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hindu kush

is sensi's hindu kush anywhere near a landrace? it supossedly is an ilb eversince collection. would it be a good place to start breeding?
i got two of them growing from seed don't know sex yet but they look totally different from one another one is very short with extremely broad leaves. it is 4 weeks old and has 11 nodes and is nl 4 inches tall. it even branched from the seed leaves. the other is abot 8 inches tall and only has 4 nodes with no branches at all and thinner lighter green leaves. in a way i hope the short one is a male so i can cross it with everything i can get ahold of. it also smells like a skunks ass. the taller one has no odor at all


Namekian resident/farmer
I currently have some Hindu Kush running right now they all have that intriguing Kush smell to em broad leafs one though is slightly taller stretch wise I hope that to be a male considering the Pakistani Chitral kush have mainly reek of earthy peaches I am going to cross em and keep em pure I've always been in love with Hindu Kush since I first bought a bag and could not believe how different it was smoke wise the stone too was immaculate and helped incredibly with my PTSD

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