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Ladies,how do I get involved in growing with my husband

Tom Hill

Active member
Ok, here is the problem, I'm not into the growing procedure, just like pertaking of the herb.however my husband is into the growing.very good he is, might I add, anyway,i would like to be more involved and not sure how to approach this.any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Start calling him daddy. Let him know this is not yet another thing you plan to take away from him/us. Let him have his ego and look up to him with your sad inquisitive puppy eyes. A woman who understands all this always end up on top,, zero force,, she mostly conquers from underneath, like bruce lee mf water. ;)


passing the gas
foolproof approach here…

Tom Hill

Active member
naw man if it was a guys forum i'd say never ever let her in lol :p

never deprive her of the peace that comes from being out of the loop..

she does enough already,, let her do it.


Active member
Seriously? Just pitch in unasked with the grunt work like carrying water or soil bags or nutes something first. It WILL get noticed. And I imagine hubby has some books about growing weed. Read them. And if he doesn't have any, get one, maybe George Cervantes book, read it, and make sure he sees you reading it. But always, always, defer to him before actually doing anything to the plants, even just watering. At least until he trusts your judgment.

But, then again, I hafta agree some with Tom here. He actually grows partly for you. He knows he can do that, give you something from it, he knows you like weed, while also getting some personal satisfaction himself in doing a good job. Unless you are completely willing to share and still let him be the boss in the grow room, maybe it would be best to just to give him that. And still know that you are also giving him something.


I had to giggle when I read your post BC when I got with my man a year ago I thought I'd never be involved in his growing. I actually at first thought it was ridiculous to be so obsessed with every detail about growing and kind of thought he waisted too much time in it. But as lil time went on, I was a part of it. I totally love helping out. It is fun. I have learned so much from him. I still feel like I don't know anything at all. I love to help harvest. Trimming the plants are fun. That is a great job for "the GF" to do. You may offer to help with that. I also help transplant plants. I have helped build walls for our plant rooms... My honey loves it when I am a part of helping him. I think being involved with your husband's hobby really means alot to them. So I try be helpful and tell him how pretty plants are, etc ;)


Of course I would be the numb nut who post on a thread from 2011 Lol New to this !! ;)