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hi im new here, hows everyone doing

ive been taking cannabutter for a while now and i discovered bht

i'd like to know if i can take butylated Hydroxytoluene and thc together? i googled it but it only says BHA and THC can give lungs issues but besides that i haven't found anything concrete relating to thc and bht being taken together (bha is like close cousin of bht)

bht is a preservative that has excellent antiviral properties in under 1000mg quantities a day, which is why i am taking it (for cold sores, happens once a year, very annoying), but i enjoy being lit everyday but afraid having these two components in my system can possibly be health threatening, does anyone know if it has any bad effects if taken together?

should i assume its okay to take together since nothing on google or yahoo (i poured thru it) has anything on it

thanks !