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Who love's cats?


Ganja struetu?
i like a small percentage of cats. If a guy owns a cat i usually hate the cat and if i woman owns it i usually love it. anyone got a guess why that is? :p


New member
i love cats. we have the coolest one ever, meeka. she's 9 months old and a runt. i would post pics, but i need about 70 more posts 1st i guess. you can see a couple pics of her in my gallery.

the 1 pic where she looks like she's flying superman-style up the wall is us playing her favorite game. she has a typical feather on a stick toy, except it has two little white plastic tie/bead things on the end of the handle. she goes nuts chasing those and doesn't pay attention to the feather 1 bit. we run her all over the house with it, and as you can see, she doesn't think twice about running up the walls for it, haha. perfect timing on the pic.
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New member
I love cats. I have three all littermates. They are 2 years old.





I take max to the guerilla patch...Dude is like a dog..He never runs away..

At home Im always blowing off my lighter hand before I light bowls,,,Cant stand smoking cat hair..Its everywhere(as you all know)...Breaking up and lighting a bowl now has to be done with extreeeeeem care.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Fast Pine hit a grounder in the Winter of 2007 and in the Summer of 2017, Tudo caught it on the fly! Meow!


Well-known member
I kind of like cats dogs are better they will eat most of a plant on me but cats will piss and shit in may pots. Dogs are better hands down they are more playfull and protective and its cool when they eat most of a plant because it turns into a massive bush. :) does take extra time to veg but better than at piss.


Well-known member
He's Megato. Everyone loves their nice fluffy cats, but i like mine extra because he's so ugly.



Still Learning
Yup definitely. So does my Wife :huggg:
10 years since the last post in this thread. Tudo, you bored? :biggrin:

My two are Siberian Mountian cats, step sisters, 15 & 18 lbs.. they say these cats are hypo-allergenic Stoner4Life.. when my my sister comes to visit, who is allergic to everything but air and water is happy as hell (where all my friends are) cause she can play with them without getting to look like the Pillsbury dough girl..

Before that we had the best of the bunch, a Maine Coon cat..
I miss her..


Some beautiful feline specimens in this thread :) I don't technically have a cat but my neighbour got two and they hate each other. The smaller, older female called April was pretty much forced out and came begging to us and now eats, sleeps and hangs out in our house, safe and happy. My daughters think she's ours. I like that the neighbour still takes care of the vet insurance.

St. Phatty

Active member
I have a new kitty family of 3 kittens.

They show a marked preference for Foxfarm Ocean Forest, over dry sand, for kitty litter.

So does that make them Cannabis Cats ?


(other thread on Cannabis Cats).

One of the kittens is especially hissy & bitey. I invested $2 in some leather gloves that I thought were serious.

But they have cloth, not leather, on the back of the hand.

So that kitty bit me ... on the back of the glove, through the cloth, right through to the protoplasm part (where my hand begins).

She has a very endearing double-hiss, where she hisses loud and then shoves her head forward an inch and hisses louder. It reminds me of the monster creature in the movie Aliens.


Invertebrata Inebriata
One of the kittens is especially hissy & bitey. I invested $2 in some leather gloves that I thought were serious.

But they have cloth, not leather, on the back of the hand.

So that kitty bit me ... on the back of the glove, through the cloth, right through to the protoplasm part (where my hand begins).

Sounds like you handle your kitties kind of rough. If they're hissing and biting, they're telling you 'bad touch'.:tiphat:

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