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TnT Lab Genetics CFF3k-Semi Auto!


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Update- 12 Days From Soak-CFF3k

Update- 12 Days From Soak-CFF3k

Hey everyone, sorry I havent been putting up updates like i'd usually do.. Been having alot of stuff to deal with, Plus my girls flowering are having some issues.

So im going to be giving the other seed that I soaked for 20 hours and put into soil 2 1/2 Days ago, About 2-3 More days to show her self.. If she doesnt, im going to slowly and delicately try to move a little soil to see if I can see her actually doing something. IF she hasnt even opened Im going to put the 3 seeds in 1 pot and see if they ever pop up...

Its just so weird... ALL of TnTs Other seeds I popped, where strong and vigorous right from the start!!
I hope 1 of the CFF3k pop, because if she doesnt. Im gonna just try to germinate the rest of the seeds I got.. I didnt want to run just 1 Semi auto lol.. 3-4 Semi-Autos in 3Gal Smart Pots with 1/4 of the bottom of the pot buried in some Fresh FFOF Soil w/ ALOT of Perlite.
I dont think she/they will outgrow the 3-Gal smart pots since Air pruning will be happening, but ive seen some grows where the roots went straight into the ground through the bottom of the pot, while you could see roots getting aiir pruned since the Smart Pot was only sitting on the ground/Outside Soil...

Here she is in her 3Gal Smart Pot.



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Good & Bad News..

Good & Bad News..

Sooooo.... Another girl finally pops her head out of soil!! Pretty shallow soil that was on top of her lol.. I didnt want to stress the seeds out that didnt even crack or sink after 24hours, since there was a chance for any of them to still be viable!

Bad News.... She doesnt look to good.. Usually there either A SUPEr light green,Regular Green, or Dark Green once the cotyledons open up or are opening up...

I'll take A better close up picture later today to give it some time.. Big Sister On Left, New Germinated Seedling in cup on right...



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Awwww Shnap!! Day-14 Since Soak-1&Day-1 Above Soil-Other 1

Awwww Shnap!! Day-14 Since Soak-1&Day-1 Above Soil-Other 1

Hey you guys! So I totally thought the bigger CFF3k girl was going to grow faster and bigger, then any of the other TnT seedlings/strains I recently germinated at the same time. She was just bigger then the other strains, plus I put her in A 3Gal Smart Bag already!
Oh well we shall see how this girl goes.. Man I seriously cant wait to smell the terpenes this girl is gonna give off in just a Few Weeks!!! that c99 has me drooling,I havent heard much about the bhb3k since its unreleased and used for breeding, Plus that Fast Freeze HAS TO HAVE them Skunky with light Fruity and possibly other terps/smells.

So Im not to sure how accurate this chart is, since I only did A 5-10min search.. But I think this might be the pedigree lol/ Genetics of what was used to make the Fast Freeze Auto.. I hope it isnt to be honest, they really dont even know what plants where for sure used,but know the general type lol...

Freezeland Dogshit Pheno BX2
»»» Friesland Indica x Pluton BX2
Friesland Indica
Unknown Indica »»» Indica
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Auto GG Probably
»»» Guerilla Gold x Unknown Ruderalis Probably
Guerilla Gold F7
»»» Early Gold x {Afghanistan x Mighty Mite} F7
Afghanistan x Mighty Mite
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mighty Mite
»»» Himalaya x Ruderalis
Himalaya »»» Indica
Early Gold
»»» Kona Gold x Himalaya
Kona Gold »»» Sativa
Himalaya »»» Indica
Unknown Ruderalis »»» Ruderalis

Lol 1st cross was with an unknown auto...

Alright but here we go!
So if you know whats been happening, I've been having some germination issues.. But wanted to give the ones not popping out from soil, A Good Fair Chance to pop up and prove to me why it tried so hard to live instead of being poose seeds like her sisters...
Right now 2/4 have popped up. The 1st one is doing good, but the second runt who just fully popped up today didnt look good at all.. About 15 hours ago she was above soil, but looked dead already..Zombie action, some might have killed her....Not Me...

I Now Present The Little One That Could/Might Haha

I have a feeling she's either going to grow SUPER slowly like A Runt, OR show us how bad ass she and this strain really is. If i dont fuck up lol..
Plain Water for now in every other watering, Molasses and Great White 1-2x A week. The little one will get 1-2 weeks to establish some good strong roots in that cup. Then she will be put into her finishing 3-Gallon Smart Pot, Just like her Sister!


Active member
hey d,
dont over water at this point... in general seedlings rather drier than too wet!
also you still got twisting on the leaves.. you say she came out like that, yes she most prob did cause the soil ph isnt in check...
its not major and will straighten out if you sort it...
pls do another slury and then let us know... prob still too high..


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LOL.. Yes she most certainly did haha.. I guess ive never thought the twisting from sprout was from A ph issue/Grower mistake... I always thought it was genetics, only because the twist would go away eventually...

You cant see from the shadow in the pic. But I havent watered the 3gal smart pot in A pretty long time. I cant even remember when I watered her last. But her soil was Completely dry. Right now im only watering about 1 1/2 inches around the seedling.
I was watching this video/youtube grow log, mendo something lol I forget.. But TGA/Subcool was getting advice from them. In the beginning stages, they only water right around the plant.. As time passes and the girl gets bigger, they slowly start watering further and further out until the end of the 100gal pots..

So today I made sure any girls that got watered, got some ph ed water/light tea... I will do A slurry asap ... The Water/Tea was 6.4ph..

Have you ever tried using Coffee Grounds to lower the ph in the soil? Been doing more research..It has other light nutrient values, but the Grounds are pretty acidic so its supposed to help with soil/soilless mixes.. Use it kinda like a top dressing, but I think your supposed to mix it just A LITTLE deeper then just mixed with VERY top layer of soil for top dressing...

EDIT- Man im pretty happy another CFF3k popped up. I seriously didnt think any of the ones in soil, would pop up and show themselves. I Dont care if shes a runt. I have a feeling she will bounce back..


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CFF3k-Day 16-17 From Initial Soak & Day 4-Runt

CFF3k-Day 16-17 From Initial Soak & Day 4-Runt

Hey you guys, im not sure if im updating to many times A week lol. I dont keep A schedule. Once I notice that the TnT strains have grown since I last posted pics, then ill update which is about every couple to A few days..
I just want this to be A good Grow Log or Grow Diary, with the Good the Bad or Ugly. Incase someone else purchases this strain from TnT or some kinda of Auto in the Future and needs some kind of reference...

CFF3k-Day 16/17 & Day-4

The runt is faced that way just for the pic, I have a light 2inch away, since I couldt get these 2 directly under the MH. But they are still getting hit by it, and have 2-24watt CFL Bright Daylight Bulbs the closest the bulbs could be without hurting them..
The Bigger Sister is one of the biggest out of all the TnT Labs seedlings and has the tightest nodes. Compared to the girls getting the exact same amount of Mh but have LED bulbs directly on them...

Once I make my veg bigger or build the other 1/2 of the platform. I wont have to worry... But I am going to be throwing clones into flower in the next day or 2, in order to make room and keep numbers down.


ICMag Donor
hey d,
dont over water at this point... in general seedlings rather drier than too wet!
also you still got twisting on the leaves.. you say she came out like that, yes she most prob did cause the soil ph isnt in check...
its not major and will straighten out if you sort it...
pls do another slury and then let us know... prob still too high..
Could be genetics, too.
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Well theres a slight chance, but since Ive been having pretty bad ph issues. I would say its most likely grower/my error that did that.. Which is why im trying to find the difference in soil ph between the 2 plants with mutated first leaves and all the others who dont..

EDIT- Never mind lol this should kinda be in the other thread to.. But this girl looks WAY better now then she did.. But the 1st leaves not true leaves are still showing that twist but not as bad..

It kinda amazes me, if you look at the picture of her 2 days ago. Then you look at how big she got... Marijuaaaana is a pretty damn vigorous growing plant..


ICMag Donor
yes, possible, but i doubt very much as i havent seen it myself in the line.. i have made a few crosses with the C99xFF mother but dont recall
seeing the twist in those crosses...

:thank you:
A few....great.

Hoping Dakine does well with your testers.


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Check this out.. So ALL the TnT Strains are directly under the MH or off to the side by just A little bit..

