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What kind of drugs is Trump on.

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Well-known member
We should have it so good as to be pawns. We are merely pod wipers in the field.


Wendull, trump admitted it. There were also meetings with top Russians about financing for a tower.

Admitted what exactly? That he is “beholden to Russians”?? I must have missed that, do you have a link where I can catch up?

The tower financing was by top Russians eh? Where usually its broke Russians who finance these things?

There’s nothing improper about foreign money going into the US economy and nothing illegal about.


Well-known member
Admitted what exactly? That he is “beholden to Russians”?? I must have missed that, do you have a link where I can catch up?

The tower financing was by top Russians eh? Where usually its broke Russians who finance these things?

this is likely in the current Mueller report being prepared
we don't know all the details, but they will be revealed
some of the prosecutions(Manafort Et al.) do reveal parts
the final revelation? i think the internet will break that day


this is likely in the current Mueller report being prepared
we don't know all the details, but they will be revealed
some of the prosecutions(Manafort Et al.) do reveal parts
the final revelation? i think the internet will break that day

Sounds biblical! You know what is crazy when you think about it? It’s only the subsequent generations who live to find out the truth of matters. Eg. The world wars... nobody who fought in them knew the Rothschild banking dynasty funded both sides.
Perhaps our grandchildren will see a YouTube one day revealing the truth of these times.


ICMag Donor
I gave you half of it in post #191. Here's more, below is first one I clicked - maybe not the best. It's easy to find. It will all be proven out by Mueller. Look it up.

The oligarchs get state owned assets for cheep and are indebted to unlimited favors. All the money goes out the back door. The people get nothing.



Look this stuff up then we can have a better conversation.

Admitted what exactly? That he is “beholden to Russians”?? I must have missed that, do you have a link where I can catch up?

The tower financing was by top Russians eh? Where usually its broke Russians who finance these things?

There’s nothing improper about foreign money going into the US economy and nothing illegal about.


Active member
here is some facts

Trump has done more for the taxpaying American then Oboomba ever did

If it wasn't for the 22 million illegals and the votes they bring Hillary would have gotten annihilated in the popular vote

The majority of tax paying, working class American't support Trump, you know the people who actually pay the countries tax bill

Democrats are controlled and paid for my big money just the same as any other politician... They are simply paid actors hired to get into a position of power to keep the status quo, rich on top, poor on the bottom.. its all a smoke show.. why else do they bastards retire worth hundreds of millions

The majority of working class, tax paying American's want a wall,,,don't they deserve some right as to where there tax dollars are spent.

The Elites have sold out the American worker, these same elites want to keep the ball rolling the same direction, Trump want's to reverse that which will cost the elites hundreds of billions....

Anyways chew on that.

Southern border apprehensions of illegals are at 1972 levels.

Easily looked up border crossing statistics.

https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/f...hwest Border Sector Apps FYI1960 - FY2017.pdf

The wall is a con mans xenophobic campaign promise, unless you have actual “facts” to do any chewing on otherwise


You said trump admitted being beholden to top Russians and I’ve asked to see where that came from. I do not need further proof the vast majority news sources are vehemently anti trump since they are owned by his greatest opponents. The articles are pure speculation and media gossip. Mueller keeps his mouth shut. I’ll say that for him. Nobody knows what he has, or more likely, doesn’t have.
If Trump had done anything of consequence to now, we’d all know about it. You think they let him put Kavanaugh on the SC if they could have impeached him? That business with the Russians is ancient history and is going anywhere i suspect.I would be less surprised if they got him on tax.

I’ll counter what you said about me reading this stuff before we can discuss things properly by saying that the reverse is true in your case - we will reach agreement sooner if you don’t read that kind of unsubstantiated, partisan shit stirring.

I gave you half of it in post #191. Here's more, below is first one I clicked - maybe not the best. It's easy to find. It will all be proven out by Mueller. Look it up.

