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FINALLY..."THC Candy"....EASY Recipe w/ pics.


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this is "ButterscotchThunderfukinBlockhead"

I hate the kitchen, I dont eat much, and I sure aint a cook, but I made this shit ...and man it's the fukin BOMB!

this is the EXACT recipe:

-2 cups sugar
-1/4 cup light corn syrup
-1/2 cup CANNABUTTER (I used real butter, 1.5 sticks and a bit over 1/4 oz of good bud/some trim...after cooking and a good squeeze through the seive it came out to the 1/2 cup)

-2 tablespoons water
-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar (NOT red or apple)

...do you have to use the vinegar with it?...or can u just leave it out?