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I love the hottest peppers!


Active member
Hey!! I wanted to show off the first flower of my Red Rocoto plant. From what I've found, its generally considered to be among the group of third hottest peppers.

Its hairy, has purple flowers and black seeds.. Here is the first flower emerging. Will probably open up tomorrow. There are about another 20 forming that will open up over this week and next..



Rare Dankness
I have peppers on my carib reds. Im hoping it grows into something special.
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Red Fang

Active member
Hey what's up all. I still haven't been able to do a stealth grow but I couldn't take it anymore I had to grow something!! Since I love spicy food I googled the hottest pepper and found the bhut jolokia. I also ordered a few of the other hottest peppers to have a variety.
I have wanted to try these too, but they take like 150 days to mature or so I heard, also heard they are finicky and need a greenhouse that is just right, like the climate of India, to give that heat they are supposed to have. I may have heard wrong, at any rate I wish you luck! How do you pronounce that anyway? BOOT? BUTT? KA-Low-key-ah?


Throbbing Member
Here are the Thai Dragons.... the long wet Spring has put a dent in their growth. I hope for a long warm fall, so they can finish. Behind them are some Italian roasting peppers.



admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

I read the Gov of India is working on a Bhut Jolokia pepper spray. I would NOT want to be doused with that stuff.

i got some juice from a bhut in my eye and i can only say it is terrible!! wear some surgical gloves or something when handling peppers :D


i got some in the mail yesterday :D lots more varieties coming soon :jump:


Rare Dankness
I got to eat one of these 900K + peppers (raw/whole) and I felt like I was going to die. You could feel it digest.


Traktor driver
Hey everyone :wave:

Got a question. Severall of my outdoor peppers (like the Bhut) haven't started flowering yet. I was thinking of digging them up, and sticking them in pots on my living room window sill (south facing, best spot in the house). Any idea if that'll work?
I think the garden is way too moist now here in Germany, not had much luck with weather this year.

There's several kinds that carry fruit allready, would I be able to stick those inside without hurting them?

The only ripe ones are the yellow cherrys and conquistadores,which are also the smallest, not sure if that's got anything to do with it :chin:


Life is one big grow........
hey Alex....jep the weather is not the best here.....but its strange that most of ya peppers haven't even start flowering yet!! i am harvesting since june - every day i had my fresh chillis...

Bhut are a lil late....the first are ready in about a week!!

to take them inside is no problem at all....you are even able to keep them until next spring - just watch out for pest!!

As i know the light hours has nothing to do with if the peppers are flowering or not!! its about the age of the plants!!


Traktor driver
I suspect that there's something wrong with the jiffys I used for these seeds, as I just had the same problem with real slow stunted growth after germin canna seeds in them aswell. :chin:

I read that peppers are "mehrjährig" and do well indoors, just wasn't sure on digging them up and sticking them in pots. I guess they'll just stress but be fine after :yes:
I love hot peppers and alot of these kinds, I've never heard of..good info.....and everyones plants look great....very healthy..

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
yea dig em up, you might have to cut them back a bit, and get rid of a bit of the dirt around the roots and repot them up in a nice potting medium, but they will be fine if you do it right. the bhuts can take 150+days, so yea, they take a long time. they were the last to ripen for me. I have 4 plants, I have picked maybe 30-35 nice ones so far! :D
have collected 300+ seeds too :)




This habanero got crushed and nearly killed early in it's life, but produced lots of peppers all summer. I've got a fridge full of hot sauce: papaya-habanero, banana-habanero, etc. etc. I love these peppers so much! Peace


in the thick of it
I recently pickled some banana peppers and the flavor is great but the texture is a little mushy. Can anyone help me with this kind of problem?


Use room-temp pickling liquid. If it's hot, they'll get mushy. To dissolve the salt easier, you can use half the amount of hot water/vinegar, then add ice to cool it before pouring it over.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
had a cold snap a week or two back and i cut down a lot of my pepper plants but i left some of the big ones and then weve had a turn around and some super warm weather and they are still crankin out peppers
the bhuts have prob become the largest pepper plants in my garden



and my biggest hab plant, its like 3+ft in diameter

so many peppers
i could start killin people lmao
i did end up sending a load of peppers to a friend, and the fucker ate 1/4 of a bhut and said he began to hallucinate :dance013: