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Gavita 6/750 bulb in a Gavita 1k fixture


Active member
One of my Gavita 6/750 fixtures died. A friend has Gavita 1000 watt fixtures that he will sell cheap.

Can I use a Gavita 6/750 bulb in the 1k fixture set on the 600 watt and 750 settings? Will it be the exact same as using a 6/750 fixture on the 600 watt and 750 watt settings?


Dog Star

Active member
I dont belive they are same size.. maybe 750W is shorter than 1000 DE..

am never sees 750 w bulb but doesnt look logical no matter 1000 fixture have
750 w option..

You sure they are same size,think on both type bulbs??


ICMag Donor
You'll likely burn the bulb out quicker in an oversized ballast.

Possibly even risk a fire hazard if the bulb bursts.