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Trying to warn of risk to community


I've made some posts and having now more fully read the rules fear I may have come close to the ad/solicitation line. What I'm attempting to do is show someone involved with stewarding cannabis the extreme risk that a new situation like the bho crisis is about to manifest and hurt a lot of people.

Part of convincing someone to take the time is convincing them of the popularity of this existing technology or rather the efficiencies. Selling the reality of the risk somewhat involves "selling" the technology at the same time. Worse yet I have to keep it secret until I identify a ethical individual to show everything too. Can you advise how I should proceed? Thank You


Thank you, I should have just started by asking this way first. Ass backwards as usual.

OK I'll just try and stay out of trouble until I have the 50 posts and then PM Egzoset and go from there.

Much appreciated.


The following is from a Homeland Security Agency report. I have another (I have dozens) from the Sac Bee about the nurn center for children often half full (16 beds) of burnt kids due to BHO. The Government is waiting and watching and are without a doubt going to reach a limit. I'm saying its about to get many times worse. Today's numbers will look like good times.

It really will be a cant get no BHO crisis if the DEA raids everyone selling concentrates and indicts every dispensary using the RICCO tool. There are a lot of ways they could drop a heavy hammer on all concentrates if.when the real crisis happens. I don't even smoke pot and I'm more concerned than people who's livelihoods depend on it. But I;m used to it. I've got nothing but the same apathy and lack of concern for ten years. Doesn't anyone read Sun Tzu any more? Man ageing and mitigating risks doesn't mean laughing it off and thinking of all the reasons a crisis probably won't happen. Ah don't worry about it the kids know better than to play with the loaded gun I keep under the couch. Not in a million years. Grown up industries are all over anything negative associated with their brand and industry, we really act our age and it is the reason we are considered a risky sector.

Without a doubt BHO fires are our fking problem. A good example is Deangelo Stevens from that comedy and everyone got offended that Steve Deangelo wasn't like that. But Deangelo Stevens is our Shadow, that is exactly how a significant number of people view cannabis businessmen, and to a degree I.m one of them. Even Steve D must view many in the industry just like that. Our collective brand and reputation has a Shadow problem and ignoring it will only make it worse. We better start taking a critical look at the COLLECTIVE brand and rep and proactively managing them. Or you guys are going to start losing chess pieces and fighting from your left foot. Everyone thinks were invincible now or something.

Explosions, fires and burns secondary to BHO manufacturing have become common events in California, Oregon and Washington. Is there a correlation to these events with the legal status of marijuana in these states? It may be too early to tell. California has legalized medicinal marijuana use. Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska have legalized recreational marijuana use. As time passes and more data is collected, trends will be tracked to determine if there are correlations. Early information is indicating that there may in fact be a correlation with the frequency of BHO incidents following legalization. Over a five month period in 2014, Colorado firefighters encountered 31 butane hash oil explosions, compared with just 11 for the entire year of 2013. CBS News reported that this information was gathered by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).

Due to frequency, BHO labs have replaced meth labs as the most dangerous illegal drug manufacturing practice. One of the destructive BHO fires took place was in Bellevue, Washington, where two 12-unit apartment buildings burned for over seven hours. Residents were forced to jump from the 2nd and 3rd floors. Property damage was almost $2,000,000. Seven people were injured in the incident. One woman, a former Bellevue mayor, died from injuries sustained while trying to escape.

Currently, the federal government has left the marijuana issue in the hands of the states. If the evidence shows a linkage between the BHO incidents and states where marijuana is legal, will the federal government be obligated to engage? The BHO problem appears more common to the western part of the country. As with anything popular, it will eventually spread to other parts of the nation, which in turn may result in an exponential increase in the number of incidents. It will be interesting to see how many explosions, fires and injuries will need to occur before current regulation is scrutinized. Legalized marijuana may truly be a gateway to a bigger better high realized through butane hash oil. At what cost? This is a dangerous proposition.