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you know U are a real grower when:


Active member
you know you are a real grower when:

- you can slide your finger acros the top of a normal piece of paper and turn it into a "post it"

- you have a waterhose roller permanently placed in your livingroom.

- you are happy to sleep next to a running squirrel cage fan.

- you can't sleep without the hummin of your growroom in the background.

- you deal more with the seedbanks than with the normal ones.

- your default explorerpage is icmag.

- you honestly can use the excuse "you have to go home and water you plants"

- your christmas wishlist contains items like fertilizer, grodan and hydropellets.

- You adjust your drinking water to ph 6,0

- you have turned nightblind or have to wear sunglasses anywhere in your house.

- you have a temperature alarm on your bedtable

- you see life 30X

- you start to think the sun is a son-t plus

- your idea of an army is 1000 Phytoseiulus persimilis
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Uncle Jesse

Active member
When ya got 3 cases of quart large mouth Ball and Kerr canning jars ,
and you don't even own a pressure cooker ! :chin:

I like this thread !
When you see every HID street lamp as a potential pot farm :wink:

When you have a holster for your spray bottle when you go into the garden. And a secret mini holster on your ankle under your pant leg should any surprises occur :biglaugh:
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Resident pissy old man
When you sit down at McDonald's by a table of high school kids talking about pot, and you laugh your ass off at all the stupid(and wrong) shit they say.

When you have more seeds in your fridge than food!

When half the guys at Home Depot know you by your first name.

When the manager of the local hydro store is trying to date your daughter.


Active member
- you have more pictures of plants on your pc than family an porn.

- you get a bone of watching a flowering female

- you look at pictures of "males" thinking how nice beautifull....you especially like the "balls"

- you hear the name AK 47 you think of the plant ...not the weapon.

- you think the limit of life is the amount of amps you can pull from you house

- you have thoughts of buying a windmill

- you own a big powergenerator and live in an apartment
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Uncle Jesse

Active member
You Don't sharpen your scissors , you scrape em with a razor blade !

Edit: You have a room that reminds you of places ------- you have never been !
and hours seem to to pass by , in the blink of an eye .
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your girlfriend understands when you spend hours in the other room with another female

Peregrin Took

Active member
- Your plants eat better than you do.

- Youve clogged your sinks garbage disposal or your toilet with fanleaves etc.

- You feel like everyone is looking at you while buying soil, fertz, and ammendments at HD, in january.

These are all of my own experience.


free your SELF
When you purposely stay out of the sun for months so that when you open up your grow room door your pale skin reflects the light better.


-When you buy water without any intention of consuming it yourself

-When your electric bill for your plants exceeds the amount of electric you use for yourself

-When you run out of PH Testing supplies, can't get to the hydro shop and think 'Oh no, I'm doomed!'

-When you have dreams about your plants or with your plants in them

-When you spend more time with your plants than you do other human beings

-When the guy at the hydroshop can anticipate what you are there for because you pick up needed supplies like clockwork.

-When the guy at the hydroshop winks at you after you make a purchase, even though you haven't ever told him what you are growing

-When the guy at the hydroshop says your his no1 customer

-When instead of sucking cock for coke, you suck pipes for smoke?

-When the police ever come to your door for something non related to your grow, you get nervous even if you are the only one who knows

-When you learned more about plants and chemicals than you ever did in science/biology class

-When you have two cameras for taking pictures, one for macro shots and one for regular full plant shots

-When you grow buds larger than your 12 inch penis (thats right ladies, call me! )

-When the main use of your expensive cameras are for cannaphotography

-When you smoke buds longer than your arm....regularly

-When you smoke your homegrown with friends and they ask you where they can get some, and you tell them 'You can't buy any, the guy is out of it, I got the last bag' just so they don't know you grow

-When you can't smell your plants much even when your in the same room with them, but the mail man can smell them from the front door

-When harvest time is when you are happiest

-When you can easily tell final harvest dry weight, from a freshly picked harvest just by looking at it

-When you go to the cannabis cup and know more about the strains being displayed than those who grew them and are competing.

-When you are actually patient enough to let the plants finish properly

-When you pretty much pin point the harvest date to the exact, even from the day you plant a seed

-When your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband is jealous of your plants

-When your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband cheats on you because you don't pay attention to them anymore and then you throw them out and they try to take a bunch of shit with them when pretty much everything is yours ...fucking bitch. (eat pre-nop!)

-When no one can ever get their hands on bud as good as you

-When people ask to get some of the bud you smoke from your dealer for them, you say he is always out, but you always have bud

-When you answer 'you know your a grower when...' thread, with a list of more than 20 'you know your a grower when..' replies :chin:
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When you answer the door with a fan leaf stuck to the top of your sock.

When you look for a new house the first thing you look for is a grow spot.

You know what safe addy means, and have one.

When you keep track of where you buy dirt from so you dont raise suspicions.

When you buy a bale of promix in single digit temps from the local flower shop.

When you never want to smoke anyone elses weed.

A bedroom door in your house has a deadbolt.

You go to he aquarium section at walmart but dont think about fish.

A relative sleeps on the couch, but the plants get there own room.

You lust for every black five gallon bucket you see.

This was a kick ass thread over at OG.

Mr. Nevermind

When you always have the best herb and someone comes up to you asking you for your dealers number and you just have a blank look on your face. knowing there is no dealer or nummber to give.

You also know when you are a real grower when you have no ideas how to go about buying herb in the town you live. Growers are there own dealers and lose trck of how to even score herb since we dont have to



when you've got more spare parts than a plumber's van .......................................................and you're not a plumber!

When PVC pipes are casual in the living room!

when you think of the bathroom for testing leaks, not taking leaks!

when 360 degrees of your yard has sun potential commited to memory, even if you know you can't grow there.

if you ever use the phrase; "save that for my worms"

if you can appreciate the smell of healthy soil

if a bag of chunky perlite makes your day

if sex vs. plant care has ever been a tough decision

if sitting alone watching the plant grow is an ideal way to un-wind

You don't have a job, and spend 23.75 hours out of everyday doing whatever you feel like.

When 99% of people around you hate you.
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You go to a local houseplant & garden shop asking for supplies and end up giving a lecture to the shopkeeper
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Mr. Nevermind

Trichome Toker said:
If you don't have a job.

good one.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Trichome Toker again.

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stone fool
Thumbnails cut to a point on both hands to do minor fan trimming without futher tools.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
You know exactly what store to go to for that "perfect" Rubbermaid or Sterlite container and carefully inspect any new items. Plus, you have more in-stock of certain items than Walmart.

Friends start talking about their hobbies and you have ABSOLUTELY nothing to say.

You concoct alternate scenarios for the crap you are buying on the way to the hardware store, just in case.

You know the average PH of your local tapwater.