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Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have lon


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Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have long term affect on organs?

I want to know if there is any long term damage to organs if I consume MJ via food, caps/pills, tincture, etc..Will it affect pancrease or liver like a pharmaceutical pill would?

I'm a 30 year old asthmatic, I was diagnosed at 16 but ignored and continued to play sports, swim and bike without inhaler. They said it was a mild version. I recently quit smoking MJ and switched to vaporizing, no particular reason just wanted to becareful in the long run. I never smoked cigs, ever. I'm still able to play basketball with the 20 year olds on full court without any issues.

To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age. This put me in panic mode and I quickly made an appointment with doc to been next week. I even went out and purchased a brand new FLOW PEAK METER made by omcrom. I came home and tested, my numbers were really low at 450, the highest was around 500. The normal rate for someone my age and height is 622. I'm barely at 450. I'm only 150lbs, not sure if this has any affect to score.

The meter I purchased 1/5 star reviews on amazon, mainly about the quality but some are complaining that the meter always shows 80-100 lower compared to other meters Not sure what to make of it. I'm scared and can barely focus. I just had a son, now I'm afraid I wont be around to see him grow up. I have no wheezing or any asthma attacks in my whole life.

To top it off my mother died of rare lung cancer called BAC at 49, however she was a heavy tobacco smoker. I lived with my dad and only seen her a few times, her house reaked of smoke. After I seen article on how you have 70% chance of getting lung cancer if you parents got it and you smoke. I spoke to genetics counselor who did not think it was necessary to test if there was not a strong family history (only sporadic with known cause) of LC in immediate family. No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke. Anyone else consume mj via pills on a daily basis?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Yes, smoking anything can harm the lungs... I know that statement will bring howls from the masses, but it's true. However, eating cannabis does not harm you much at all. The concerns I know of are for Hepatitis sufferers or those with compromised liver function. THC and the other beneficial compounds such as CBDs get broken down via your metabolism and removed from the bloodstream via the liver. If the liver isn't functioning properly, buildup could occur of many things that need to be eliminated regularly to keep your body in balance.

You are welcome to discuss these aspects in this forum and hope some more knowledgeable members will chime in with some clear-cut advice...

Best wishes to your continued health!

paper thorn

Active member
I don't know... Seems to me that if there was a real connection between lung cancer, copd, heart disease, etc, that we would be inundated with reports of the people dying from marijuana on the news.
Instead, nothing, no facts, just... it must be waaaaayyyy worse than cigarettes.
never heard of the big death toll and living misery of copd ridden Rastafarians.


Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have long term affect on organs?

I want to know if there is any long term damage to organs if I consume MJ via food, caps/pills, tincture, etc..Will it affect pancrease or liver like a pharmaceutical pill would?

I'm a 30 year old asthmatic, I was diagnosed at 16 but ignored and continued to play sports, swim and bike without inhaler. They said it was a mild version. I recently quit smoking MJ and switched to vaporizing, no particular reason just wanted to becareful in the long run. I never smoked cigs, ever. I'm still able to play basketball with the 20 year olds on full court without any issues.

To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age. This put me in panic mode and I quickly made an appointment with doc to been next week. I even went out and purchased a brand new FLOW PEAK METER made by omcrom. I came home and tested, my numbers were really low at 450, the highest was around 500. The normal rate for someone my age and height is 622. I'm barely at 450. I'm only 150lbs, not sure if this has any affect to score.

The meter I purchased 1/5 star reviews on amazon, mainly about the quality but some are complaining that the meter always shows 80-100 lower compared to other meters Not sure what to make of it. I'm scared and can barely focus. I just had a son, now I'm afraid I wont be around to see him grow up. I have no wheezing or any asthma attacks in my whole life.

To top it off my mother died of rare lung cancer called BAC at 49, however she was a heavy tobacco smoker. I lived with my dad and only seen her a few times, her house reaked of smoke. After I seen article on how you have 70% chance of getting lung cancer if you parents got it and you smoke. I spoke to genetics counselor who did not think it was necessary to test if there was not a strong family history (only sporadic with known cause) of LC in immediate family. No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke. Anyone else consume mj via pills on a daily basis?

