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China and Cannabis


Well-known member
Hello everybody

I think it is an interesting topic
Master mexcurandero posted this link:


Yunnan it is considered a perpetual spring. Temperatures are steady between 20-24C all year round
Another appropiate place for a project like asiatimes report would be Hainan Island

SolarLogos said:"...I for one, would love to try some good cannabis grown in Yunnan Province. It is springtime year round there. Almost all the beautiful flowers you see around China are grown around Kunming and shipped all over Hong Kong and China. There are greenhouses and exotic tree and flower fields/farms everywhere. In the villages people still carry two pails of water over their shoulders between a long bamboo pole. I'm just not sure how a tropical sativa would do there; I'm not sure if it gets hot enough or intense enough sunlight for them..."

I dont know how to do the quote thing...
Yes, Yunnan is springtime year round. It doesnt mean is sunny.

In China there is too much pollution. You might think is fog but pollution is felt and some cities have trouble on the air quality

Yes, you can still see people carrying stuff on a long bamboo pole, not only in the viullages and not only carrying water.

And besides them you can see Audis everywhere, you can see people getting down from a BMW X7 to buy some fruit from the sellers carrying their goods on the bamboo pole

It is certainly an interesting country and an interesting topic

Have a happy day everybody!


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