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Very interesting: "Darwin Dynasty Cursed By Inbreeding"


Tropical Outcast

For those who are interested in this kind of stuff and happen to know who Darwin was...this is an incredible article:


Darwin Dynasty Cursed By Inbreeding

Charles Darwin's family suffered from the deleterious effects of inbreeding, suggests a new study that serves as ironic punctuation to the evolutionary theorist's life work.

Pioneer of the theory that genetic traits affect survival of both individual organisms and species, Darwin wondered in his own lifetime if his marriage to first cousin Emma Wedgwood was having "the evil effects of close interbreeding" that he had observed in plants and animals.

Three of their children died before age 10, two from infectious diseases. The survivors were often ill, and out of the six long-term marriages that resulted, only half produced any children. According to researchers at Ohio State University and Spain's Universidad de Santiago de Compestela, that alone is a "suspicious" sign that the Darwins suffered from reproductive problems.

Inbreeding can cause serious health problems, because it increases the chances of successful gene expression for diseases otherwise rare or muted in an individual's pedigree.
The new study, detailed in the journal Bioscience, fed genealogical data on the Darwin-Wedgwood link into a specialized computer program, which spit out a "coefficient of inbreeding," or the probability that an individual received two identical copies of a gene resulting from marriages among relatives. (Some genetic disorders are caused by recessive genes, which means they require two copies of a gene in order for the trait to manifest.)
Results revealed that inbreeding was a possible factor in the offspring's poor health. Darwin's children suffered from a "moderate degree" of inbreeding, the researchers concluded. When expanded to other branches of the family tree and four consecutive generations, the analysis found an even stronger association between child mortality and incestuousness.

Darwin's mother and grandfather were also Wedgwoods, and his mother's parents were third cousins.

The study relied solely on birth and death records. In the late 19th century it was still fashionable for wealthy families to intermarry over generations. As would be expected of prominent families, their genealogical records were also in excellent condition.
When genealogical records are not available, scientists interested in genetic heritage must rely on DNA and radiological analysis of bone samples - a type of research recently utilized for mummies.
In fact, this past February, an international team announced that a high degree of inbreeding was the likely explanation for boy pharoah King Tutankamun's early death and frail, club footed frame. And research published last year showed the termination of the Habsburg dynasty that ruled Spain for nearly 200 years may have been a result of frequent inbreeding.


Rubbing my glands together
The Kennedy's wouldn't be guilty of this as well would that? I know there isn't a family island compound off the Mass coast that has the results of years of this. No way.


Active member
diverse outbreading fixes strong traits

diverse outbreading fixes strong traits

Very diverse outbreading fixes strong benifical traits.
just an observation.A


Active member
Not what i meant

Not what i meant

Now think goat fornicator.:tiphat:

I mean central asian x celt for instance
hybrid vigor ,defiance and enhanced abilitys
dominant alleles with out recessive allele masking effects.A

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
There has been alot written about human inbreeding over the past few years, particularly amongst the Middle Eastern/African and Indian/Pakistani demographic.

Here is just one article of many out there. I just Googled 'Pakistani Inbreeding'....and came up with this one.

Here is the link; https://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/...lims-are-inbred-due-to-generations-of-incest/

Half of world’s Muslims are inbred due to generations of incest
Posted on July 18, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn

Here’s an explanation for Islamic terrorism that’s never proffered:

Insanity and Stupidity

A never-spoken-about problem with Muslims is their inbreeding as a result of their long and deeply-ingrained practice of marrying first cousins — a practice that has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses.

More than 7 years ago, the UK’s environment minister Phil Woolas had sounded the alarm about this “very sensitive” issue that is “rarely debated”. Referring to the culture of arranged marriages between cousins in the Muslim immigrant community, Woolas said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”

Woolas, whose views are supported by medical experts, said most cases occur in immigrant families from rural Pakistan, where up to half of all marriages involve first cousins. Woolas said: “If you talk to any primary care worker they will tell you that levels of disability among the . . . Pakistani population are higher than the general population. And everybody knows it’s caused by first cousin marriage.”

The problem is made worse by generational inbreeding. As Woolas put it, “Many of the parents themselves and many of the public spokespeople are themselves products of first cousin marriages.” That would explain why research for BBC2’s Newsnight in November 2005 showed that British Pakistanis accounted for 3.4% of all births but 30% of all British children with recessive genetic disorders.

Indeed, an entry in Wikipedia confirms that “Cousin marriages in Muslim majority countries are often preferred and even encouraged in some regions,” and points to the fact that prophet Muhammad himself had married cousins.

