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Smoking with your pets? Opinions? Share your stories?


Living with the soil
My pets have consumed the herb in various manners......I love them,they love me.....nobody's being neglected,we all get to share. From the goats to the chickens.......from the cats to the dogs. Nothing but the best for every living thing.


love machine
ICMag Donor
used to have a few pets, dags cats and birds. I dont smoke ;em out but whenever i spark my doobie they always find their way next to me.

i could tell they got real high lol once my dag just lay flat on his back with his paws up the air


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Please be careful of feeding goats cannabis stalks. There are numerous documented cases of the fibers getting stuck between the goat stomachs and causing the animals to die in a most unpleasant way. Evidently cows are just fine with it, but goat stomachs aren't designed to process that kind of fiber (even if they'd like to)!


Living with the soil
Please be careful of feeding goats cannabis stalks. There are numerous documented cases of the fibers getting stuck between the goat stomachs and causing the animals to die in a most unpleasant way. Evidently cows are just fine with it, but goat stomachs aren't designed to process that kind of fiber (even if they'd like to)!
I only feed them wheel barrels full of leaf. The chickens get the leaf as well. We use the stems for fire starter.


cannabis enthusiast
killer would put his nose right in your face when tokin up, then even help us devour the pizzas


Mine don't really like smoke around them, but my Pug loves edibles. He can sniff them out anywhere and will attempt to force his way into whatever container theyre in. Which he won't do for anything else cause he knows better, humorous imo that he does it for cannabis treats.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
When I was a teenager, my friend's little scotty dog ate a whole bag of weed. He spent that entire day rolling around on his back with his legs sticking straight up.

My old cat (RIP) used to come up to me when I smoked and gently sniff the cloud when i exhaled.

My current cat runs away when i spark the lighter. He doesn't want to even be near the smoke. Loves catnip though. And if I don't watch carefully, he'd definitely try to take a chomp out of my ladies.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
my cat had no interest in flowering plants, but would chew the living bejesus out of any vegging plants he could get to. there's topping, supercropping, lst, fimming, and then there's 'mangled by cat'. surprisingly, he crafted some fairly nifty bonzai growth from time to time.


... I don't smoke with them anymore because they bogart like hell, plus there's all sorts of hair on the mouthpiece of the bong....and I found a piece of kitty litter stuck to the end of the J I smoked with them last time......"just say no" is now my motto.
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A friends' dog once got into a baggie of nugs that I had just bought and I just thought it was so funny I couldn't be upset! lol. Luckily the bits he didn't manage to swallow weren't too slobbery. hahaha. :good::biglaugh:


???? ???????:?9-THC
i don't blow smoke at my cat's face because she doesn't like it... her nose is much more sensitive than mine (or humans for that matter) ...
but she's crazy for leafs...although she doesn't touch in the bud's

lol check this link... have a cat!? don't like trimming!? this is your solution!!...



Well I would share with my dog but he is damn moocher..................and he can't even hold the pipe! That no thumbs thing is a bitch.

Flying Goat

I believe cannabis is a natural medicine for all animals as well as us humans... My old cat, Widget, (rest his soul), would stalk you whenever he smelled you smoking or vaping... He'd be pushy - sit on your shoulders until you'd share a puff with him... Put his nose right in your face & wait for you to exhale. Once, frustrated, I gave him mouth-to-mouth shotgun of some vapor. He loved it! Would NOT leave me alone...

Years later, when he was old & sick, a dollop of cannabutter on his nose seemed to be the only thing he craved to stop his arthritis & digestive issues. -- No shit - he would throw up unless he had a crumb-size bit of cannabutter about 20 min before eating his food.

These days, the only critter who's really PUSHY is my buck goat. He will stalk down anyone with a cig or a joint & stick his nose in their face, upper lip raised, waiting for (demanding) the exhale... No way can this be considered animal abuse - if anything I'M the one abused... I'm 140 lbs & he's 220...

There are a couple lady goats who like it as well, but they're much more... ladylike.

I have found feeding green fan leaves to my chickens in winter when there's not much grass helps them build more betacarotene into the egg yolks... If they're dull yellow, this perks them up to a nice bright orange in about 3 days...

Thanks for the post about not feeding stalks to goats. I have fed very thin stalks to mine, but generally just feed excess leaf & trash...

Best cat toy I've ever made was 1/2 homegrown catnip & 1/2 trim from AK-47... They would NOT leave it alone! I had to recover it twice in 3 days.

Note - storebought catnip is mostly stems with very little volatile oil left... Try picking up some from WalMart & growing your own - you will NOT be disappointed. Be sure & put a wire cage over it until it's mature enough to be divided into clumps, or the cats will get it & chickens will feast on it. Makes a really great cushion-shaped shrub for around the foundation of the house...

My pet raccoon is pregnant now & she still climbs up on me begging for a puff... She gets pissed when I won't share. I'm gonna try the idea of giving her the roach... Doesn't sound tasty to me, but she's always 1st to inspect any ashtray she comes across. Not interested in cig butts.

I wonder how animals instinctively know what plants are good for them?


Seems like cats like pot more than dogs do. We also had an old 17 year old cat,Crazy. Every night at 7pm,exactly,he would come up for his shotgun. If I didn't do it he would get pissed off and bug me. At first I thought it was just a coincedence,but he kept it up for years! I think it helped him in his last years,he had a hip deformity,and it worked better than the meds the Vet gave me. Kitty Lilly doesn't seem to like it at all,so go figure! I think animals DO know mostly what plants can help them,look how dogs eat grass when their guts are upset.


wow goats cant eat cannibis?? damn. I got some bumpkin family members who own a goat and poultry auction house and everytime ive gone there to help them out I see the goats eat everything they can get thier mouths on. I mean everything. Wood metal paper plastic.


I wonder how animals instinctively know what plants are good for them?

It makes you wonder. :kitty: Maybe we don't give them enough credit. Just because they don't know how to swipe a Visa doesn't mean they don't have a sense of understanding for the world around them.