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The End of Justice in Australia


New member
by Ghali Hassan

November 15, 2005

The right-wing government of John Howard proposes to introduce through Federal Parliament a draconian anti-terror legislation, the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005. If passed, the Bill would make it easy for the government and the police to arrest and detain without charge Australians from Muslim and Arab backgrounds on suspicion of planning to commit act of terrorism. The Bill would abolish the fundamental right of Australian citizens, the right to personal liberty in peacetime. It is the end of justice for those deemed ‘Un-Australian’ by the Howard Government.

The Bill provides the police with immunity from prosecution and reduces the rights of the accused and the defence practically to nothing. Australian Federal Police will have the power to secretly detained suspects and witnesses for 14-day preventive detention without charge. Alternatively, place them under indefinite 12-months “control orders” that would limit the movements of suspects. The Bill establishes the primacy of suspicion over fact, since measures restricting liberties, potentially leading to house arrest, could be imposed on individuals not for what they have done, but according to what the Attorney General thinks they could have done or could do.

As Prime Minister John Howard stated, “it is not necessary for the prosecution to identify a specific terrorist act”. Thus, this Bill deliberately turns its back on the rule of law and establishes a new form of political regime, a police state. Although the Bill is a second draft, and some improvements have been made to the original, the changes are only window-dressing and designed to mislead the Australian public. The Howard Government may abolish habeas corpus which prevents authorities from detaining people indefinitely without charges. Without habeas corpus, the Government can simply detain its opponents freely.

Furthermore, Australian Police will be armed with tough new anti-sedition powers. Under the new sedition law which is crafted to criminalise dissent and curtail the right to free speech “any person or organisation could be charged with sedition without, as existing law requires, having urged force or violence”, said Journalists' Union president Chris Warren. “It is completely anachronistic," Australia Press Council chairman Ken McKinnon said.

In addition, anti-war demonstrators and anyone who provide moral support to the Iraqi people resisting the violent U.S. Occupation and defending their country would be unlawful. The Howard Government proposes to make it an offence, punishable by seven years’ imprisonment, for “any person” who “urges another person to engage in conduct to assist, by any means whatever, an organisation or country ... engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force”. This is interesting because the war on Iraq was “an illegal act of aggression” and in violations of UN Charter. The UN legitimises resistance – by any means – against foreign occupation.

The historic judgement by the Italian judge Clementina Forleo, Judge for the Preliminary Hearing in Milan on 24 January 2005 adds legitimacy to the Iraqi struggle against the U.S. Occupation. Judge Forleo ruled that the accused (five North African citizens) “cannot be classified as terrorists”, but resistance fighters. She said: “[T]hat resistance [to] U.S. occupation forces in Iraq by sending fighters does not amount to terror”. The judgement was supported by an overwhelming majority of the Italian Legal Community. This historic judgement is supported recently by the German Federal Administrative Court which ruled that the attack launched by the U.S. and its allies against the nation of Iraq was a clear war of aggression – as specified in Article 4, Paragraph 4 of the UN Charter – that violated international law. It follows that some parts of the Australian Anti-Terrorism Bill is in contravention of the UN Carter.

After the arrest of 18 Australian citizens on suspension and on unsubstantiated allegations of “blotting” to commit act of terrorism, a euphoria of fear engulfed Australia. It should be borne in mind that these people have not committed crimes, and there is no evidence, but allegations that they are planning to commit crime. The accusations are reminiscent to that of Iraq possession of weapon of mass destruction (WMD) which proved to be a fabrication to justify a war of aggression. Lawyers for the detainees described their imprisonment conditions as ‘Guantánamo-like’. "They're all kept in solitary confinement, they're kept in Guantánamo Bay style conditions and they're very oppressive," said Adam Houda, a lawyer representing nine of the detainees.

According to the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network, the "vast majority" of the Muslim community in Australia was opposed to the proposed draconian anti-terrorism laws. John Howard is now embarking on bullying and dividing the Muslims community in Australia by calling on Muslims to dob in those "within their midst" who advocate a "perverted, fanatical form of Islam". We know now that the majority of the detainees, who have spent years at Guantánamo, were sold to the U.S. military and the C.I.A. by bounty hunters and criminals. Australians are advised to spy on each other and to act as police officers.