Sir, you have nothing to worry about. Consuming Marijuana a few times a day, in my opinion, is the last thing you should be worried about. In a world of pollution, smog, fast food and GMO'S I believe our herb is not the issue.

I am an amateur body builder and smoke throughout the day for anxiety relief and muscle aches/spasms.

It sounds like you are very conscious of your health, to me diet is everything and has a much more profound effect on your health than consuming cannabis. Consider eliminating grains, eating more fresh raw foods, and eat high quality meats and poultry ..anti biotic free!

It seems to me you are taking this a bit far and are worrying yourself on a silly take home (probably terribly inaccurate) peak flow meter. If your performance isn't affected I wouldn't be concerned, I too had asthma as a child and continued on with sports and eventually starting saying fuck the inhaler.
90% of conditions these days are caused by diet (my nutritionists opinion, I agree).

Doctors don't know shit about nutrition, they aren't even taught in medical school."here's another pill" is their favorite quote. Don't take to heart what he/she says.. And of course the doc is going to tell you cannabis will give you emphysema, quacks!

Good luck with whatever you choose



"Take another pill" mentality is creating addicts and more problems than they solve. Imo, i don't trust a lot of MDs hawking pills on the public. Look at me I'm healthy as a horse and smoke reefer everyday!;) probably just for that reason. Reefer is anxiety/stress relief for me, xanax and opiates are bad news bears.

As for copd from smoking? It's a scary thought but I've never heard of any mmj patient with cancer or copd. Use a cape if your paranoid I would say. Or edibles but they can be a bit much sometimes potency wise...at least for me anyway...
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Active member
To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age.

Keep vaping, will probably help with your anxiety, unless you're like me and vaping removes that control aspect.

Emphysema from cannabis? ROTFLMAO! Yeah, maybe seriously contaminated and badly grown/harvested/stored/used cannabis.
Not cannabis though. What a douche article. :(

Relax. Smoke, vape, whatever.

Make canna pills from ethanol, dry-sift or bubble hash extraction. Use food grade for everything and you'll be fine.

Cannabis HELPS all of the things you're concerned about. *shrug* Not your fault that everyone you talk to is ignorant on the subject. (Especially doctors)

Read up on here, lots of great info on the benefits of cannabis. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Mud Boy

In the first place, if you've never had wheezing or an asthma attack, you were probably mis-diagnosed. Second, there are studies that suggest that pot smoke can actually help heal lung diseases. And third, throw that flow meter away, I have three of those stupid things from various hospital stays, and they all give different readings. If you can play sports with the young bucks and not get out of breath, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your lungs. Good luck.:tiphat:


Consuming THCA seems relatively harmless and definitely the most healthy way to take THC. Of course I'm not a doctor or scientist but anyways that's what the general consensus has been. Those cannabidiol pills or whatever they call them however are a totally different story, I've heard bad shit about that.

Slip Kid

Everyone I know past the age of 25 who has continued smoking and does not smoke cigs seems to be doing pretty well compared to their peers.I'm about 45 and it's obvious that cigs take you down for sure but the canna smokers I know are all active people who generally don't sit on the couch all day watching Ellen and I think that activity contributes to their health more than anything.I only smoke little puffs from a joint then snuff it out.Honestly if you can run around a basketball court now, I think you should be fine.So far in all my learned 45 yrs(!) I've only seen one bed ridden canna smoker and this person had advanced Lymes disease.Granted I don't know everybody but I think the general consensus will be, active life= health, although it's not always the case.I think if you don't smoke like a chimney you'll do as well as any yoga maniac.I would advise edible canna but that can floor me when I need to be sharp.:)


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
ACTUALLY Johnny boy,

Dr.s at UCLA performed a 30 year study funded by NIDA to prove that regular cannabis smoking carried similar risks to cigarette smoking in regards to COPD, head, throat, neck and lung cancers... however... even those whose cannabis use was considered heavy, incurred no increased risk for contracting COPD and had a lowered risk of contracting head throat neck and lung cancers when compared to NON SMOKERS... and of course obviously much lower than cigarette smokers since smoking only increases ones risk when compared to non smokers...

check out this vid...

skip to 15:40 to go strait to the info on the study and how it pertains to COPD and lung cancer...
EDIT: also smoking cannabis is actually beneficial in treating asthma... skip to 38:00
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Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ

To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age. This put me in panic mode and I quickly made an appointment with doc to been next week.

