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My Pit Momma as a pup :)

Here she is about a year old

A couple pics of her pups she just had

Tennesse Bird Dogs, not my dogs but what a funny picture :)
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Spreading Seed said:
Hi OnThatLevel,

Nice pups. I love Boston Terriers. I do believe my next dog will be a lil female. Cute min-pin also.


Hey Spreading Seed!

I'd really recommend having a Boston. They make great dogs...smart, loyal, and great watchdogs. But mine, she snores a lot, and chews on everything...gotta watch it close. The "min pin" might not be a min-pin. She looks like one, but she's a rescue dog from the animal shelter. and could be almost anything from what everyone tells me.



I'll give it a shot.. cute dogs all,

Our am. pitbull.. we got her when my youngest was around 1yr old.. theyre best friends..its a shame i couldnt show my kids faces, they were both actually smiling for a change!



Active member
Here are my lovelies!

Here are my lovelies!

Here are my two beautiful babies:

Joe Joe Bean -- An English Bulldog
and with the utmost respect:
The Marvelous Mz. Roxy Vajra -- a ratty Toy Poodle with attitude.

without further adieu:




sorry that tehy are huge, if the mods want me to resize so they can fit on a normal screen, let me know. And if others cant see them, let me know and ill resize =)

good luck everyone!

lots of Love and Light


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Here are a couple of "my girl". LOL.
She is a good watch dog and is a great bird dog. She loves the water and always seems to pick up the heaviest chunk of wood she can find.



Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Awsome contest you got going on!!! I will post some pics of both my dogs, including my fullgrown 3.5lb Maltese Hybrid, and my Bichon.


Active member
well heres my 2 wonderful dogs. the male is around 90 pounds and the female is around 70 pounds, both are full blooded white german shepards

the female SHEEBA aka babbygirl

the male SABER

SABER again

stay safe dwtc


always hopeful yet discontent
here's our two beagles.. they are awesome dogs!! sweet, loyal, playful and full of love..

buddy our 8-y old:

and his little bro, bailey our 4-yr old



ICMag Donor
our pooch

our pooch

Heres our old guy, hangin out with us in the garden, he loves to walk under the plants, its pretty cool, he a big black german shepard, hes my baby :D hehee

Theres that damn turtle that hasnt moved all summer :)

I love these contests...everyone has such beautiful animals, I love lookin at the pics!, thanks everyone!!


Active member
Do puppies count? We just got another dog, an eight week (nine now I guess) old Golden Retriever. A buddy came over with his digital camera so I think I might actually be able to get some pictures of the little rat.


Active member
Well here we go.

First up a shot of the late Jacob Barney III (adopted, didn't get to name him) he was 13. :badday:

Here's Jake (named after Barney) causing mischief.

Here's Jake after being caught in the act, notice the lack of concern.

A spider catches his attention.

A picture of another one of our dogs, his name is Hobbes and he's high.

Jake bites the hand that feeds. It hurt.

Jake tries to bite the camera.

Looking for something dangerous to chew on, IE an electrical cord.

Hobbes again, still high and very hungry.

The hunger has been appeased.

Wide angle shot, kinda cool.

The flash angers the mighty Jacob, he pounces.

Standing at attention, we'll make a soldier out of him yet.

Looking tired.

Looking comfortable.

Looking very much asleep.

Pissed we skipped him in the rotation. He's a fiend.
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