The oligarchs get state owned assets for cheep and are indebted to unlimited favors. All the money goes out the back door. The people get nothing.



Look this stuff up then we can have a better conversation.


Well-known member
trying to piece it altogether, and based on Trump's recent actions
i'm saying he might be on doubledownium
effects range from a god like exultation to the despair of a crack whore


Yeah, out of respect to the OP, I’d say pussy. I bet he was and probably still is a sex addict. I could fall victim to that too in his position.

I suspect his hot Mrs only fuels some people’s dislike of him. A bitter, broken, Woking class loser whose kids ODed with no savings and only a choice of an obese, unhygienic person or their arthritic right hand, could dislike Trump.


Active member
this is likely in the current Mueller report being prepared
we don't know all the details, but they will be revealed
some of the prosecutions(Manafort Et al.) do reveal parts
the final revelation? i think the internet will break that day

Yes. What is most important about manafort, Flynn and Cohen cases are what they were NOT charged with... lying about Russian collusion. IF any of those 3 lied about muh russia they would have been charged. If you are truly interested in perhaps looking into ‘the other side’, listen to Dan Bongino. Pretty knowledgeable with current situation.


ICMag Donor
What you say is simply not true. Instead of presenting evidence (facts) you prefer to be a stone thrower with nothing to support your contradictory position. You ask questions implying you knew almost nothing about trump / Russia / money and I provided articles that gave everything you needed to dig deeper. It's looking like that was a waste of time because you don't want a fact based conversation.

You said trump admitted being beholden to top Russians and I’ve asked to see where that came from. I do not need further proof the vast majority news sources are vehemently anti trump since they are owned by his greatest opponents. The articles are pure speculation and media gossip. Mueller keeps his mouth shut. I’ll say that for him. Nobody knows what he has, or more likely, doesn’t have.
If Trump had done anything of consequence to now, we’d all know about it. You think they let him put Kavanaugh on the SC if they could have impeached him? That business with the Russians is ancient history and is going anywhere i suspect.I would be less surprised if they got him on tax.

I’ll counter what you said about me reading this stuff before we can discuss things properly by saying that the reverse is true in your case - we will reach agreement sooner if you don’t read that kind of unsubstantiated, partisan shit stirring.

I still trying to find something fact based in what you've written here.


Active member
So, we have a bunch of righties here for the moment.

Let's try to deal with some facts.

Of all the people in the US, less than half voted for trump.

Because of the lies, pussy grabbing, corrupt finances, convicted cabinet members, etc, trumps popularity has now dropped into the 30s.

The majority of red state trump supporters are the states across the south.

Here's the map of red blue states -

Heres a map of states with best and worst education states by college grads.

Here's a map of wealthiest and poorest states.

This is really simple to see. It's the undereducated and therefore poorer states that are the red states supporting trump. Blue states are wealthier and better educated. The blue states are paying the lions share of taxes and picking up the tab for red states that have most of the farm subsidies, military bases, and necessary social benefits for their poor and undereducated. The worst poverty in the country is in red states as well.

The irony is that these red states support people who want to give even less education and less hand outs to the poor and needy and less medical to the people who can least afford it. This only makes the situation worse. Why is it that the people getting screwed the most are the biggest supporters?

While red people are listening to fox news and repeating the propaganda being spewed with facts that are not really facts, it would really be in your best interest to try to look at both sides carefully. It's really about the few controlling the many and giving them as little as possible. All they needed to do that was own a tv network and pitch propaganda to the most vulnerable and most dependent on farm subsidies, military base money, etc.

The easy solution would be for the blue states to say fuck off, we're not paying for this monkey business any more. You figure it out because we are going to take our money and check out.


Wendull C.

Active member
Wendull, trump admitted it. There were also meetings with top Russians about financing for a tower in Moscow.

The "No wall for You!" meeting with trump, Schumer, Pelosi, and Pence. Pence was sitting there like the puppeteer was on a coffee break. He knew that if Captain Evil is going to jail, then Mini Me is too. That would make Pelosi the next president. No offense to Verne Troyer.