In the U.S. more than 1,200 people have been arrested and detained without charge since September 11, 2001, in most cases for no grounds other than of being Arabic, Muslim, or South-East Asian in origin. Most have since been released, but some are still being held without charges, as argued by Marjorie Cohn, a Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law. The detainees have been deprived of their rights to challenge their detention. They have been abused, tortured, and prevented from practicing their religion, all in flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified by the U.S.

In addition, despite lack of any substantial evidence of terrorism in Australia, the Government uses terrorism rhetoric to instil fear in the Australian community and incite racism against Muslim Australians. Anglo-Saxon Australians are now given a licence to attack Muslims anywhere in Australia. The Melbourne Age reported on November 13, 2005 that, “’Fatimah’ [a Muslim woman] was punched, kicked, spat on and abused, told to ‘go home to her own country and left with an injury to her right eye’. Her sister, she said, had a knife thrust towards’ her face”. The Murdoch media, led by the West Australian The Sunday Times (13 November 2005) is labelling every Muslim a “terrorist”, and the victims are always, Australian women of Muslim backgrounds. Defunct racist politicians such as John Stone of the National Party are attacking Islam, and advocating the banning of Muslim immigrants and abolishing multiculturalism.

Australia is the only Western country without a national Human Rights Bill or equivalent. With a national Human Rights Bill, it would make it difficult for the Howard Government to implement laws that are thought to breach human rights, such as the anti-terrorism laws. What Australia needs is a Bill of Rights to counter the rise of Islamophobia and protect not only members of Australian Muslim community from the racism and injustice, but also all Australians.

Finally, if the Howard Government is really serious about protecting Australians from the threat of terrorism, the best protection is to stop practising terrorism and withdraw Australian forces from Iraq.

Ghali Hassan lives in Perth, Western Australia.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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© Copyright Ghali Hassan, GlobalResearch.ca, 2005

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Active member
its all gone too far...........

mind you im of the mind that we let too many muslims into this country in the first place...

I believe to get citizenship of any country you should be able to speak fluently the language of that country......

muslims do not assimilate easily anywhere in my experience and this is because they dont want to - their religion dictates that they convert everyone else to islam....bollocks i say

my opinion is that while the laws are draconian a more realistic approach would now be to elimate most immigration for people of muslim background....anyone who is not a citizen, look closely at deporting them, and change the law so anyone becoming a citizen must pass a comprehensive written and oral examination....

now that may seem even more draconian to everyone....but its just my opinion.....

im not a big fan of non assimilating muslims who have the hide to have arabic as the predominantly sign written language on shops etc...same applies to asians - aqssimilate - speak the language, read and write the language or leave.......

and all those muslim associations...why so many? its all bullshit...we have to protect the AUSTRALIAN way of life and not give shelter to those who are trying to impose another way of life based on some nonsensical shit from hundreds of years ago...


Active member
btw i do believe the war in Iraq is illegal....we broke international law and we aided and abetted the most prolific terrorist state in the world - The United States of America...

our leaders and those of the "coalition of the willing" should be prosecuted for war crimes

on the other hand I explicitly state that I have no sympathy, allegiance or goodwill towards Saddam, the former regime or any other Iraqis....they can all go to helll....it was NONE OF OUR BUSINESS and we have inflamed the situation and attracted undue attention to ourselves by getting involved in this bullshit war


Active member
nor do I have affiliation with any muslims or related groups....they all suck!


I just cant believe that people STILL vote for Howard and his gang of backwards-assed racist f$#kwits! I mean really, couldnt people see he was a dishonest piece of shit when he promised no gst then went back on his word? He's pulled the same stunt over and over but for some reason he's still got support. Also, take a look at what he's trying to do with his new workplace relations act bullsh$t... were all fucked if you ask me...


We realistically only have two choices in Oz when it comes too voting, Labour or Liberal, and in the last election, there was no way I was giving Mark Lathom mine. Could you imagine the country if he got in!
So John Howard may be a liar,cheat,sneak and whatever else but when it comes down to it, we could be alot worse off.


Active member
yes Latham was a let down, Kim Beazly has been pretty irrelevant, only now with this IR legislation is he getting somewhere....

Personally I feel that when you have a 2 party system how can you call it democracy?
Having 2 parties with such money and influence stifles democracy. The ordinar man has no chance.

