC but for a while me and diddy almost made it a tradition to find semi secluded smoking areas to enjoy some haze then each other :eek:

Now that we grow our own its even better! All my weed is positive up weed. I havent grown a sleepy couch potatoe smoke (other than g13) and maybe I wont for quite some time because other than the tradition of enjoying that daily toke with your significant other... nothing puts me in mood like when diddy has an amorous and or silly look on her face cus papa's bud or oil got her lifted :D That's when the real Who's Your Daddy comes out!

:wave: nice thread :wave:
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Friendly... That is such an AWESOME story!!!.... Thank you so much for sharing it.. makes me really excited about our sativa strains getting bigger in our garden.... and even a tad envious of the Haze that You guys been smokin'... :biglaugh:

Yes Mrs.Babba, I totally understand where you are coming from... I like to use the words: functional pot smoker: You work, pay taxes, raise your kids, pay your bills, be a homeowner, even have your own business and totally not be a slacker, and can enjoy all the benefits that cannabis has to offer for you and your famliy... Esp. in the world we live in today, cannabis really can unite your family, and unite wonderful people from across the globe to be as close as family... :friends:

RonieLee, sounds like you have wonderful understanding and example of what a relationship is suppose to be like... You are always welcome in this womans forums... :D


Is this an old topic? Would like to add my thoughts (trying to get a bit more active here at IC).

Mr. Ivy isn't a toker. When we were younger he would, but what a buzzkill! LOL Hyper, talkative, silly... Only a few times, but oyi!

I'm still the major smoker, quitting for years at a time building a family. Just the past few years I've started growing to his amusement. He's surprised at the easy sucess sometimes. Although he doesn't smoke, he doesnt mind me doing so or growing.

He has his playstation and war games, I've got my gardens and my indoor space.

We both have our relaxation time with no worries. No wife nagging about the all night game sessions, no hubby complaining of the funny smells in the closet.

Not real complicated for us, and I feel lucky :)


New member
My wife doesn't use cannabis either, but fully supports my using it medicinally. (I have a severe form of arthritis called Ankylosing Spondilitis)
When we got together, I was on the longest break I have ever taken from cannabis in over 30 years of smoking.
I stayed off it (due to health problems) for quite some time, until I was strong enough to be able to use it again. I started by going to the Compassion Clubs and eventually got back into cultivation, which she now also fully supports.
She realizes, that without this medicine, I would be forced to take ENORMOUS amounts of morphine each day, and would have zero appetite due to pain and the nausea I get from Hep C. (did I mention I have that too?)
Despite the opposite reports which are so often publicized in "anti-cannabis propaganda," I also find cannabis to be quite good for motivation! (thankfully, it takes my mind off the crap my body feels like 24/7/365!)
While we are on the topic of "your love-life and cannabis" I'd also like to say that good Sativa's, and Bubble hash, are outstanding "libido enhancers!" Most Indicas (though some of my FAVOURITE medicines) are a bit too couchlockish to be any use as a lovin' enhancer!
My hubby smokes, but very rarely. The problem is I smoke more than he does and that bothers him. He smokes cigarettes. The problem with us is I feel like the fact that I smoke as much as I do bothers him. The fact that he smokes so much bothers me and I tell him and he knows it and he doesn't care. Where as if he told me that how much I smoke bothers him it would matter to me. We use to smoke together and have great sex. Then it got to the point where he would smoke, just not with me. Who knows, maybe I was a buzz kill and he just didn't want to tell me for fear of hurting my feelings. Half the time though we smoked before we went to bed so it like we smoked, had sex, and went to sleep. Now that I'm starting my grow I've been really excited about it. I try to share things that I've learned with him and he is just like yeah ok half assed listening to me. Let him talk to me about anything car audio related and I really pay attention to him because I'm into it to and I want him to know that I support him and his hobbys. I ask him if my deciding to grow bothers him and he's like no its cool with him, but I guess it just bothers me that he's not as excited about it as I am. Maybe the fact that we as women are such more emotional creatures than men, it just naturally instills this fear in them of not wanting to hurt our feelings. Unfortunately they fail to realize that not telling us the truth will cause less problems than if they had just told the truth in the first place. I went from being a corporate business woman to a stay at home mom. I'm use to being in the thick of the action, deadline driven, constantly multi tasking a million things at one time. Then we went through a period where we had some personal issues and fruit is the way I dealt with it. It kept me from being depressed all the time. It kept me from cussing his ass out half the time. It helped me to sleep so I wasn't a bitch. It's probably the reason that we've been able to work out our problems. I miss smokin with my hubby. Maybe the new life in a new place and a new crop will bring my smoke buddy back. Guess the goal now is to find out why we don't smoke together like we use to... I'll keep you posted on that one!


That's a bit sad Ms H, and I understand where you come from on the lifestyle change. I also left corp realm to stay at home. Quite an adjustment, isn't it? LOL Weed helps you keep your sense of humor. Spilled food becomes funny, not an irritant!

Speaking of funny, I've NEVER been able to smoke and get frisky. I get way too giggly for that!
Well here's my update...

My hubby and I talked about it last night. He said that it wasn't that I was a buzz kill. It was the fact that it made him uncomfortable that I could out smoke him. He's a regular cigarette smoke and he can't handle the herb like I can. I asked him what he really felt about my grow. He didn't think I was serious about it at first until I told him I had new beans coming and wanted him to get my lights for me on his way home from work. Now he's excited for me and says that if I grow it... he'll smoke it and he'll smoke it with me...