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thats easy, it doesnt say OMRI on the bottle its not organic. Superthrive is fine, some people say it works, but i think there are much better alternatives. but what the hell do i know anyways.


moon i cant even understand what the hell your are trying to say lol. Who cares what form it is, you want to bitch at the guy, bitch at him for not doing a search, the info is obviously out there, and ya its pretty goddamn obvious its not organic, the US government classifies it as an unregistered pesticide as a matter of fact. And no, you shouldnt put it on your weed plants no matter how much you percieve that it helps. source:


ok ok guys:laughing: thrive aint organic.......but come on man dont qoute mew wikipedi ffs its the larfgin stock of the net:laughing:


Active member
its associated to a b1 thrive....but in my noobyness id take the advice of a more proffcient grower like yourself........but pictures speak a 1000 words , do you have any?

id best fess up and say i grow total organic as well in some departments, yes i have pictures posted on icmag..........

as long as your game buddy:D

incorrect. superthrive's active ingredient is 1-Napthyl acetic acid. It is artificial auxin, just like agent orange. and it has the same effect on plants. Kind of annoying that i have to keep posting that for people, who seem ready to defend this fraudulent product to the end.

I already declined your pissing contest (and let you bait me into another one).


thats easy, it doesnt say OMRI on the bottle its not organic. Superthrive is fine, some people say it works, but i think there are much better alternatives. but what the hell do i know anyways.

so your also of the opinion of shit shoved in a bottle and labled organics' really organic? whats it doin in a bottle?


Active member
beware the OMRI thing. think for yourself. OMRI ruined organic in this country. There are many issues there. Know what's in there, and why it works, and where it should be applied. Spraying OMRI certified pyrethrins on your patch of plants near a stream is a very bad idea (it is toxic to fish and amphibians).
you guys kind of missed my point on that one. You are correct, that doesnt make it organic just cause it says that, but if it doesnt say that, than it definitely isnt i guess is what i was saying. Im high, it made sense to me. And organic material is different than organic just for the record. OMRI= organic material review board, but im sure you already knew that.


Active member
hey metal, I understand your confusion, because what you are saying makes sense. The problem is the structure of the OMRI certification, which tends to preselect for large entities because of the costs involved. I am not the most knowledgeable on the specifics, but if you PM clackamas coot, he posted some good examples once.

The short version is, there are some completely natural, safe, and organic products that do not have the OMRI certification.

Superthrive is not one of them.