I have said in my circle of friends for years the following would help this situation:

1) Ban political parties, only independents run. They can vote in blocks or form committes, but no formal party lines. Therefore no donations from religious groups, business etc direct to a party which has been corporatised...lets not forget that these parties are incorporated and turn profit...

2) Ban corporate/religious donations to candidates...or if not ban, then make a threshhold like $1 mill for each candidate so they have relatively equal resources

3) ovehaul the AEC and redisign the electorates so that the populations are evenly distributed over metro and country areas...do it by postcodes...for eg the electorate of Gwydir may contain some city/country towns. This will get rid of the city/country its good for us but not for them type of problems, as voting in each electorate will be from residents of both areas.

4) candidates can only serve 2 terms max in senate or lower houses......

that will help clean it up...we will get better attention for local issues, the cit/country divide will be eliminated and corporations won't dictate government policy....whaddaya reckon?


Active member
trouble is that my idea may have too much practical commonsense to be adopted.....


mr sheen would never get my vote or his party ... one cant be a working man and not at least support the ones that give us a little ...
you wont get nothing off the other snobs ...
it may be little choice , but unless your driving a very expensive car , and living in the ritz , your choice should be fairly clear ... i know i wasnt born with a silver spoon in my mouth ...
makes ya wonder a little though lately about the opposition , or lack of it ...


I can understand not wanting to vote for Latham in the last fed election but there is no f#@$ing way I'll ever vote for Howard or the libs full stop....

Father Time

Howard is turning this "once" democratic country into the full blown "police state", diss-arm the country them change the work reforme package back to the dark ages.
these are very dark times and i feel we (the country) is regressing rather than moveing foward to become a benifical member on the world stage.
very dark times.....
Father Time


New member

it's all going to get very bad in australia i believe. very, very bad. i think that we're going to have to head into extreme darkness before ever seeing the light again. you just watch... it's what we deserve though, yeah? australia is a country which is far too apathetic, complacent, selfish, materialistic, greedy, corrupt, and conservative. it's also a major arse kisser of the US. and that's right, i'm not a very proud supporter of my country! i am a supporter, but i'm not very proud.

i think we've already lost what it means to be "australian." and as far as i'm concerned, being australian just means that you have a heart and some guts... that you value things like individuality and dissent etc. i just don't think we have that anymore. not as a collective anyway. we have individuals that have spines and souls of course, but we don't have the collective which makes a "country" or a "community". IMO, right now, we're practically just another america!

timtim said:
there was no way I was giving Mark Lathom mine. Could you imagine the country if he got in!
So John Howard may be a liar,cheat,sneak and whatever else but when it comes down to it, we could be alot worse off.

ya think?! :confused:


It must suck to be neighbors with indonesia. Oz and NZ are cool as hell in my book. In all honesty are any governments not corrupt and completely fair to everybody? Maybe a handfull. I wish I could afford my own island.


Active member
problem is that government and politics have turned into a business because of "flawed democracy".....so its really driven by money and not human values...thats the wrong currency in my book...

the system i suggested previouisly would address many of these issues but to ever reach such a goal is impossible because we the voting public have let politics/governments and business get too close together for far too long....

the only thing which will change this is a breakdown in the social fabric and this will occur eventually as we keep driving for "increased productivity" . that is, we all know the the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer but there will be in time to come more and more people working for peanuts, consuming everything they earn just to live..this is what big business wants and what government is delivering to them!

corporations want us to be perpetual consumers from the minute we are born to the last breath we take and our government has sold us off to these corporations...hell our govt IS a corporation...it behaves the same way - our budget surplus increasing huge percentage every year...nothing returned to the people who earned it...the majority of our country voted for GREEDY SCUM - does it by implication mean that most of our countrymen are GREEDY SCUM now as opposed to being REAL AUSSIES ???

or were they all fooled by a conniving little bald man? only time will tell...but again I must say that having a 2 party prefferred democracy is NOT democracy. Politics parties/govt/business/religion and money are a POISON TOGETHER and these ingredients should not be mixed and now are TOO VOLATILE for an unassuming public which has misplaced its trust in such a system for decades...

The real Australia and real Australians may now perhaps be a myth or only exist in country areas...in the cities we have gone too far down Yankee Rd..pity I think...

disclaimer for the new police state laws: