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Well-known member
For me it was the result of a surgery that go not go as well as I had hoped.

What helps is cannabis , and soaking in a tub of hot water.


Well-known member
long history of of renal problems via clear cell carcinoma.
all but lost function from recent flu. trying to stay the hell away from dialysis.
Need advice on how to try to improve things.
I have medical coverage, which I would like not to use.
They will try and steer me to the waiting dialysis and
cancer industry.


3rd-Eye Jedi
marijuana seems to work well in conjunction with modern cancer treatments

personally I would engage traditional medicine for everything up to procedure while researching cannabis parallel to that

often time is of the essence so don't let indecision stay your hand

nam myoho renge kyo


Well-known member
Would like to hear of naturally available approaches that may help improve things.

Some surgery work's better than other's. They got rid of enough cancer to keep me going.

I would be the first agree with Weird, go for it . In my case, they could not get it all, and I was sent homevwith oxycontin . Traded it for cannabis which has served me well for years.

Had a bad case of the flu. Lost kidney function for a day or so.

Trying to regain flow, and increase output.

Lost in a SOG

Dandelion leaf, cornsilk and parley piert tea is a kidney soother and dredger.. a few drops of lemon juice can also be beneficial. Sounds like you have to be careful but starting with a small amount you can safely test your bodies reaction.

Probably supporting your liver as much as possible would be a good shout as it will be working extra hard to make up for your kidney function.

Try a natural herbal liver or kidney tea and go slow.

Also your salts might well be worryingly out of wack.. again a natural diuretic like dandelion leaf that can dredge excess unwanted salts and allow the body to absorb the correct ones may help.

Id say alterative adaptogens are also what you want but id need to do a consultation on you. If you can Gry id advise to go and see one of americas fine herbalist naturopaths.

i can find you a really talanted therapist if you'd like. Im not in the states but i do know herbalists the globe over.

I should say though you shouldnt smoke.. vape at least.. the challanges to the nephrons from chemistry present in all smoke like formaldehyde is considerable.


Well-known member
It sounds like you want to stay away from opiods, so did I. But the extreme pain was too much and the oxys and percs I’m prescribed do take the edge off. I was able to cut back the dosages though (by half) by also using cannabis in conjunction.


Indicas make dreams happen
I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Gry. My grandfather suffered from kidney failure, amongst other things later in his life, and my mother was hospitalized for a long period during childhood due to kidney problems.

From what I've been able to gather the main thing is not to put any extra strain on your kidneys. Cut back on sodium and anything that your kidneys will have to work harder at processing. An important thing is to stay well hydrated and drink plenty of water.

Cannabis has been a huge help as far as dealing with medical issues for me. I don't react well with opiods or opiates and often become very nauseous, even from small doses. Sleep aids and anti-anxiety meds also seem to cause more problems than they solve for me. It's disturbing that so many suffering patients have to fly under the radar with cannabis just to not be sick.

Wishing you the best for a healthy and happy future. :tiphat:


Well-known member
It's disturbing that so many suffering patients have to fly under the radar with cannabis just to not be sick.
This is a very good point and more and more info needs to be brought to light ( in a positive way) in regards to how cannabis can benefit in treatment of certain ailments and conditions.

I get so pissed when I see the media still playing the old stereotype about cannabis use…the hippy dippy image of someone with the munchies or forgetfulness. They don’t have a clue and their portrayal doesn’t help the process or the potential benefits that may be right under our noses.


Well-known member
have been blessed to be able to allow the heavy lifting be done via extracts which still for the most part seems to be up to the task.

I found consistency in dosing to be real important. don't want to ever chase it away, but rather dose evenly as possible.

Getting off schedule is rough.


I recommend looking into Turkey Tail mushroom, Cordyceps, and Reishi mushroom. Host Defense brand and Jing Herbs are reputable. I think STR-12 from Jing Herbs could be a good one for you. Also Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I've had nausea issues my whole life, until recently.

Causes for me:
Eating foods which are avoid for my blood type
Neem/Azadirachtin in my cannabis
Runaway H.Pylori infection
Lack of CBD?

I cut out the avoid foods and still had nausea issues at times, especially reading in a car. With enough CBD, I can actually read in a car without nausea. Without CBD, just the thought of reading makes me nauseous.

Neem/Azadirachtin always causes nausea for me, and beyond. All I want are hot baths/showers and to stop vomiting. Small amounts cause persistent nausea in the mornings.

The runaway H.Pylori infection would make any digestive issues take longer to resolve. It made aza poisoning issues last for weeks. Once it was resolved, aza poisoning symptoms are much less severe and recede in a few days.

Hope things work out for you, there are a lot of other causes for nausea and I hope what you're doing works. :)


Active member
What kind of dosing schedule works best? Do you need to space it out to be effective, or could you take edibles which seem to offer a longer effect.

I thought you said you liked eating concentrates with tea, or maybe adding it to tea. Smoking is of course good for quickness.


Well-known member
What kind of dosing schedule works best? Do you need to space it out to be effective, or could you take edibles which seem to offer a longer effect.

I thought you said you liked eating concentrates with tea, or maybe adding it to tea. Smoking is of course good for quickness.

Very difficult to deal with pain by 'chasing it'.

Have found I do best when I can go with consuming concentrates on a steady and regular basis. Once a decent baseline is established, occasional bong hits here and there for taste and effect are a blessing.

Trying to find that viable routine again.

Rico Swazi

Active member
steady as she goes mate

regular consumption boosts the immune system
I've seen miracles happen with this plant when hope was fading
yet to this day cannabis remains on schedule 1

Makes no sense to those that have been there done that

Hope you find a viable routine soon Gry


Active member
if the nausea involves pain medication i fight it off with peppermint gum, sounds silly like how could that helps but really works for me, i was a heroin addict for years. also it took me a while to realize that when i was on heroin, smoking cigs would often set off the nausea.


Well-known member
Mint works. Keep it growing and use it in almost everything I drink.

Recipe for mint julip, called for crushing 8 mint leaves against the side of the

cup with a spoon.

Can recall being taught in the sixties, that it was not iced tea until it dressed with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.


Well-known member
Lots of imagery that revolves around hydration.

I can't get enough fluids down.


Well-known member
Having lots of watermelon type thoughts. Keep thinking of ginger beer poured over frozen watermelon which has been chopped or shaved.
Am left wondering about the history of carbonation.

What is the perceived temp difference between carbonated and non carbonated drinks?
I figure it was not cheap or easy, but it became widespread for good reason.

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