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Marijuana Is “Only Slightly Less Awful” Than Heroin

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See...Now I can have a conversation w someone who makes a statement like this...IF you acknowledge that what your putting on Democrat politicians shoulders here pales in comparison to the obstructionism and unequalled disrespect and outright lies the right has heaped upon the world the last 8 years
The tea party was NOT elected to keep him in check...They were elected as part of an uprising on the part of the right wing base who were tired of their reps lying and selling out...Just like the Bernie babies almost pulled of on the left last year..

I would have liked to elaborate more on that specific point, but I felt I was being long winded already. I DO acknowledge that. I may be German but I've never been called a nazi or a facisst before this election, and I'm pretty social liberal by all standards.

I think the tea party rose to keep obama in check, but in the long run has changed the narrative form the neocon, rhino era to an origanalist, populist movement. I don't see the same happening with the young socialist movement, it's just un american.

Hell dems and repubs were against trump, what's not to love about that?


Active member
I am so sick of people who automatically calling anyone who supports or voted for Trump a fascist Nazi. I agree that most American people love this country, but politicians love power more than anything. The media is no better. It would be nice if we could debate ideas objectively without descending in to useless mindless name calling. Our country is truly divided. I personally feel like a political prisoner here in California.


Well-known member
There is a long term history of fascism in the country that has never been dealt openly or honestly.
IMO i think we all fall into one category and thats being socially liberal and fiscally conservative. albeit to varying degrees.

i dont think all trump supporters are nazi/fascists/racists etc etc. there are a chunk of people that are though. so thats where guilt by association kicks in and everyone gets labeled that. i know some really good people that voted for him and theyre nothing like that. they were just republicans voting for their candidate. thats the problem with painting with too wide of a brush, all the individual detail gets missed.


Active member
I would have liked to elaborate more on that specific point, but I felt I was being long winded already. I DO acknowledge that. I may be German but I've never been called a nazi or a facisst before this election, and I'm pretty social liberal by all standards.

I think the tea party rose to keep obama in check, but in the long run has changed the narrative form the neocon, rhino era to an origanalist, populist movement. I don't see the same happening with the young socialist movement, it's just un american.

Hell dems and repubs were against trump, what's not to love about that?

Republicans elected Trump & it wasn't because he was reasonable. Quite the contrary. He drew them over to the dark side. It was a giant middle finger to the rest of America & the world, an expression of culture warrior resentment & bigotry, a substitution of sloganeering for reason.

Labeling the opposition as un-american is the crowning glory in all that, of course.


Active member
The tea party and Trump and all the Senate house, state house's and governors that went right wing. This happened because Americans want America back. Most of this country don't want liberal progressive policies which have weakend the military, employment, the constitutional protections. Obama added more debt than every president combined, this is a fact. You can't run a 20 trillion dollar debt and have a significant portion of society 100 % dependant on the government. That will never last, eventually the country will collapse under the debt.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Republicans elected Trump & it wasn't because he was reasonable. Quite the contrary. He drew them over to the dark side. It was a giant middle finger to the rest of America & the world, an expression of culture warrior resentment & bigotry, a substitution of sloganeering for reason.

Labeling the opposition as un-american is the crowning glory in all that, of course.

To flip it. Obama was the social justice warrior with a message of empowering 'victims' and heaping guilt on mostly 'Whites' or conservatives. Conservatives and Whites can be mixed with a lot of other things, but I digress. :tiphat: They need a bad guy so they can be victims.

Labeling the opposition as un american. Exactly what Obama and Schumer and the rest of them say when arguing with Trump. Exactly, word for word. You just like them and pay no mind to it.


Well-known member
You should send a screen shot of that to Fox, the advertisers would be tickled pink.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You are right, it is true so they would like it. They already know.


Active member
i'm natural born usa citizen with ancestors that go back many generations in usa on both sides.

I call myself a natural born usa citizen, not an "American".

the whole usa continent is filled imo with hypocrites looking for a leader to lead them to victory. ultimately the power rests with the ppl but they need to start being honest. they need to start actually being who they fancy themselves as.

here's the truth from my perspective: legal synthetic products like mamba are nearly as bad as heroin. real cannabis is fantastic medicine. even fantastic medicine can be abused but compared to alcohol cannabis is the knight in white shining armor.

the general population needs to start being honest. they need to join forces to get the legalization that cannabis deserves.

until the general public starts being upfront and honest we will continue to place blame on corrupt ppl in positions of authority.

ultimately the power rests with the ppl, not elected corrupt officials that actually mirror the general populace.
Power rests with the people. What are you some delusional hippy from the 60's? We did not stop the war, it was finally realized as the unwinable failure it always was and it was is the govt's best intersrt to stop it. Americans are blinded by consumerism and cannot bow to any other god. If they could at least vote with their money that would be a huge advance but sadly saving pennies at Walmart that put their uncle's 30 year old business out of business is more important.
I was fortunate to have lived in the hey day of America and glad I no longer need to work for money.
Nowadays college costs as much as a house and doing without it relegates you to the service industry. Getting a rather useless degree and working a service industry job with the debt is even a worse scenario.
No worries now that we have a president that will make America great again. It's been a bumpy start so far but when everyone is insured and medical care is cheaper and things are terrific all those problems we are facing will be history.
Thanks in advance Donald.
The greatest hope for cannabis is it's earning power for the government. To that they will listen. How many states will standby and allow the CO, WA, OR and AK model that returns millions to their coffers go unreplicated? Fewer and fewer I hope.


Active member
. The strict Prohibitionists are losing numbers every day , they are dying of old age. Trumps guy might be a big worry for the people invested in the cannabis industry, but for the small time home grower, it doesn't mean much.


If only the Native Americans had practiced Trump's immigration policy for "all immigrants" landing on their shores. We might all be better off today! Regards,


Active member
Sessions already told the Congress to legalize cannabis if they do not want to enforce the laws on cannabis. I guess that means, we need to contact our representatives and demand that the travesty that is cannabis laws need to be fixed. The legislature has the power to fix it, but they won't.


Active member
If you voted for trump please delete your accounts. You truly DO NOT BELONG HERE. Let me clarify. IF YOU ARE ON ICMAG, YOU EITHER GROW POT, CONSUME POT, USE POT TO ALLEVIATE SOME PAIN OR MEDICAL CONDITION, OR ALL 3.

To support TRUMP is to support his views on pot.

That 1) the medical marijuana is a joke and an excuse for POT junkies to use pot legally. It has no real medical benefit.

2) that the states with recreational need shut down.

3] remember in his campaign, he said he would "paraquat bomb the domestic outdoor crops"?

4) the medical mj system is absurd and grossly over exaggerated when it comes to its legitimacy
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Active member
You know couch locks liberals like you are the reason Trump was elected. Fuck off. Many brave men have died so you can make ignorant ass statements like that. I love my country ( not my government). Grow up snowflake find your safespace and let the adults handle the situation.


Active member
I will keep it on topic from here on out. Mabey we can act like adults and not decend into pointless name calling.
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