But the CFF3k Is A little off to the side,and just A 1/2inch lower from all the other pots, but partially under the MH but is getting hit by the light without question. If you guys read the thread or kept up with it. You'd know that I also have LEDs and CFLs one after another on both sides of the MH.
But since the 2-CFF3k are not getting the same amount of light, I decided to lower 2-CFLs that are on A 2-Splitter which isnt directly above but off to her left side just A little bit. But the bulbs where still 1inch away.

-(which is how i have some other bulbs for other TnT strains.Gotta change cause plants are leaning crazy lol)

So other young'ns have bulbs right next to them just like the CFF3k do. SOO im not sure why, But the node spacings between the CFF3k are super close . She has the tightest nodes out of everything, and shes bigger then some and has more growth then some..

I like the spacing, not really since I want multiple colas. Training her might be kinda hard compared to the other strains.. I moved the bulbs directly above the 2-CFF3k, but in order to do that they are 2inch away now


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Update, Been Sick

Update, Been Sick

Hey you guys, Sorry I usually updatee every couple of days so anyone can see exactly how these CFF3k girls grow.. \

Luckily I was able to even get up today to check on everything.. I seriously thought alot of the other TnT strains where dead. They where dried out so bad, that the main stem was fully limp and bent over. ALL leaves where super drooopy and soft. Kinda how you leave A piece of lettuce out over night or something...

The CFF3ks didnt seem to get effected by the drought for 2-3 days luckily. But the other girls werent so lucky at all!!



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Update-CFF3k 27&18 Days From Initial Soak...

Update-CFF3k 27&18 Days From Initial Soak...

Hey you guys, sorry for the lapse in Updates.. I actually had to get my system flushed from all of the Prescriptions Meds I take.. I never really new they could do that, I only thought they could do that for Opiates or something..
I had some kind of cold/Virus that was attacking my immune system, which also made my old but recent pneumonia that im still taking meds for start to come back.. It makes sense though, Since ive been so out of breath,tired,coughing the load of stuff out, and feeling like I also had the flu or something...
Im not exactly sure what they did, but because I take ALOT of medications for pain,muscle spasms,nerve damage,anxiety, and sleep. All of that wasnt helping my immune system at all, they where actually making sure my immune system couldnt bounce back without some help..

So now thats' done lets ge this update started...
I really think that the few days I forgot/couldn't water everybody, really damaged them. The CFF3k are in the same flower FFOF Soil as everybody else, but her leaves are still drooping a little? Im not sure whats going on.. Afterr I flushed everything, all the girls picked up, and the growth on this CFF3k girl in the Smart Pot is pretty intense haha..

This pic was taken seconds after I watered them.. ITs still weird that she was one o fthe last to pop her head out of the soil... But she is now he biggest without question, but the shortest, and has awesome secondary growth.

CFF3k- 27days and 18days from seed.

Take A look at the big Girls undergrowth.

Its almost making me think that her leaves are actually to big to hold her self up.. She was doing this before but got better in time, without me really moving her or changing anything...
Im still kinda deciding on whether or not to train her now or top her now, or do both lol... But for some reason, shes making me think shes gonna start flowering pretty soon, even though shes under 24/0 lighting lol...


ICMag Donor
But for some reason, shes making me think shes gonna start flowering pretty soon, even though shes under 24/0 lighting lol...

True autoflowers can show sex in 24/0 light....due to genetic characteristics. That's just what autos/semi autos do. Preferably needing minimal dark period (4, 6, or 8 hrs) for uptake of nutrients and "rest" before next light schedule.Certain hormonal and metabolic processes do occur in darkness, and that allowing your plants to have a “rest” at night-time leads to overall increased health and vigor.

As autoflowering plants are not dependent on changes in the light cycle to commence flowering, they can successfully be grown using a lighting cycle of anything from 16/8 to 24/0 compared to 12/12 lighting to induce flowering for photoperiod cannabis. Many growers cultivate their autos under a 24/0 regime; however anything over 18/6 is overkill (we've grown enough to see it's effect) and that electricity costs can be reduced with no reduction in final yield if following this regime.

Some will dispute the autos needing darkness for a period of time (usually 1/4 of their light cycle)....I'll leave it to individualistic grow techniques. We've done comparisons and no appreciative differences between 18/6, 20/4, 24/0....other than electric consumption. We prefer using 20/4 or 18/6.
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Active member
Oh I totally believe that.. I actually turn the mh off for 4 hours but keep the LED and CFL bulbs on for 24/0.. So I thought even running those bulbs on, it would help the elec bill a little by turning the mh off..

