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WYD - Growth Patterns

Ergot Hopps

New member
Any persons who are growing WYD or harvested WYD, could you give some detail on the patterns in particular the stretch of the plant after 12-12.

Currently there are [7] WYD [pinched] at 19 days under 250 M-H, My concern is a maximum 85 cm growth height.

The [7] [pinched] WYD are all under 17cm therefore if there is around 2.5X of stretch, flowering at 12 inches will be perfect but any more and it could be fatal for the top [colas].


New member
Sorry that I can't shed any light yet.Mine just sprouted this morning.I am planning to put them on 12/12 as soon as they have 2 sets of leaves so that I can sex them and hopefully have at least 1 female to take a clone or 2 from.That way they'll be ready for my next grow.If this isn't a good idea,somebody please tell me?Thanks,BigPapa




hehe..dood the wyd promotion only started in january.... if any one did grow them out already and has smoked it and has bud shots woulndt say a word, due to the fact that he would probably have the most potent and efficient and fast growing fertiliser secret in the world, LOL crunks puf puf pufpupfu pfupfufpufpfupfupfu pass :p
mine are 2 days into flowering now.. :) havnt seen much yet but they went nuts in veg.. and showed sex at about 20 days from seed. ITS A GIRL! (well a couple ;))