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2nd International Hemp Environmental Forum


The government of Canada has announced that it intends to bring the proposed Cannabis Act into force no later than July 2018. It is expected that attention will be gathering from all over the world in the sense that it approves cannabis use at the national level for the first time in developed countries. On the other hand, hemp, which has no psychoactive nature but the same plant as cannabis, is one of the plants that contributes to the most environmental improvement because of its high carbon dioxide absorption at the time of its growth and its versatile utilities to many applications substituting for petroleum resources, is the fact that should be remarkably acknowledged.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that “warming of the climate system is now unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level” and that “most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.” (IPCC, 2007a) By 2030, temperature increases of more than 0.2 Co per decade are projected. It could be better or could be worse, depends on the scenario, awareness of people and our action. Extreme climate events are expected to increase in frequency and severity and all regions will likely be affected by the increase in floods, droughts, heat waves, tropical cyclones and other extreme events with significant consequences for food and forestry production, and food insecurity.

In 2016, the international network “International Hemp Environmental Forum” (IHEF) was formed and the 1st Forum was held as the kickoff event of the network on 2nd July 2016 at the site of Kyoto International Conference Center where Kyoto Protocol has been adopted in 1997 at COP3, in the presence of the main network of experts and industrialists from the world as well as with the honor of participation of the First Lady of Japan and the Mayor of Kyoto. The first forum was held in Japan to represent mainly the impact on the environmental issue aspect of hemp and historical aspects of it with the hypothesis of the oldest fossilized traces of hemp pollen brought back Japan from 35,000 years ago and its long, in deep tradition of using hemp in Japanese culture, among Shinto shrines and by the Emperor. And it was also to remind the world decontamination of the land following the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, with the fact using hemp in Chernobyl for the reduction of soil toxicity. Following that 1st Forum of IHEF, we believe it's time to implement the utilities of hemp worldwide, put into industrial applications, developing the market to realize its role. Thus 2nd IHE Forum will be held in July 2018 in Quebec, Canada.

2 - Event Concept

As we've learned at Kyoto Hemp Forum in 2016, hemp has been cultivated and used by human for at least over 15,000 years, concerning deep into human's culture and it has a lot of effectiveness for improving the earth environment then creating sustainable forms. Hemp is good for creating sustainable future. Nobody can deny this now. Hemp is Lifeline to the Future. Now it's time to implement its versatile utilities widely in order to switch to sustainable social life style worldwide. Which means to work on industrialization and develop the market, do the R&D, innovate the technics and expand the applications for real use in our daily lives substitute to non sustainable materials. As we saw, there are several sites on earth already implementing hemp at industrial level from which we can learn a lot, and also we have enthusiastic people in our group to do so too. It's time to establish the industrial hemp at large scale and make it as the global benchmark for industrialization, exchanging the information and technics which other regions can follow and develop more eventually, which next generations to follow. It's time to "Restore Hemp!" globally.

3 - What is IHEF? Who we are?

International Hemp Environmental Forum (IHEF) is the international network with members who are the experts on hemp and environmental issue, first formed on January in 2016 aiming for development of hemp broadly. Number of the members at this moment in September 2017 is counting 72 people, gathering from 25 countries, covering whole inhabitable 5 continents, communicating frequently, exchanging about any topics concerning hemp or environmental issues. Those countries are Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, CzechRepublic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine and USA. Some members are experts in Hemp business or industry, some are merchants, some are journalists, and some are involved with academic field, researchers. Our common goal is making sustainable future utilizing the usefulness of hemp for human being and environment of the earth.

4.Where and why is Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and the city of Desbiens?

Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (Sag-Lac) is a region in Quebec, Canada, with a land area of 98,710.11 km2 (38,112.19 sq mi). The population of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region was 274,880 at the Canada 2011 Census, representing 3.5% of Quebec's population.
This region is bathed by two major watercourses, Lac Saint-Jean and the Saguenay River, both of which mark its landscape deeply and have been the main drives of its development in history. It is also irrigated by several other large watercourses. Bordered by forests and mountainous massifs, the southern portion of the region constitutes a fertile enclave in the Canadian Shield called the Saguenay Graben.

Sag-Lac is already the most-hemp-producing region in the eastern part of the Canada, with 2,000 hectares in 2017, about 50 agricultural producers have included it in their rotation, some of them are doing hemp cultivation over 15 years. The regional agricultural network of the UPA is tightly woven and very organized, and both the regional management of the UPA and the relevant sectoral associations are supporting the process. More than 200,000 hectares of agricultural land are available in the region whose boundaries are well defined. The region includes a recognized industrial network of SMEs that has responded to the needs of multinationals with world-class solutions , the ingenuity of which will serve the development of our hemp cluster, thus making the region conducive to technology transfer forum will bring.

Insofar as the City of Desbiens is at the heart of the industrial hemp development activities, we are working now with the City of Desbiens to set up a processing plant on its territory, Partners recognize the City of Desbiens as the instigator of the establishment of an environmental hemp valley in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.

Desbiens is a city in the Canadian province of Quebec, located in Lac-Saint-Jean-Est Regional County Municipality. It is on the shores of Lac Saint-Jean at the mouth of the Métabetchouane River.

Please help us by spreading the message let's "Restore Hemp!"