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Severe Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures


Hey everybody.

It is well known within the MMJ community that cannabis can be effective for some patients in treating epilepsy. However, there is very little information available for treating PNES. Due to the lack of research, I was wondering if any patients here have experience with these types of seizures and treatment.

Here is the situation: I have good friend that has been suffering from PNES for about 3 years now. She has several grand maul seizures a day, some lasting as long as 2 hours. She is on a handful of different medications, which have rather severe side effects. The problem is that the doctors cannot figure out what is causing the seizures.

I want to talk with her about trying cannabis as a treatment option. I mentioned it to her when it first started and she dismissed the idea immediately. She is very conservative, as well as her family that she lives with. She recently told me that she is giving up hope and thinks about suicide on a regular basis. I want to talk with her again about alternative treatment, but am unsure of how to do so. I'm probably only going to have one chance to get her to hear me out. She is one of the kindest and most honest people I've ever met, and I cannot stand to see her suffer.

If anybody has experience with this, would you be able to share any information you can with me? Efficacy, dosages, administration, or any other data/experiences would be a great help. Thank you all for your time.



Well-known member
Free ☕
I suffer myself from epilepsy, autism, ADHD, depression,..and several other mental illnesses.
Officially diagnosed.

Cannabis is a great aid for me. It relaxes my mind and feels like it smears the gears in my head.

I'm using low doses therapeutically for several years now.
Before I was a vegetable locked into my own mind and body. I was incapable of doing anything. Barely able to wipe my own ass. Now I have an excellent job and I didn't suffer from a seizure in almost a year. And best of all I'm perfectly capable of communicating with other people now. Both online and in person. (I'm non-English and don't use a spellchecker.)
This is like a new world that opens up for me.
A few hours ago I was even bullying some people here on the forum. :biggrin: My visitorspage got messed up now. Lmao.

I had to take many nasty prescription pills. SSRI, Anti-Psychotic, Anti-Epileptica (Amphetamine based), Xanax, Temesta, Beta-blockers,... I have thrown them all out and never felt better. I haven't even attended a therapy sessions in several years even.
The only thing what's still troubling me a bit is slight depression. But this is caused because of several things I still need to fix in my life.

I don't respond well too CBD, it's like it darkens my mind.
What works the best for me are regular hybrid strains that lean more to the Sativa side with a clearheaded uplifting high. My favourite strains so far are all White Widow based.

Just be carefull to give at first a very tiny amount. The size of pea maximum. She might otherwhile get anxious.

I hope my story is a bit of an aid to you.
I know there are other members here that uses cannabis therapeutically I hope they'll come into your thread and share their story. Come on guys.

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Cannabinoids for refractory epilepsy

Cannabinoids for refractory epilepsy

Hey everybody.

It is well known within the MMJ community that cannabis can be effective for some patients in treating epilepsy. However, there is very little information available for treating PNES. Due to the lack of research, I was wondering if any patients here have experience with these types of seizures and treatment.

Here is the situation: I have good friend that has been suffering from PNES for about 3 years now. She has several grand maul seizures a day, some lasting as long as 2 hours. She is on a handful of different medications, which have rather severe side effects. The problem is that the doctors cannot figure out what is causing the seizures.

I want to talk with her about trying cannabis as a treatment option. I mentioned it to her when it first started and she dismissed the idea immediately. She is very conservative, as well as her family that she lives with. She recently told me that she is giving up hope and thinks about suicide on a regular basis. I want to talk with her again about alternative treatment, but am unsure of how to do so. I'm probably only going to have one chance to get her to hear me out. She is one of the kindest and most honest people I've ever met, and I cannot stand to see her suffer.

If anybody has experience with this, would you be able to share any information you can with me? Efficacy, dosages, administration, or any other data/experiences would be a great help. Thank you all for your time.

Hello Kaabon, I hope that my late response can still help you to find a better and safer way to treat your condition.

A friend of mine also suffer of refractory epilepsy with frequent mood changes and difficulties spending a normal day. He found online this article about cannabinoids treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy, that also contain a video of the doctor explaining the action of cannabinoids on the brain.

He'd contacted this clinic specialized in cannabinoids treatments localized in Barcelona, and he took an appointment for an online consultation via Skype, since he lives in Italy, and at the moment he's under this treatment with a full spectrum CBD oil.

Hoping that at least the information that they provide on their website can be useful also for getting a better overview of this treatments and of their potentials.

Hope for you the best!
Cheers :biggrin:


Speed of Dark
Oh boy, I get to do another anecdote.

In the very early 1960's I suffered from mild convulsions, seizures, or whatever. I was 10 years old.
Sent to the states for examination (Seattle), it was determined I did not have epilepsy. For several years I was on several medications, most which only made life miserable.
Then I was introduced to marijuana and have smoked regularly ever since. The seizures were not even in the equation at the time.
It is only now when this thread started that I realized I have not had a seizure in over 30 years.
This is not a subject I think about much since it is not happening.

It could be a coincidence and I merely outgrew the seizures, could be.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
When I go 2 months without cannabis, I have seizures, strokes and brief moments of paralysis. I don't plan on going without cannabis again. ;)

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