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Brother Bear 2017


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
So is that for cooking the mash before fermentation? Ferment in barrel? How do you transfer?
For pete sake save me some :friends:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
exploziv - Welcome​ to the humble show, and thank you !

Trich_Tyson - Glad ta have you on board. I agree on the cool handle too.

Vintner - You got it, cook mash in the tun. Syphon into ferment barrel, after a week or so syphon into boiler and start distillation.

No jugs for size reference, but I spread them out and they about double the size in the last pic

Pre 98 Bubba



Grape Ape



C99 3 just reported out of the solo cups this morning


And my dogs photo bombing


Looking good ...i just transplanted 10 clones into there final home gonna be small cuz i got neighbors all around haha shooting for 2-3 ft super cropped still have another 50 or so.togo


Iluv2blaze ur neighbours might not see them but there gonna smell all 60 of ur girls thou what u do about it I have the same problem and they have all ready said they can smell it any advise would be great


Active member
Looking fresh n green BB! Like the water jug for size comparison coz my missus has problems gauging plant size, just happened to b sitting 5 feet away from one of those jugs so it made it easier for her to get that wow factor lol. God bless her loves smokin/edibles but her thumb is definitely brown. Trying to get her back to appreciating the whole process of seed to the bong thing. Peace

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
iLuv2BlAzE - Thanks.
N sounds like fun. You got a thread goin I can check out ?

benjuanman - Thanks ! I've a hard tell sizing without a reference as well. My wife has the brown thumbs too LMAO !!!

vintner - Getting there. I'm excited. Should have baby budsets starting now. I ain't been up since last picture session.

Trich_Tyson - Lol 2 waist high low yeilders ain't gonna crush it to hard. Be super nice to walk away with a pound though :yes:

Davesnothere420 - Is this Trout under original handle ?

More pix soonish :tiphat:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Been such a wet summer round bouts. Hope all's well on the mountain :yes:
Hows bout some licker pics!? :friends: Best to get some of that put up. Nearly time to start to the cut, haul, chop & stack! Body can work up a bear size thirst doin that!

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
iLuv2BlAzE - nice stealthily short plants. I've got a buddy who does the very same thing. Ever read Yukons stealth trash can grow ? Might be a truck for you to get a slightly bigger yeild ?
LINK for ya if you wanna check it out :yes:

Vintner - Be awhile till I get the still goin. Need to focus on the indoor grow and get some more loot saved up.

Sad to report that I've lost the Pre 98 Bubba.
Not sure what exactly happened. No visible damage. Root mass was not up to par, but I didn't notice any digging or bugs eating at them when I dug her up. I'm bummed. But glad I also stuck a few inside and they are gonna make sure I can still smoke on her this fall. Haven't flowered her out in a few years.


Grape Ape still going strong though. Small amount of fade, great bud formations well on the way. I'll start tenting her next time it starts to rain.





Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Been around :smoke out:[YOUTUBEIF]eMAYLRP7Zvs[/YOUTUBEIF]
Here's the Grape. Yellowing up a bit faster than I would like




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