Yeah I read up on autoflowering.. the reason why I kinda seemed to be in shock was cause that woulda kinda screwed up the plans/schedule I had for them haha..I do think that some dark time is needed for everything in the plant to basically take a rest.. As long as the lights are on they use a lot of energy for photosynthesis and all the other functions it has..
I'm pretty dang sure a plant under a schedule that has dark time must perform some type of action better then a plant that doesn't.. No matter how minuscule that action is.. Even the stomata close up and take a rest when it's night time, so that has to mean a lot of other working parts rest as well, right?

Or I could be completely wrong , and look like an idiot... I'd be pretty happy if she doesn't start flowering though.. Atleast not for now, so she can grow enough to get a decent harvest out of..


Active member
But for some reason, shes making me think shes gonna start flowering pretty soon, even though shes under 24/0 lighting lol...

True autoflowers can show sex in 24/0 light....due to genetic characteristics. That's just what autos/semi autos do. Preferably needing minimal dark period (4, 6, or 8 hrs) for uptake of nutrients and "rest" before next light schedule.Certain hormonal and metabolic processes do occur in darkness, and that allowing your plants to have a “rest” at night-time leads to overall increased health and vigor.

As autoflowering plants are not dependent on changes in the light cycle to commence flowering, they can successfully be grown using a lighting cycle of anything from 16/8 to 24/0 compared to 12/12 lighting to induce flowering for photoperiod cannabis. Many growers cultivate their autos under a 24/0 regime; however anything over 18/6 is overkill (we've grown enough to see it's effect) and that electricity costs can be reduced with no reduction in final yield if following this regime.

Some will dispute the autos needing darkness for a period of time (usually 1/4 of their light cycle)....I'll leave it to individualistic grow techniques. We've done comparisons and no appreciative differences between 18/6, 20/4, 24/0....other than electric consumption. We prefer using 20/4 or 18/6.

im with arid on this one... 18/6 is best for all, costs and the plant..
also gives healthiest plants... from my notes i remember 20/4 beeing the most ideal light regime for vegging photos... giving the best yield


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CFF3k 33&24 Days From Initial Soak

CFF3k 33&24 Days From Initial Soak

Sorry I yhavent been able to really chat about these girls.. Been really busy with my Work Case and PT and all that good stuff..

Right now I ant decide on whether or not to top them? I think the older 1 is to big already to top , but I should be able to top the younger one. The younger one will also be put into her 3Gal Smart Pot tomorrow.

The leaves that where previously damaged, are of course still damaged. But everything else seems to be growing fine. I think its almost about time for the big girl to be thrown outside? What do you guys think?


Look at the secondary/undergrowth on this girl. Its crazy!! None of the other TnT strains are like this.



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Oh alright, so I think ill be working on the veg area then lol.. Right now its 24/0 because im to lazy to finish putting up the sliding doors haha!! I've already put up the tracks and another pole to hang A black curtain inside of the area to be A second defense against any light leaks. So basically I just gotta put the Doors on and check for anything else that needs to be done.

Once thats finished ill be able to switch to 18/6!


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CFF3k Runt- 25 Days From Initial Soak

CFF3k Runt- 25 Days From Initial Soak

So I just transplanted the CFF3k Runt into Her 3Gal Smart Pot that she will finish in.. Shoulda transplanted her about 1week ago lol. She was ALMOST fully rootbound.. Her Roots did look nice and healthy though!
She was transplanted into Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil from a Brand New bag. I mixed 1/4Tsp of the Oystershells into the 3gallons of FFOF soil that I used for the transplant.

CFF3k Runt



Active member
So I just transplanted the CFF3k Runt into Her 3Gal Smart Pot that she will finish in.. Shoulda transplanted her about 1week ago lol. She was ALMOST fully rootbound.. Her Roots did look nice and healthy though!
She was transplanted into Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil from a Brand New bag. I mixed 1/4Tsp of the Oystershells into the 3gallons of FFOF soil that I used for the transplant.

CFF3k Runt

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1232.jpg]View Image[/URL]

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1233.jpg]View Image[/URL]

hey bro,
looking good.. you seem to have ph in check now... :woohoo:
remember to calibrate your ph pen once a month min to avoid problems..
did you end up adding lime?
she is going to explode... nice fat leaves
:thank you:

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