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Nirvanaspecial&"enkerro" 250w scrog


Active member
Setup is 250whps homemade drip feed hydro "etolamasiina"
1nirvanaspecial & 1 "enkerro" plant and scrog space is limited 90x60x180cm
ferts are flora series and using basic 1-2-3 formula.
cuttings were vegged 30days under 250w and flowered 24day under same light.

theres still 50-80 days time to flover those plants so i will update couple times. ;)


Very good for 250!!

Update yes,love seein good scrogs and you'll do fine!


Active member
Farmer john thanks a lot those kind words.
heres weekly up date
i did have some problems with too low pH but plants are still a live.

i did pollinate couple smaler nugs on both plants :wink:
