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Root quality in cuttings treated with Auxins


New member
Hello, I've reading this sub-forum for months now. I have found an interesting paper I would like to comment with you all:
Moreira, M., Appezzato-da-Glória, B. and Zaidan, L. (2000). Anatomical aspects of IBA-treated microcuttings of Gomphrena macrocephala St.-Hil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 43(2), pp.221-227.
In this paper they comment that the vascular connection between the stem and the new roots formed in auxin (IBA) treated cuttings differs from the ones with no treatment. And this depends on the treated species. In some, the vascular connection and therefore water translocation is weaker. Some people in ResearchGate even claim, that the vascular anatomy in NAA and IBA treated cuttings is not the same.
Thoughts about it:
- In the paper they applied the auxin to the growth medium, maybe with just an auxin Shock for some seconds, that "mutant" growth is not seen, as it's known that auxin plays an important role in causing undifferentiated tissues, as seen in Agrobacterium infections.
- Could it be that the Cannabis cuttings treated with auxin have higher rooting percentage but a weaker water translocation, or maybe also a stronger water translocation, as seen in this paper?
- Is there any difference between NAA and IBA treated Cannabis cuttings?
What do you guys think?

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