I'm pretty up on all this political bullshit. Where exactly did he admit he was Putin's bitch? I heard wolfey and maddow say it but not him.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My money is on some kind of very strong benzodiazepine,,,
That would make a bit of sense to how the lotus is so up and down,, s2


Yes it is, every word. You are the one who made claims and assertions about trump and supposed wrongdoing and you have to present fact and proof, not me. All you have provided is reports of there being proof, or suggestion that proof will be revealed at some point in the future, but no proof.
Do you honestly think a court would accept those articles as proof of anything? You have proved YOU believe it, nothing more.

Google news links isn’t digging deep. Watching hours of congressional hearings and oversight committee meetings is more informative. If you had and saw the testimony given by fired FBI agents who led both Hilary email non- investigation and trump Russia framing, you would know who the bad guys are. Peter Strozck denied having bias in the investigation even after his own txts were read. His txts are great, he got fired from the FBI they were so unbiased :)
What you say is simply not true. Instead of presenting evidence (facts) you prefer to be a stone thrower with nothing to support your contradictory position. You ask questions implying you knew almost nothing about trump / Russia / money and I provided articles that gave everything you needed to dig deeper. It's looking like that was a waste of time because you don't want a fact based conversation.

I still trying to find something fact based in what you've written here.


Active member
So, we have a bunch of righties here for the moment.

Let's try to deal with some facts.

Of all the people in the US, less than half voted for trump.

Because of the lies, pussy grabbing, corrupt finances, convicted cabinet members, etc, trumps popularity has now dropped into the 30s.

The majority of red state trump supporters are the states across the south.

Here's the map of red blue states -

Heres a map of states with best and worst education states by college grads.

Here's a map of wealthiest and poorest states.

This is really simple to see. It's the undereducated and therefore poorer states that are the red states supporting trump. Blue states are wealthier and better educated. The blue states are paying the lions share of taxes and picking up the tab for red states that have most of the farm subsidies, military bases, and necessary social benefits for their poor and undereducated. The worst poverty in the country is in red states as well.

The irony is that these red states support people who want to give even less education and less hand outs to the poor and needy and less medical to the people who can least afford it. This only makes the situation worse. Why is it that the people getting screwed the most are the biggest supporters?

While red people are listening to fox news and repeating the propaganda being spewed with facts that are not really facts, it would really be in your best interest to try to look at both sides carefully. It's really about the few controlling the many and giving them as little as possible. All they needed to do that was own a tv network and pitch propaganda to the most vulnerable and most dependent on farm subsidies, military base money, etc.

The easy solution would be for the blue states to say fuck off, we're not paying for this monkey business any more. You figure it out because we are going to take our money and check out.

>implying hillary didn’t receive illegal votes
>implying hillary didn’t receive dead votes
It was hur turrnnnnnn

>implying California isn’t fiscally bankrupt
>implying trump base cares more about ‘pussy’ grabbing than the wall
>implying blue states would suceed
>implying CNN/ lefty news rags ‘stats’ are legit
Wew lad smoke rock much

Gyps where is the ‘rightie’ outrage?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I saw this news report yesterday about how there is some sort of mild exodus going on - with thousands of people leaving/fleeing California due to a whole host of detrimental things that many Californians seem to have had enough of - some guy was saying that you need planning permission just to change the tiles in your bathroom - in California.

Maybe its similar to what we have seen in London (UK) in recent years with massive, what they are calling 'White Flight?' - as the replacement population moves in, mostly from the 3rd world - the old school guys/gals move out.


ICMag Donor
Gyps where is the ‘rightie’ outrage?

Whiney trolls have even less shame than regular ol' lamer trolls.

This thread is "What kind of drugs is Trump on."

Troll In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain. Both the noun and the verb form of "troll" is associated with Internet discourse.

Textbook case.
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