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how much calcium is too much?


New member
i've been going over my fert program,trying to tweak it,when i realized that between the ferts and my hard water i am running over 300 ppm of calcium.i know that too much calcium can lockout magnesium and potassium,but is that too much calcium?i get the tell tale red stems on the fan leaves,and bud formation seems to be slow at times,but there is no chlorosis of the leaves,no twisting or curling.other than the fan leaf stems being slightly red,no other symptoms.am i just nitpicking these plants,or is it cause for concern.by the way,they are growing in botanicare coco boss.ferts are gh using the lucas formula with koolbloom,liquid karma,sweet and dark energy.p.h. is 5.8-6.0


if the only symptom is a slight redening of some leaf stems, then you don't have anything to worry about. as long as the leaves are not too dark green, nor too light with no necrosis, burnt tips, or other symptoms. then you don't have to worry. in coco growing, "when in doubt, flush that fucker out" lol.


i have crappy calcium filled tap aswell with no real problems...one of these days im going to buy a ro filter
gaiusmarius said:
"when in doubt, flush that fucker out" lol.


what do you suggest for a flush? Clearex or just plain H2O?

Obviously I'm to that point but will they ever recover or will they stay light through harvest?


flush with plain ph'ed water. then give them a normal feeding and the green parts will recover and get a healthy color back, but the burnt bits are burnt. still, you can get good buds with out perfect looking leaves, so don't give up.

good growings


flush one whole res through and then go back to normal nutrient mix. if you have an ec meter flush till the return ec is way down around 1.0 or not higher then 1.4 it might take an hour of flushing if you have allowed the salts to concentrate. also depends on the pump strength.