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FDA Approves 3 Different Cannabinoid-Based Medicines


New member
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aware that cannabis and cannabis-derived products are being used for a number of medical conditions, such as AIDS wasting syndrome, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, treatment of spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, and cancer and chemotherapy-induced nausea. Despite this fact, the FDA has not yet approved a marketing application for a drug product containing or derived from the whole cannabis plant. It has, however, approved three cannabinoid-based medicines derived from isolated synthetics: Marinol, Syndros, and Cesamet.
Marinol and Syndros include the active ingredient dronabinol, a synthetic delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cesamet includes the active ingredient nabilone, which is synthetically derived and has a chemical structure similar to THC. While these synthetic drugs are afforded cultural and medical legitimacy, as well as tax breaks and open market privileges, cannabis users and manufacturers of cannabis-based products still risk incarceration and social marginalization. We have been fooled time and time again. Medicines touting the claim of “FDA Approved” or “FDA Registered” can lull us into a false sense of security and safety. FDA certification of a product is never a guarantee of safety or effectiveness of anything. :dance013:

soil margin

Active member
It's insane that our government still wants to claim that the chemicals in cannabis are dangerous yet has given approval to companies selling synthetic copies of those chemicals as medicine. Nothing hypocritical there or anything. It's pretty goddamn obvious at this point that the real complaint our government has is with personal freedom and the ease of growing cannabis, not the capability of the plant itself.

Farm Hero

It's all about the dollars and big pharma has plenty, they run the FDA and they buy politicians easily and have for a long long time.

Freedom will never be granted, it must be fought for and seized, but we cannot seem to come together as one voice, so money will win again.

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