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LED Cabinet Grow


This is my first time growing in a legal state. So specs its a 3 foot tall 16 inch's wide and 9 inches deep. I run a humidifier with a vent to the lower part of the box and have a small fan on the outside of the box on the top in a vent. The box was made for a 150W LED but I bought a 300W and the PC fans couldn't keep up. The temps before with the PC fans was 103 now it runs at a high of 83 on hot summer days drops down to 77 when the sun goes down. I germinated the seeds for two days then planted them 7/12/18.

PH level shoots up very fast in less than 6 hours.

Slight light burn ( I know I can raise the light up and Iv been inching it up I want to keep it as close as i can)

Any advise on PH would help

Lastly I was wondering when I should start adding Nutes and Cal Mag. Also I have CO2 tablets. Iv never done hydroponics before so any advise on nutrients,PH,PPM please share.
Happy Growing hope to keep updated


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Autistic Diplomat in Training
Welcome to ICMag!! :D

I see you're in deep water culture, which is my favorite "Roots-In" type hydroponic system. :) The biggest drawback to any "Roots-In" type hydro system is you really have to control the temperature of the nutrient solution.

In places I'm not able to control the nutrient solution temperature, I've found it's significantly easier to switch to a "Roots-Out" hydro system like drip through pebbles, or flood and drain. Something which dries out between waterings and provides a cooling effect through the evaporation going on.



The water temperature is 67F to 69F. I try to keep the PH at 5.8 to 6 but it spikes to 7 in just a few hours.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The water temperature is 67F to 69F. I try to keep the PH at 5.8 to 6 but it spikes to 7 in just a few hours.
Excellent water temp. :) You'll need to be able to maintain those temps throughout flower.

When you add nutrients the pH goes down. When the plants use those nutrients, the pH goes back up. The larger your reservoir size, compared to your light/plant-numbers, the slower this rise will happen. The smaller the res, the faster the change in pH.

Another issue might be too much air. lol Does the pH go back down in 20 minutes, if you turn down the amount of air you're pumping in the res?


Its only a one gallon res so that would be it going so fast. I do have a 4 inch air stone. I run the pump 24/7. I have been aiming for a 5.8-6 PH but it just spikes to 7 super fast. Iv been using PH Down twice a day I would more if I had time. Im worried its stunting the growth ill be at a month of veg and the tallest plant is only 4 to 5 inches tall.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Set your pH at 5.4 and let it rise to 6, before adding nutes back to drop the pH back down. You may be adding nutes every day, but it will work a whole lot better than pH down all the time. :)


In my opinion that's not light burn but nutrient burn. Your nutrients need diluting. Do you know your PPM's?


Just this guy, ya know?
Sorry I might be confused, but those are a month old and are that size? Are you feeding them any nutrients at all or just straight water? From the wording of the first post it seems you haven't started feeding them any nutrients yet? That would definitely explain the size.


I added some nutes the third week in and the plants just locked up the PPM was only around 300ppm. I just flushed them and haven't added anything since. My tap water comes out at ph of 7 and 50 to 60 ppm. Yea August 12th will be one month of veg and they are that small :( I ordered a bluelab meter to hopefully be more accurate with PPM and PH. I have a smaller airstone would that help with PH? I also have CalMag should I be adding that everyday too? Thanks everybody for the help happy growing. Ill add update pics tomorrow.


So update I switched out the airstone for a smaller one and PH seemed to not shoot up as fast. I can't tell if its light burn or nute burn. Started nutes last night planning on adding a tablespoon everyday. When should I start CalMag or is that not needed?


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Just this guy, ya know?
If they've been living off of tap water, I'm assuming feeding any nutrients will show some nutrient burn to start off with. Whichever nutrient line you are using should have some sort of feeding schedule to follow.


The nutes are Maxigrow by GH its powder nutes. They say to use 1 tsp per gallon every 7 days so Ill change the reservoir stick with that schedule it also said add 3-5ml of CalMag. What should my PPM levels be around?


Just this guy, ya know?
The nutes are Maxigrow by GH its powder nutes. They say to use 1 tsp per gallon every 7 days so Ill change the reservoir stick with that schedule it also said add 3-5ml of CalMag. What should my PPM levels be around?
Honestly don't know bro sorry. When I ran canna I used their feeding schedule,and it ranges from ~900ppm to start peaking at ~1500ppm then dropping to ~300ppm for final flush. I was running it at half strength though for most of the time, so my ppm were not that high. I think the best thing to do is start weak and you can always increase the nutrients, but if you burn them with too much they might not make a comeback.


I found a good feeding chart it the ppm should be 800 to 1000. I'm running at 700ppm but only using 3/4 the amount of nutrients the chart calls for Ill go 100% next time I change the res. Two of the plants seem to be taking the nutes well and leafs are up the other one not so well the leafs are down. PH seems to be staying more stable also. Would cutting off bottom fan leafs help the plant grow?


Week 5 flowering

Week 5 flowering

Plants looking good only a couple more weeks. A slight nutrient burn I believe but doesn't seem to be affecting them too much.


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Autistic Diplomat in Training
I cringe any time my ppm goes above 750, because I know what's happening to my quality. ;) Stick with where you're at as it's looking rather decent. :)

Check your pH, then shut off your airpumps and wait 10 minutes. Check your pH again. If the pH is lower, you have too much air going through your solution. ;)


Wrap up

Wrap up

Not bad finish. Dried plants whole for 5 days then trimmed them up. Totals are 40 grams of trim and 70 grams of nugs. Going to do some bubble hash with the trim hoping to get 4 grams. Overall great amount and looks great. I am worried about curing I seem to always make it smell like hay. Any advice on keeping great smelling buds through cure would be greatly appreciated?


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