But the problem isn’t exclusive to Pakistani Muslims as Woolas seems to imply, but is pandemic among Muslims across the world.

Nicolai Sennels

According to Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into Muslim inbreeding, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred:

70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred.
64% of those living in Jordan and Kuwait are inbred.
63% of Sudanese are inbred.
60% of Iraqis are inbred.
54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
In England, at least 55% of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins.
In Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

Sennels points out that cousin marriage was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.

Sennels warns that massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to Muslims’ intelligence, sanity, and health. (Similar effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)

Below are the consequences of inbreeding:

1. Birth and birth defects:

100% increase in the risk of stillbirths.
50% increase in the risk that the child dies during labor.
The risk of autosomal recessive genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher.
The risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.

2. Physical and mental retardation and illnesses:

The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness.
The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness, i.e., insanity.
Social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. An academic paper published in the Indian National Science Academy found that “the onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.”
Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by 400% among children of cousin marriages.

child born with 16 toes

All of which would explain the following phenomena among Muslims (Source: Nicolai Sennels):

1 out of every 3 Somalis are mentally ill.
More than 40% of the patients in Denmark‘s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant (i.e., Muslim) background.
One-third of all handicapped people in Copenhagen have a “foreign” (i.e., Muslim) background.
In Denmark, psychologist Sennels’ native country, “non-Western” immigrants (who are mainly Muslim) are more than 300% more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.
In Denmark, Muslim children are grossly overrepresented among children with special needs. One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education.
64% of school children with Arabic parents in Denmark are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant drop-out rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.”

Here is another more recent link about this subject: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-tackles-ethnic-taboo-costs-NHS-millions.html
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Masochist Educator
Ever heard of the Blue Fugates?

Ever heard of the Blue Fugates?


Source: abcnews

In an unusual story that involves both genetics and geography, an entire family from isolated Appalachia was tinged blue. Their ancestral line began six generations earlier with a French orphan, Martin Fugate, who settled in Eastern Kentucky.

Martin Fugate came to Troublesome Creek from France in 1820 and family folklore says he was blue. He married Elizabeth Smith, who also carried the recessive gene. Of their seven children, four were reported to be blue.

There were no railroads and few roads outside the region, so the community remained small and isolated. The Fugates married other Fugate cousins and families who lived nearby, with names like Combs, Smith, Ritchie and Stacy.

One of Martin and Elizabeth Fugate's blue boys, Zachariah, married his mother's sister. One of their sons, Levy, married a Ritchie girl and had eight children, one of them Luna.

As coal mining arrived in Kentucky in 1912 and the Fugates moved outside of Troublesome Creek, the blue people began to disappear.

The Fugate progeny had a genetic condition called methemoglobinemia, which was passed down through a recessive gene and blossomed through intermarriage.

Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder in which an abnormal amount of methemoglobin -- a form of hemoglobin -- is produced, according to the National Institutes for Health. Hemoglobin is responsible for distributing oxygen to the body and without oxygen, the heart, brain and muscles can die.

In methemoglobinemia, the hemoglobin is unable to carry oxygen and it also makes it difficult for unaffected hemoglobin to release oxygen effectively to body tissues. Patients' lips are purple, the skin looks blue and the blood is "chocolate colored" because it is not oxygenated.

Normally, people have less than about 1 percent of methemoglobin, a type of hemoglobin that is altered by being oxidized so is useless in carrying oxygen in the blood. When those levels rise to greater than 20 percent, heart abnormalities and seizures and even death can occur.

But at levels of between 10 and 20 percent a person can develop blue skin without any other symptoms. Most of blue Fugates never suffered any health effects and lived into their 80s and 90s.

Luna was the bluest of the bunch, and she lived a healthy life, married John E. Stacy bearing 13 children before she died at the age of 84.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So DJ Short made the 'Blueberry' cannabis line by inbreeding..

...The Fugates made blue kids by inbreeding too.


Masochist Educator
Every USA president is related to King John Of England, coincidence?

Every USA president is related to King John Of England, coincidence?

Source: dailymail.co.uk

What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.

The remarkable discovery was made by 12-year-old BridgeAnne d’Avignon, of Salinas, California, who created a ground-breaking family tree that connected 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to one common, and rather unexpected, ancestor: King John of England.

renowned for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the monarch’s power and helped form the British Parliament. John’s other claim to fame, or infamy, is that he was depicted as the villain in the Robin Hood tales.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I guess that we are all related, if you go back far enough......hence the term 'The Human Race'....

There then is only one race, the human race.

But is that so?

OK so are we Homo-Sapiens, or Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens? Which one is more evolved?


