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New member
Hi everybody.
Thought I'd pass on some info. I tried growing in a purpose built g-room in a corner of a cellar. Two years I tried and everytime the gals went yellow and then white. All the very good hydro growers that I know tried helping me out.
As I'm on well water I tried fetching water from my nearest town and I bought a reverse osmosis filter. Changed feeds. Then one day a friend thought it might be a good idea if I tried dowsing. First off she let me try in her garden and I got a reaction in three places. Home I went with the dowsing rods and tried the room. The reaction was startling the rods went wild. I moved the white plant three feet outside the growroom into the cellar and I have'nt looked back since. I'm now on my third crop. So if you're having the same sort of problems let me know and I'll help all I can.

Now you know where my name came from... WWK stands for the
Welsh Weed Killer.



so wat actually made your grow better then? just moving the plant 3 feet cos...?
excuse me if im a liyttle slow as to wat your saying but it doesn't make sense to me without an explanation.
I thought u was gona say u found water n used the water u found while dowsing, other than that im at a loss as to why your grow improved :confused:
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New member
Hi Hippo
I was a bit stoned when I posted and forgot the why!!!!!
My house was built in the early 1800's and is right next to a farm that goes back to the 1600's. From my research (had to be a little careful) I found that there had been an old well where I put the g-room. The well had been capped making it black water that in turn gives off positive ions when in fact negative ions are better for us and plant life. A consentration of positive ions
is even worse. Think how good you feel when sitting by the sea or by a waterfall. Negative ions gives a feeling of well being. Ionizer's do the same
but won't allways counteract the effect of positive ions. I've read loads of books on the subject now. But I found it pretty strange that positive was bad and negative was good. But you can't argue with Mother earth. One last thing is the energy field I'm getting is about 5feet square and runs right up through the house. I tried an experiment and put my dogs bed in the path of the field in my living room and boy let me tell you he would'nt sleep in it.

Hope that clears it up Hippo.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Very interesting stuff WWK. I was a little confused, as Hippo was at first, but you cleared it up. I wonder if anyone else has experimented with this? Thanks for the information.

GreatLakes THC


New member
Hi GreatLlakes,
I've managed to help a few growers out using this method.

If anyone wants to give it a try:
Get a couple of eighth gas welding rods or the two bottom straight parts of a metal coat hangers. Cut them at 15 inches.
Bend them at 6inches. You hold them at the 6inch part gently. Keep your arms tucked into your side with the rods straight out in front. If you have a suspected bad area walk into it. If there is a problem the rods will cross over each other. Walk backwards and the rods will cross back. Its an amazing feeling when it happens. Give it a try.


As Bill Shakespere said "there are more things in heaven and earth etc"

Peace to the world


Its a trip. Done it when I was a kid. Dont know 4 sure how it helps growing, But I can tell you where the water is.


New member
Hi Man,
From what I've read seems all about magnetic energy and positive and negative ions. Negative being the good guys. I've now dowsed several places where people could'nt grow. What I find interesting is how close the area's where you can and can't are. Is this to do with Positive and Negative running side by side. In my own case 3feet.
Makes yer wonder.