I just had a son, now I'm afraid I wont be around to see him grow up. I have no wheezing or any asthma attacks in my whole life.

After I seen article on how you have 70% chance of getting lung cancer if you parents got it and you smoke. I spoke to genetics counselor who did not think it was necessary to test if there was not a strong family history (only sporadic with known cause) of LC in immediate family. No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke.

I removed some clutter from your post. It doesn't seem like marijuana is your problem. Your last statement left out using edible marijuana.

As a part time internet doctor my diagnosis is you should quit using any form of marijuana.


Active member
I have RSD, and have been eating edibles for 13 years, and have had no ill effects. I would suggest you start off real slow, and please don't take this the wrong way, but you might be a tad bit paranoid, about your health. I worry the edibles could induce more paranoia, if you overeat, like most 1st timers do. That would be bad, especially for somebody that has an anxiety disorder. You just need to start off on low dosage edibles, and find the strength that works best for you. Also, you mentioned you have a son...well, your anxiety will only get put on him, and he might grow up with some of the same issues you have. Try to just relax, and enjoy your son, and life. You have had it drilled into your brain that you have a serious medical condition, and maybe it isn't as serious as you have been led to believe. Just chill, my friend, everything will be fine, if you can do that. Peace....


Pretty much zero negative effects associated with tobacco smoking, can be transferred to MHz smokers. Tar can affect your lung capacity and lower the amount of oxygen you get with each breath, but only by about 5 percent if you smoke a j everyday for 20 years. Cancer certainly isn't coming from cannabis. Cannabis has several cannabanoids that have shown to stop cancer in its tracks. My dad had prostate cancer, and because he smoked every day it didnt spread to his nodes and he made it. Anti-mmj morons always say that it's just a bunch of hippy nonsense that mmj actually helps beyond just getting us too stoned to comprehend our ailments, but they've never actually read a study done on the subject. I suggest checking out the university of Alabama/ university of California 20 year study, very interesting


both brothers of me recently got diagnosed with copd... they smoked bongs filled with dirty maroc hash & tobacco ( mix like 1: 10...) for about 10/15 years. when they went out of hash they even scrabbed the tar from the chillums an again mixed it with tobacco in a pretty bad mix. ( they cant even stop taking hits now they know of their decease :( )
+ so i decided to stay with straight weed joints, although i do realise it would be wiser to get a vaporizer knowing my genetic background. but its just not the same compared with smoking, i´d rather be eating it then.

edit.ontopic: i never heard of any negative side effects from eating it, as long as its flushed and clean.


Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have long term affect on organs?

I want to know if there is any long term damage to organs if I consume MJ via food, caps/pills, tincture, etc..Will it affect pancrease or liver like a pharmaceutical pill would?

I'm a 30 year old asthmatic, I was diagnosed at 16 but ignored and continued to play sports, swim and bike without inhaler. They said it was a mild version. I recently quit smoking MJ and switched to vaporizing, no particular reason just wanted to becareful in the long run. I never smoked cigs, ever. I'm still able to play basketball with the 20 year olds on full court without any issues.

To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age. This put me in panic mode and I quickly made an appointment with doc to been next week. I even went out and purchased a brand new FLOW PEAK METER made by omcrom. I came home and tested, my numbers were really low at 450, the highest was around 500. The normal rate for someone my age and height is 622. I'm barely at 450. I'm only 150lbs, not sure if this has any affect to score.

The meter I purchased 1/5 star reviews on amazon, mainly about the quality but some are complaining that the meter always shows 80-100 lower compared to other meters Not sure what to make of it. I'm scared and can barely focus. I just had a son, now I'm afraid I wont be around to see him grow up. I have no wheezing or any asthma attacks in my whole life.

