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Old School Seed Grow.


That nice lil gem you found covered in trich might be a nice start on a breed project. Keep us posted bro.


Active member
does this guy ever stretch. it is now a solid (almost) 16inches or however tall the inside of my cab is. shits touching the ceiling in this tiny ass seedling starter pot. i repotted the other plant goldy and started my training, we will see how the training compares to topping this time around. i chopped the mom a couple days ago and its in a jar curing now. despite picking off half the branches in mid flower when i noticed the buds we'rent going to get that big and the sampling, i still cam out with 5 grams. obviously not the type of yields one spends months waiting on but man im high off some right now and i must say the flavor is there even without a cure. tastes sour, musta been a sour diesel seed i found. or a relative. it even looks like sour D in the bud structure. smell is not really identifiable but on my fingers smells sorta kushy.

whatever it is its very nice and mellow, lots of body effect very relaxing but not couch locky, not for several hours. it will eventually drop you but not for like 3-4 hours will you start to feel slouchy. hopefully the male will add yield. we shall see.










Active member
nothing much to see right now but i decided to pop one of the seeds that were falling out of my g13 that i dusted along with goldilocks (plant up there ^^^) a couple months ago...


on the left i don't know what that is. could be anything i think it was just a seed i had on my desk when i was popping some more old school seeds and i stuck it into a rooting plug.

BUT! on the right we have a trifoliate G13xCirca94 seedling. the empty spaces in the background are all the old school seeds that didn't germinate again. although one started...fungus gnat larvae ate it. it was gross too. i was looking at the plug and i gave it a little squeeze to crack the surface soil and i could see a seed shell, then i saw it move, then i looked a little closer and i saw a fungus gnat larva sliming its way through the soil. it was fuckin gross...if you ever seen maggots moving through something dead you know what i mean.

anyway i still got close to 50 or so old school seeds left. try and try again...


Active member
back again. week 5 or so from seed, lets just call it 5 for now till i remember.


this one which was previously unknown i now believe to be Goldilocks/GoldyxCirca94. looks terrible i let the pH get out of control during a watering with 2teaspoons of molasses rather than the 1 i usually use and all my seedlings got fried up a little. girl. wanted to run these untopped but the goldy got away from me when flowering started, literally shot up overnight. circa94 genes no doubt.


this one is G13xCirca94 also a girl. popped 4 seeds this go round and 3 of 4 are girls i think #4 was a girl too but i had issues and it went back to veg mode.


this g13-94 started out trifolate but that was only the first couple of leaves after that it grew normal. it was really fast and hearty though i was scared it would be male it was so fast and large. this picture is from week 2...i wrote but i think this must be week 3. cant be 2 weeks from seed.


well shit i guess it was 2 weeks, anyway here is a close up of the first node where it was trifolate, the branches only came out in 2's though :(


aside from the 3 cotyledons, and this, what appears to be another leaf sprouting below the cotyledons it grew normal. i've also noted genetic additions from the father. the g13 only gets maximum of 5 finger leaves no matter how long you veg it. no more than 5 leafed leaves. but with the addition of the Circa94 genes they start at 5 fingers lol. look at the pics^^^ first set of leaves was single the next node is 2.33 fingers on one side 3 and a little bit on the other side, then the next node is 5 fingers on each side, then 6 and some change on the next node one side 7 and a little on the other, then the next node up is 9. i think we may be maxing out at 9 leafedleaf to quote a former growers name. but it's early yet might get 11 on the next node. they also inherited that V shapead leaf curl on the new leaves. probably the best way to bottle up 11 fingered leaves

yeah went back and checked this is the beginning of week 5 from seed, or the end of week 1 flower. see you next time.

incidentally i lost my dad (Circa94) a couple of weeks ago. like roughly a week before i fried my seedlings. i forgot to water it for 2 days. something told me to be more careful, i had recently just almost lost it when i let them dry out back when i had 2 clones. i managed to bring one back to life and it even started growing fast again. i mean seriously i lost every single leaf on it aside from the tiny baby leaves barely visible at the nodes. and i brought it back to life only to let it dry out and die.

R.I.P your legacy lives on. a moment of silence please for circa94. may your name go down in the annuls of history.
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Active member
alright back with another update, finally motivated myself enough to take pictures of my plants.

WOW 2 WHOLE PICTURES... i know but meh nothing to see really.




Goldy94 im pretty sure this is goldy x circa94 now.

they both stretched like a motherfucker. especially the Goldy94. i topped that bitch way back at 5 inches tall and i just supercropped the 2 tops that came of that topping earlier today before i stuck it back in the cab.

the G13x94 has hit the ceiling and starting to grow all compacted and shit so i bent it, the stem is really hollow, but sturdy, it didn't just snap in half, its sort of like a sugar cane stalk. it splinters and flexes but it stays strong. im hoping that as it continues to grow uo it will automatically grow to the side as the stem up top is weak and flexible.

crazy that it supercropped but doesn't stay bent over, it just pops back up. very flexible.

anyway this is like 2 weeks flower for both not much to see yet.

not goldy 94. was a random bagseed i had in my pocket at the time of planting. i smoke too much weed. the g1394 (g17) is actually g13xcirca94. that part im very sure of.
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Active member
G13xc94 (G17) and the other seed which i am now thinking is some local outdoor. looks a lot like that plant i had in hydro, the one i called thunder. well the guy who sold me the weed said "i call that there thunder" anyway its looking just like it. im gonna call it polly pocket. since i found it in my pocket lol.



Polly Pocket





only really one old school seed being grown right now but i figured i would track this here versus my other thread since i will be popping , or attempting more old school seeds soon.
both plants are week 2 since flowers first showed.


Active member
ok judging from what i wrote before...

begin WEEK 4 Flower.





Polly Pocket.

Both look pretty bad this week as last week was when i discovered a salt build up and flushed the plants which caused them to be nitrogen deficient, but we are back on track.

nothin to report besides that. till next week or 2.


Active member
Hey Dank yeah they both definitely have some sativa influence in them. the g17 reminds me of a plant i grew some years back long single cola. solid but needs a long time to finish. i chopped at around 10 weeks thinking it was done but when it dried all the calyxes were premature. this one is shaping up to be the same. its filling in pretty slow but its all solid mass. all i can see are the pistils sticking out and the buds are just growing like one big mass.



polly pocket nothing to report, been having issues since beginning flower, trying to correct it has been a challenge to say the least, others would just kill the plant and move on, i prefer a challenge. in recovery after overwatering and the fungus gnats trying to make a comeback push. slowly drying, fungus gnats dying.



Active member
Week 6 G17 / Polly Pocket

added another light to my cab 100w mh so now total power is 170w, also replaced the bulb on my 70w way past due. noticed improvement right away.
nothing much to report with the g17, buds getting denser got a slight bump in nitrogen by accident so there is a little foxtailing going on nothing major. i stripped all the lower stuff a week ago or so. top dressed with some bone meal and will be watering plain water and molasses till the end.





polly has not recovered yet and sits in a state of limbo as i wait for it to recover. i manually squeezed the water from the soil by compacting it then top dressed it with some of my new soil mix. the old one hold too much water for these new style of growing in beer cup hempys i switched to. i will stand by her side till she recovers or dies. every challenge is a lesson. im almost embarrassed to show this pic but.



Polly Pocket. im hoping she recovers, there is potential in there.


Active member
Beginning of week 7.

nothing much past whatever i said a couple of days ago, cept this is the beginning of a new week. polly is looking slightly better, just slightly. im waiting for some new growth to appear, or some indication that the nitrogen in the leaves is being used up. if it recovers and starts growing new shoots again ill attempt to clone it.








Active member
ignore whatever i said last time. i was high and updating several threads at once. this is week 11 day 73 of flower. i will chop this on monday most likely or whenever it dries out from the watering i will be giving over the weekend. thinking about the wrong flowering dates got me all fucked up when i noticed this plant is just about all ripe'd up, then i went back to my notes since it can't possibly be on 7-8 weeks. and it's not it's actually on 11 weeks.






G17 @ 11 weeks. all cloudy under the scope, little amber.


Active member
polly pocket i decided to abandon trying to finish and instead i am doing project reveg. i clipped all the shit on top to encourage lower growth, and since the roots are taking water again i have upped the nutes. if i am lucky i will have enough new growth to reveg and not have it just die on me instead. i quick dried the shit i clipped and smoked it, super creepy and extremely couchy. i didn't feel like doing shit that day. straight up.


anyway till next time.


Active member
was forced to end grow. managed to harvest. smoked once, really narcotic. could have gone longer. really hairy. still got seeds. see you in the future.