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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



Madlights, I might have been there! My mom hung out on the Haight with her newborn son and attended all the hippie funcions. She actually calls herself a flower child :D

She used to leave me with Sunshine, the girl who sat on the corner and had the good acid. I'm sure that babysitting experience had no effect on me whatsoever :biglaugh:


I am 49 / started in 1971 / I stoped for 9 months in 1997 / frick / I'll never do that again :bashhead: / & went 17 days with-out once when I moved to another state :eek: / Now I am medicaly retired / & pretty much chain smoke joints / :wave:

Pot was my first real Love / :canabis:




1964 to 1985 by then I had 4 kids a wife , house, bills 60 hour workweek and it became unafordable so I slacked off, just buying for a special treat.

Then because I bought so seldomly all of a sudden I could not find it anymore.......so with out thinking about I quit.........that is until about 9 months ago when my doctor blew me out of the water by stateing that if I knew somebody with some good MJ I might want to try that to releave/replace some of the pain med's I'm on for 2 broken knee caps, advanced genectic arthritus, and stress relife......

keep in mind I live where doctors are not allowed to do this .....it really blew me out of the water.....

But he was right now I'm off of my 200mg of Oxcicotin's / day [ hillbilly herion] thank god for MJ........



I started when i was 15 with a very good friend of mine who had weed and a lot of hash....i liked it so uh that he gae me something for home too.I was in my room and trying hard to meke spme joints beause i had no idea how.y parrents were in the other roos but who cared?Yhen i learned.....pretty fast to make excellent joints.And since then i smoke as much as i can....not as much as i want because i want to smoke all the time. :canabis: .Oh.....and it's not been such a long time till now.Now i'm only 21 but i sincerely intend to smoke till the day i die.And maybe after.....who knows :joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....toking since 1975.....started on Moroccan Hash.....ended up on Californian Sensimilla by 1978.....due to horticultural endeavours...


New member
I remember being so curious about drugs when I was a kid in the sixties. I jumped at the chance to smoke in 1967. Took me three times to get high but oh my God. That first high was truly mind blowing. It had to be an indica because the body rush was unbelievable. Like having a wet dream while awake. From then on I was in love with the herb. I totally quit in the 80's and have just recently retired. So that means no more drug test worries, no more job performance issues, just smoke when I want. What better way to spend an afternoon that to smoke a bit and tend to my flower beds and vegetable garden. Real ones ha ha not my "herb" garden. Thanks to this site and OG I have a new lease on life and am enjoying my retirement more that I ever thought possible.


I started 20 years ago. Back in the early cali skunk and big bud days. Been all over the world and tried some kind bud and shwag bag. I wish that I had the seeds from my stash back in the day.....


36 years i been smoking and not thinking of stopping used to love the old joint and listening to me fav group t rex and anyone ever heard of country joe and the fish music group cheers




:wave: :canabis: :friends: :moon: :joint: well been smokin from 15 and never look back, my bro started when he was 12 or 13 and we always talk about it. I asked my mum one day because my dad used to grow and had a little floatin about, she said yes been a stoner ever since. Me and my buddy TC also used to take buds of my dad plants and dry them in the microwave, with out him knownin and get cherry wile rideing r bikes. In the first few years all we smoked was home grow, because we never used to buy.

Im now 25 and told that im goin on 35, what a cheek!

Peace out :wave: :joint: :canabis:
For me it was 1969 and a five finger lid of mexican for ten bucks or was it columbian, hell I don't rightly remember now. To many dead brain cells since then.


just stopped in to say HIGH!

just stopped in to say HIGH!

When is the last time you bought a lid ?
lol A looong freakin time!!! :wave:

I lit up in 72...with Scott and Jody...lol who knows where them boys are now?
went to Hawaii at 18, I about smoked them dry for four years. :friends:
Been dabbling a bit ever since. :canabis: I picked up a couple bargins<cough> today...

G13bx <DG>
and a pack of Sacred Seeds Original NL <bred by Ferry.92>

Later all


:joint: :wave:



same as rockymtnbuds, daltron, ancient1 and smokin'bones LOL

<as always, one toke over the line, Sweet Jesus!>

left hemi

I was 17 and it was a woman that did it. I very much wanted into missy owens' panties. we were at a coffee house she walked over to where I was sitting, kicked my feet and said "If you ever want a chance, you're gonna have to get stoned" we went outside, smoked some. nothing happened (on any front) she gave the rest of the baggie to a mutual friend and told him to make sure I got stoned. a couple days later, we're at the boulders, and I'm taking huge hits with no air, gagging and coughing, tom, would pull my head up and stick the pipe back in my mouth and yell "are you stoned yet?" suddenly I was fascinated by the textures of the boulders and realized, by gum, I am. when we ran down the hill my friends threw rocks in my general direction, to make sure I was thoroughly stoned. that was 32 years ago and I spent at least 18 of them continuously stoned.


New member
Ill be 47 in a couple of month's time..... been doing this for 30 years straight now and only stopped for 28 days around 20 years ago....(what the hell was i thinking..!!!)
What got me started.......?.....the greatest of human traits...... curiosity.



started in "72" ...seemed like the thing to do :biglaugh:
a sophmore in high school....and oz's were $15 qp's $40...brickweed of course...

then someone comes along with sinse...smoky mountain gold :canabis: it does help the quality of my life... :yummy:

and i plead the fifth on other illegal drugs :wave:



Its a blur but when your born into weed, I know my mother used to pull over on the highway during trips to the family when I was a toddler and she would put on my kiddie music and I can somehow remember this decades later. I musta been a contact toker for my entire childhood and when I became 7 I would pick seeds for seeded herb and eat the sweet tasting ones and then throw up and be high for hours, smoking is regular and me and my cousins just picked up whenever we wanted to. I would say by 10 I was a regular smoker. Cigs on and off but weed is all i need! great stories nice thread another reason to spend more time here, people just how you'd expect them to be in pot utopia.


Active member
i dont remember the year but i do know i was about 12 or 13 and my dad would get lbs ,thai ,a.gold & skunk when he made deliveries out west i would come behind my big bro(RIP) and smoke the roach then one day i saw were the stash was and i have'nt looked back... on my 21st birthday..8 years later for the 1st time i smoked a joint with my dad (RIP) and told him how we used to pick his stash ..it's been 21 years now !


honey oil addict
first toke at 18 months, first joint at 6. every day since approx age 13, except 1986, when i missed 9 days in a row. never a whole day missed, other than those 9.