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Durban Poison

Wife found some 6 year old Nirvana Durban Poison seeds while cleaning the other day.:gift: How is that for Christmas. Hehe I stashed them away and forgot about them. Well I'm excited to play with them, anybody else have experience? I'm thinking they may even be a very good outdoor candidate here, what do you all think?


Well-known member
Vigorous growth, very good yields, skunky looking, strong speedy high. Was ready on Sept 26th at 43 degrees north. Performed very well in hot dry climate.
Nice that sounds perfect for outdoor here. I think i will keep all females I get and try clones of each inside and out so I can see who shines.


Active member
Nice strain, very good yielder, mine was ready the 3rd week of september at 49° north.
Nice high, not very complexe but can be quite strong and speedy after a 5 week cure.:woohoo:


"Tibet freedom"
Durban Poison

Durban Poison is one first strain i grow , and i want to grow again.
only i have good remenber of she...:smokeit::pie:
Nice. Well when I used these and others six years ago I really didn,t do them justice, this time around its on.
Got plenty of plans now I just gotta find a good spot outside...should be easy here but yeah right.