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Cannabis and pregnancy


Stats show that cannabis can have a negative effect on sperm count. Up to 1/3 of male cannabis users should have problems. I have a lot of friends that smoke and not a single one of them has had any difficulties getting their woman pregnant. Anything negative about cannabis is usually straight up bs so I usually ignore cannabis "science" of years past. But this time the "stats" directly effect my problem so I though I might get some opinions and or experiences from the community.


Have you ever seen the movie SUPER HIGH ME ? he does a set of tests 30 days of no pot and takes the same tests while smoking pot for 30 days... the results were interesting but his sperm count went up pretty significantly while smoking cannabis if memory serves


I'll definitely check that out. Thanks. I've seen that some newer tests have shown cbd to be helpful but I don't believe much nowadays without seeing the evidence for myself.


Well-known member
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I got my girlfriend pregnant while being completely wacked out of my mind.
I was a daily heavy smoker for years. (Now I rarely smoke).
All my friends didn't have any issues either and they were heavy users (and drinkers) too.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
When they start using "Clean" cannabis for these studies you'll see a big difference in the outcome. Since only 5% or less of the community is growing clean cannabis, I find it highly unlikely the people running the 'studies' have access to any of it.

Most "Cannabis" studies are largely studies on how different contaminates on/in cannabis can affect people. :)