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Storing bagged soil and compost



I think I know the answer but I got to ask the crew. Anyone store bags of quality soil and compost for a year or so max ? I cant imagine so long as I keep it in a decent environment not frozen or soaking wet in sealed bags its got to be fine for up to a year. I mean its dirt, and the phrase old as dirt has meaning. The soil microbes should not all die and simply wait for some warm temps and water to come back I thought. Seen pics of too many frozen tundras that come to vibrant life when summer comes back. Sure it may dry out some as no sealing bags are perfect but so long as it smells fine I think it could go more than a year stored properly. Hell maybe lots of years.

Anyone who grows in not kosher states has to have a plan for keeping soil for those winter months and I sure as hell dont want to walk into the local nursery in December asking for soil, red flag anyone ? I try to have enough on hand from early spring till next spring and buy enough bags of each to hopefully go at least from mid summer to next spring. I have mixed soil in the past and kept it outside in large rubbermaid trash cans with holes in the bottom and lid with no issues. Id just like to keep a few 2 CF bags and compost bags in reserve to get me thru the fall and winter if I run short.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I can't see it being an issue. I guess the microbes will go dormant but you can wake them up by watering in some molasses.

I recall that microbeman once posted a ratio of molasses:bran for that exact purpose! And it was very small amounts so relatively inexpensive.

Microbeman, calling microbeman!!


Well-known member
well if you do end up storing them outside, don't stack them on top of the ground/grass/flowerbed because worms collect under the bags and then moles came or something but the bags got these slashes in them from i think the moles eating worms? its happened to me a couple times.

subscribed for MM answer :D

Bud Green

I dig dirt
The large Rubbermaid "Brute" trash cans work great for storing garden stuff..

I have several of them which I retired from trash duty when the county supplied us with those large, rolling trash canisters..

I keep broken bales of dry alfalfa hay in one of them.

Your bags of soil will be fine and last a few years in storage as long as you keep animals from tearing them open..

Flame me all you want, but after many, many years I still like "Miracle Grow Potting Mix" for seedlings and rooted clones, in 1 gallon pots...

I store it in the trash cans too. As long as you keep the lid snapped on tight to keep it from drying out too much,
your soil mixes should be perfectly fine to store from one year to the next...