To top it off my mother died of rare lung cancer called BAC at 49, however she was a heavy tobacco smoker. I lived with my dad and only seen her a few times, her house reaked of smoke. After I seen article on how you have 70% chance of getting lung cancer if you parents got it and you smoke. I spoke to genetics counselor who did not think it was necessary to test if there was not a strong family history (only sporadic with known cause) of LC in immediate family. No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke. Anyone else consume mj via pills on a daily basis?

I've got medically diagnosed "Constant Severe Anxiety" and "Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour" (OCB is OCD with midly more self controll over irrational compulsions) I've smoked tobacco maybe three times in my life, all were exceptional circumstances. I know the kind of panic you're feeling, I've worried likewise myself about weed since I sometimes smoke a pipe or a bong (without tobacco) and have a rather oldfashioned vape that does basically combust weed rather than truly vapourize it, so I probably do inhale small burnt particulate matter (the primary cause of COPD), I've also got a family history of smokers in early graves (most heart attacks and strokes) and had problems with breathing as a kid so I'd say we're pretty alike in terms of risk.

But now think "HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy" and DON'T PANIC

1) If COPD scares you make sure you get enough vitamin D and Vitamin C defficiencies in these vitamins are found in huge numbers of COPD sufferers, while people aren't sure of the meaning of the correlation exactly it's still a good bet that drinking OJ over softdrinks will help with a healthier lifestyle.

2) You can eat it without any real chance of harm and I used to eat before I got my vape but remember while it's more effective when eaten (so you'll probably need less bud) it takes longer to kick in (maybe an hour) and longer to go away.

3) There's tons of recipes (I recommend cannabis roasted sweet potatoes) but you'll have to find something you can make and carry around which will last and which won't seem strange to eat in public.

4) Sawdust or concrete dust from constuction or maintanance jobs are far more harmful.
Recycled air in large office blocks may also put you at far greater risk than vaping.

Now the bottom line:

If you want to be as safe as possible:

Get a new volcano-style vape (not a hotplate one like mine) and use it on one of the lower heat settings.
Maybe get a longer whip for it if you're really paranoid.

Sit near the window if you're in an office block or wear some kind of mask if you're in a construction job.

Calm DOWN and have a glass of OJ

Vape a few days at a time, then try eating for a few days instead, that way your cilia will clear out your lungs best as possible.

All things in moderation, I know it's hard to live by but if you spend all the time scared of your medicine the disease of fear is going to cause you more pain than the diseases we*imagine* we might get.

You're a parent, obviously you're scared, what parents aren't?

But your kids would prefer 30 years of you as a hapy dad than 60 with you as a nervous wreck spending half his time cooking healthy foood like you're possesed by the ghost of Jamie Oliver...


Active member
ACTUALLY Johnny boy,

Dr.s at UCLA performed a 30 year study funded by NIDA to prove that regular cannabis smoking carried similar risks to cigarette smoking in regards to COPD, head, throat, neck and lung cancers... however... even those whose cannabis use was considered heavy, incurred no increased risk for contracting COPD and had a lowered risk of contracting head throat neck and lung cancers when compared to NON SMOKERS... and of course obviously much lower than cigarette smokers since smoking only increases ones risk when compared to non smokers...

check out this vid...

skip to 15:40 to go strait to the info on the study and how it pertains to COPD and lung cancer...
This. :thank you:

If you're having ANY kind of mouth, throat, lung issues with cannabis... find a cleaner source of cannabis. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Slip Kid

I smoke about 1 cig a day, a Marlboro.It gives me a whitey every time I take my 2-3 puffs.I only recently picked up the habit, not sure why.I won't even bother with another brand, only Marlboro.I imagine they fill 'em up with all sorts of delicious COPD causing agents.Whatever they put in those Marlboros makes people love them.I used to sell them in Canada for $10 a pack back in the 80's when people still smoked more.I've known a few folks who've smoked like a chimney up until age 30 or so then quit and lots of my relatives who died of cancer or heart attacks were old smokers who had quit yrs before.I know the lungs are supposed to heal up but maybe you end up with COPD??:tumbleweed: