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Has Anyone Left Their Clones in Rooting Gel Overnight??!!

Well I'm back to say don't do it.

All of them died no matter how much I babied them.

All of the tips were stained and fried.

One vote for no.

Two votes for stupid.

Three cheers for scissor hash bong hits!

my personal guess is they fell over with brown slime stems? or some similiar description?
when I used no rooting hormone I got almost 100%.
when I use rooting hormone I post about 15 % . all the same way . they fell over and the bottom seemed rotten.
my theory is that the hormone acid eats a bit if the stem surface exposing it for better rooting ( why you cut the bottom on an angle to expose more pith )
AMD while exposing more of the stem part that will start rooting but at the same time exposes more unprotected "skin " and allows infection in . like an open wound.