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Grow Science - Arizonas finest MMJ, graded on a 100 point scale


Picked up some Grow Science after being recommended by about a million people in the state of Arizona. Quality has always been an issue here in the Southwest,but I'm told Grow Science is the end all be all of quality. So let's see. Grow Science states they only harvest mature flowers, and cure them for 1 month minimum @ 60-60. Sounds nice so far even though the harvest dates for these two samples are 2-06 and 2-19 of this year. But I don't smoke with my eyes and ears so let's get to it!

Tamper proof packaging insures me I've not had my bud swapped by a dispensary employee (huge problem in Az). I've had patients in the past tell me they were less than impressed with Grow Science but were suspicious the budtenders had simply been swapping buds out with lower quality chemical trash. No longer possible with the new packaging. Props to GS for recognizing the cultural problem in the local Cannabis scene.


The "Taste Buddies 4 Vape Challenge".

We prefer to judge a book not by its cover, but by its content,which means we don't put a lot, or any, thought into the looks of the bud. I've already noticed some unavoidable characteristics but we'll do our best to ignore them.

Yeah we're even gonna break out the bag machine so everyone can get the exact same experience. We need to make a point against subjectivity: I've smoked grown and sold too much weed in my life to ever believe two sound minded individuals would ever disagree on a bud with anywhere near as much subjectivity as exists in the legal market. No one has a brand preference or tips for smiles in my market,its all about the bud.

MAC (Caps cut) and Wedding Cake by Grow Science. Dozens of Arizona cardholders have proclaimed this very batch of MAC to be the best bud they've ever smoked. I've been out of the gene/strain loop since both these came around but it suffices that Wedding Cake is some Berner Jungle Boy cookie something or another, and MAC is said to hold a unique version of a citrus diesel type profile. Well I've never met a strain I didn't like so let's see how well this stuff was grown!

Upon opening the jar of GS Wedding Cake I'm not hit with any familiar weed smells, the only familiar smell is the fibrous (hay) smell of improperly harvested plant matter. Its a bit more "baked goods" than "hay", but it's definitely a plant decomposition smell not a volatile Cannabis metabolite (terpene). Personally I think that's why alot of these Cookie genetics are popular in commercial markets: the fibrous "wet decaying plant" aroma is closer in essence to a stale bakery than a freshly filled haybarn. Squeezing the bud yields no further aroma. Grinding the bud offers up a bit of nostril sting but its disingenuous, unappealing and actually a bit nauseating, as if a South American candy company tried to recreate the "ancient banana crystals" aroma profile that's common with some grows. Very unnatural, just like the clumpy uneven bust of the nug when ground up.

Skipping ahead to the MAC, a strain I have surely not yet seen an acceptable example of, being in Arizona, I don't have my hopes up. Will it have the Sour citrus diesel aroma and flavor? Popping the seal to Grow Sciences MAC reveals more of the same, a fibrous "hay" smell likened more to a stale sugar free brownie by most, but again, it's a fibrous plant smell not a volatile terpene created by the strain. There's also something else here. It's weird... Pineapple scraps.. Not a good Pineapple strain smell, but a real nasty fibrous pulpy syrupy smell. Squeezing the bud does nothing to intensify this muddy aroma. Grinding the bud reveals a stronger yet somehow more muddied version of the gross pineapple syrup smell. Its almost meaty, but not in a weed strain natural way, more like a Rubbermaid tote plasticy kind of way. Texture is again clumpy, crab grass, hydroponic, unpackable.

OK let's attempt to follow protocol and get this stuff a fair review..

Vaporizing the Wedding Cake, I get an instantly familiar flavor. Its a flavor I've smelled all across Arizona dispensaries, exclusively, and it's extremely sickening to consume. Its very common in Az although it is not a Cannabis flavor. This smell/flavor can best be described as a paper bag sprayed with some Glade plug-in juice, stuffed in a pair of counterfeit Jordans and rolled up in a fresh roll of carpet. Thats what GS Wedding Cake tastes like: like half the bud in Az has smelled since Ive been here: like a specific line(s) of nutes or some other bottled product (never used bottles so not sure).

Skip ahead to the GS MAC as I can't stomach enough of the Wedding Cake to wait for any [side]effects to kick in. I'm a diesel guy and already went into "Wtf Arizona" mode smelling this stuff. Let's try to taste it... Okay... Tasted the Grow Science, didn't taste the MAC. What the fuck, Arizona? The MAC from Grow Science is worse than the Wedding Cake. It tastes nothing like weed, let alone citrus diesel, and makes my stomach churn. Pure grow chemicals. Chemicals chemicals chemicals. Botanicare? Veg+Bloom? Don't know, I'm organic, but this bud looks like jute padding and tastes like carpet, basically identical to half the bud in the state, absolutely disgusting. Review over. This bud is DISQUALIFIED.

My reviews are completely objective. After nearly 3 decades of being obsessed with the smells and flavors of Cannabis, 20 years of medicating others and 10 years of being medically dependent myself, I have no reason to judge Cannabis by anything other than its own merits, and this stuff here, I won't flush it, my septic tank is too precious for this chemical crap, its that bad. I won't even give this to the homeless, they deserve better. No, it'll go in my giant pickle jar of Twilight Zone legal Az what-the-fuck-is-this weed, the collection of the Earths most contaminated unnatural borderline fake bud on earth. Maybe science can some day use that jar to develop cures for all the mystery lung diseases being birthed by this fraudulent industry.

Grow Science AZ Final Score. DISQUALIFIED.. Notes: Contamination. Unflushed, overfed, or sprayed. Smells and tastes like the supply shelf, not like weed and certainly not like the specific strains. No possible way this bud could be scored as it would not even register as Cannabis during a blind test.

Note, negative scores/DQs are solely reserved for non-cannabis detects. We actually do have a baseline to help people understand our unbiased system:

The 1-100 scoring system: organic leaf litter with zero flavor and zero effect is a 0. Organic leaf litter with minimally perceivable flavor OR effect is a 1, organic leaf litter with minimally perceived flavor AND effect is a two,etc


Hand on a stack of Bibles I'd rather smoke my bag seeds leaf litter (light mango puree weed taste, light effect inducing feelings of childhood innocence and relaxation) than Arizonas finest medical cuts (tastes like smoking chemicals at a paper processing plant, feels like smoking chemicals at a paper processing plant)

Disclosure: I knew this bud would be garbage before I reviewed it. It was originally suppossed to be a flavor show off against dead leaves pulled out of my mulch, but the Grow Science had to be disqualified due to chemical detects. There's something seriously wrong with the majority of growers and smokers in Arizona as most seem to prefer this chemical trash compared to weed that actually resembles weed.

The world has been consuming delicious Cannabis vapor for thousands of years, there is no reason to give a score to bud that can only be identified by the products it was grown with rather than by any known Cannabis properties.


Great post.
Well I reckon this validates all I have said about churn n burn.

It doesn't matter whee its from.

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