Active member
Due to the events of the last years, I think that we don't desserve the latin's "sapiens" mention anymore lol

nice inputs btw


Rubbing my glands together
There has been alot written about human inbreeding over the past few years, particularly amongst the Middle Eastern/African and Indian/Pakistani demographic.

Here is just one article of many out there. I just Googled 'Pakistani Inbreeding'....and came up with this one.

Here is the link; https://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/...lims-are-inbred-due-to-generations-of-incest/

Half of world’s Muslims are inbred due to generations of incest
Posted on July 18, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn

Here’s an explanation for Islamic terrorism that’s never proffered:

Insanity and Stupidity

A never-spoken-about problem with Muslims is their inbreeding as a result of their long and deeply-ingrained practice of marrying first cousins — a practice that has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses.

More than 7 years ago, the UK’s environment minister Phil Woolas had sounded the alarm about this “very sensitive” issue that is “rarely debated”. Referring to the culture of arranged marriages between cousins in the Muslim immigrant community, Woolas said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”

Woolas, whose views are supported by medical experts, said most cases occur in immigrant families from rural Pakistan, where up to half of all marriages involve first cousins. Woolas said: “If you talk to any primary care worker they will tell you that levels of disability among the . . . Pakistani population are higher than the general population. And everybody knows it’s caused by first cousin marriage.”

The problem is made worse by generational inbreeding. As Woolas put it, “Many of the parents themselves and many of the public spokespeople are themselves products of first cousin marriages.” That would explain why research for BBC2’s Newsnight in November 2005 showed that British Pakistanis accounted for 3.4% of all births but 30% of all British children with recessive genetic disorders.

Indeed, an entry in Wikipedia confirms that “Cousin marriages in Muslim majority countries are often preferred and even encouraged in some regions,” and points to the fact that prophet Muhammad himself had married cousins.

But the problem isn’t exclusive to Pakistani Muslims as Woolas seems to imply, but is pandemic among Muslims across the world.

Nicolai Sennels

According to Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into Muslim inbreeding, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred:

70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred.
64% of those living in Jordan and Kuwait are inbred.
63% of Sudanese are inbred.
60% of Iraqis are inbred.
54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
In England, at least 55% of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins.
In Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

Sennels points out that cousin marriage was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.

Sennels warns that massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to Muslims’ intelligence, sanity, and health. (Similar effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)

Below are the consequences of inbreeding:

1. Birth and birth defects:

100% increase in the risk of stillbirths.
50% increase in the risk that the child dies during labor.
The risk of autosomal recessive genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher.
The risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.

2. Physical and mental retardation and illnesses:

The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness.
The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness, i.e., insanity.
Social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. An academic paper published in the Indian National Science Academy found that “the onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.”
Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by 400% among children of cousin marriages.

child born with 16 toes

All of which would explain the following phenomena among Muslims (Source: Nicolai Sennels):

1 out of every 3 Somalis are mentally ill.
More than 40% of the patients in Denmark‘s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant (i.e., Muslim) background.
One-third of all handicapped people in Copenhagen have a “foreign” (i.e., Muslim) background.
In Denmark, psychologist Sennels’ native country, “non-Western” immigrants (who are mainly Muslim) are more than 300% more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.
In Denmark, Muslim children are grossly overrepresented among children with special needs. One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education.
64% of school children with Arabic parents in Denmark are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant drop-out rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.”

Here is another more recent link about this subject: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-tackles-ethnic-taboo-costs-NHS-millions.html

Wow explains alot. Have heard of this many times before but didn't realize the high numbers involved.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
The studies not backed by any reputable science publications,
many fart right references online.

Claim is dubious at best, tread lightly, my relatives.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The studies not backed by any reputable science publications,
many fart right references online.

Claim is dubious at best, tread lightly, my relatives.

If you do some research online, you will find that there is irrefutable evidence supporting these studies.

Here is a whole list of videos on the subject, watch for a while, and maybe you will understand.

https://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=muslim inbreeding

...and here is a Daily Telegraph article about it.


....and another from Professor Steve Jones from the University College London http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...essor-Steve-Jones-warns-inbreeding-risks.html

*Knowledge broadens the mind.
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Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Google this:

"Estimating the Inbreeding Depression on Cognitive Behavior: A Population Based Study of Child Cohort"

The top result is the page of the study.

I stand corrected, also explains the US Civil War, the IRA, and so much more.

Note to self, don't breed with your family, lol

good thread
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I can't seem to get that link to work Dropped Cat...(maybe needs rectifying?)

Can you cut and paste the article here by any chance?

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