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"Magic Bud" from Paradise Seeds



Hi fellow ICers :wave: I grew some of this bud indoors over the winter in a 400w (halide grow, HPS flower) closet grow, and I found it to be outstanding smoke. I had two MB females in the grow, and they were both indica phenos. Went to 12/12 at 12", and plants stretched to about 18". 64 days flower. Buds were dense and COVERED in trichomes. Sharp, skunky odor and very hashy taste. Expands in the lungs. Strong "right now" nicely mixed buzz, but a few too many tokes, and you can't get out of the chair. Looked like it had good yield potential, but my plants were very small, and I only got about 1/4 oz per plant. They were very easy to grow in or out (I have a couple going outdoors now). I grew organically in soil (pro mix) w/ Earth Juice nutes (grow, bloom, and catalyst) and Thrive Alive red label. It is one of the lower priced strains from Paradise Seeds (currently $39.64 US for 10 seeds), and IMO, better than many strains costing twice as much. Just my 2 cents. MG


Hi Mastergrow, I've had great luck with Paradise Seeds (Nebula). They were very stable. This sounds like a winner. I'm still looking for that killer indica I wonder if Magic bud is it. How long did you veg them? I guess you have height restrictions. I thank you for the smoke report you've opened my eyes to Magic Bud.


Thanks for looking in Smokey... I am honored. :smoker:
I didn't include the veg time in my report because that grow got off to a rocky, atypical start.
I originally got the Magic Bud for this season's outdoor grow, but after losing my outdoor plants to poachers the last 2 years, I decided to start growing indoors as a back-up. So, after ordering seeds from SD, I purchased a nice 400w setup online... intending to do an indoor bagseed grow to get back in the swing of indoor growing (I hadn't grown indoors for awhile). I started some bagseeds in peatpots and put them in a south window (Mid-December), waiting for my light to arrive. 2 weeks later....no light yet, but SD order arrived. I couldn't resist starting a couple MB and PPP (Nirvana's Pure Power Plant) seeds, figuring the light would get here any day, and I would put them under 18/6 w/ the taller bagseed plants. Long story short... light didn't arrive for 2 more weeks, so MB and PPP plants spent about half their veg cycle in a window w/ about 4 hrs of direct light a day. The bagseed plants were about 18" tall when I went to 12/12, but MB and PPP were only about 12" tall. I could have vegged 'em longer, but since I hadn't had any smoke since July, I was determined to get a late March harvest. MB and PPP plants were only 15" tall at harvest, and didn't yield much, but they were both quite tasty and VERY potent.
Another trait I have experienced w/ the MB strain, is high female to male ratio. Out of 7 of the plants I've grown so far, 5 have been female. Don't know if this is typical of MB, or if I just got lucky. It also clones easily. I think the chances of finding a nice indica "keeper" out of 10 seeds are good. A couple of my outdoor MBs are sativa phenos, so I think there is something for everyone in "the magic". I have some pollen in the freezer from a very early PPP male (sativa pheno), and I am thinking of pollenating a wonderful MB clone (indica pheno) w/ it. Magic Power Bud? If I decide to do that for sure, I will try to arrange some test grows through Gypsy or Dutchgrown.


New member
I am so very happy to see that somebody else has come to appreciate the wonderful MagicBud ... it will always have a place in my garden, I have been known to tout her virtues over at OG without reserve or restraint... I yielded 9.5 frosty stony and tasty ozs under 400 watts HPS with a clone in MDWC with an Igloo setup that allowed virtually unlimited root mass space... One plant 42 quarts ... and she LOVED it and thanked me for the root space with the best structure and node spacing I have yet seen ... side branching was optimal and man is hard to mess this one up!...
But I must point out that the Aqua farm raised mother only yielded about 3 ozs with all but the method exactly the same... so I gather MB loves root space ... I have seen similarly low end yield results from soil grows inside in the old Strain Guide at OG... MB is also the easiest to clone plant I have ever dallied with.

********************** Peace*****************


nice report, so she stays nice and squat in flower eh? sounds like an all around dank plant


New member
Cool I lost my pics of MB at OG... I had a report in the SG but couldnt find MB in the archived SG... aint she a pretty plant though?



Hello again everyone... :wave:

Yes illegal_smile, it is a pretty plant. I grew mine in ProMix...in a 3 gal pot, and it yielded 31g of cured bud...basically under a 400w light. I am pretty happy w/ that because it was one of 9 plants in the grow that yielded 11 ozs total, and 31g was only slightly below average. I agree w/ you that MB loves root space....the ones I grew outdoors last year ended up being 6' tall and wide, even w/ severe pest damage.

Thank you Zilaniz...yes, I've grown about 5 females both inside and out, and they have all been squat. Fire's pics are good examples too.

Nice pics fire :yes:
Your plant is larger than mine, but the form is identical. Stability is a good feature of this strain, and I have never had a hermie.



What medical qualities does MB possess if any? Any of you Paradise fans ever try Rox?


ICMag Donor
MB gave one of the heaviest yields in my setup

780 g from 2 x 400W Hps [30 clones of Chronic x DutchDragon own cross]
720 g ------------------ [25 MB clones ]
680g ------------------- [22 ssH f2 clones | own producion]


Secret Room

I have not heard of a bad report on Paradise genetics. Glad that you did a smoke report on MB sounds like a winner. I've done Belladonna, Sativa Spirit & Nebula all them were good.


wat is magic buds lineage? if anyone knows? i smoked some magic bud a couple years ago.. a grower i know still has his mother of her says she is great smoke.. he used a male to make some crosses that turned out great too. but i havent found anything on what the plant is.. so i havent bought a clone of it.. or any of his seeds of the crosses..

does anyone know?