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White powder forming from co2 tank


What is this powder coming from my co2 tank?

Normally I run a burner but it's down atm.

This is first time using co2 tank.

This shits building up everywhere on every surface is this normal?


Active member
thats odd

thats odd

Another question. What is this powder? Will it hurt the plants?

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Only thing i thought of is you have got a liquid dip tank with tube inside so you get dry ice but it would evaporate to co2

Ive used tons of co2 over years ,
I got dip tanks because i got lots more Co2 that way
and i had to decant into normal co2 bottles.A


Yeah it's dry here I have to use a humidifier

I bet your dust is coming from the cool mist humidifier. Clean that thing out really well, and be sure you are using distilled water, or at least low ppm RO water in the humidifier. I don't think the dust is coming from your CO2 source. If I'm right, the dust isn't really harmful, just the crud out of your water/humidifier.


You have it set too high and moisture is re-solidifying on the cold tank/regulator. Its pretty normal just turn it down a little and for the most part it was stop happening.