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Loosing bud

Moldy Dreads

Active member
What's the worst story you have about loosing bud, hash etc.?

Mine was quite a while back in 1997 or so. I had just moved back to the US and was going snowboarding for the first time. I was really stoked and bought an eigth of this super dank that was going around PQ at the time. It was a really nice Bullrider or P91, just amazing bud for what was available.
I rented boards for me and the girl, got all packed up and headed to the mountain. There was a Board Aid festival going on and Offspring, Steel Pulse and Wycleff Jean were going to play on the snow. It was proving to be a great experience. So half way there we see a checkpoint stop ahead and I hand my girl the bud so she could stash in her pants/crotch just in case we get pulled over. Everything went fine and we stopped at a gas station for a bathroom break and proceeded up the mountain. So 2 hours later we're getting out of the car and I say, "Hey can I get that bud, so we can smoke?"

At that moment shit went downhill. My girl was like "I can't find it." So she searches through her pants (snowboard pants etc) and nothing. I couldn't believe it, here I had scored the best herb in town only to snowboard with no herb, watch a Steel Pulse and Wycleff show, plus another 2+ hour driveback, all with no herb. I was sooo pissed. I tried to be the better man and act cool, but it was really really hard. She knew she fucked up, but again, we were boarding for the first time, really bitter sweet. So I ended up bumming hits of some schwag at the show and drinking 3 or 4 Sierra Nevadas, which helped, but man that was not how I had planned it. To make things worse there was a traffic jam all the way down the mountain that day when we left. We had fun, but it could have been way better (kept thinking that all day) I was so adament at finding that bud, that we stopped at the gas station on the way back that we initially stopped at, but still nothing. I could not believe what had happened.
The bud dissapeared, I figured that my girl must have flushed it down the toilet when she took a leak when we stopped the first time.

So the next day I'm unloading the car in my parking lot, and I pull out her wet, dirty snowboard pants and out flies my eighth. It had been in her pants the entire trip, while snowboarding, and all the way home....She never felt it due to the padded pants and not looking weel enough.
DOH!!! At least I got to smoke it eventually....I doubt I'll ever forget that one..
anyone else have some crazy lost bud story?I'm sure there are way worse ones out there..


The Hopeful Protagonist


One time I was soooo fvcked up and had to crash at my Grandparents house (happened to be nearby) I thought I had an oze of kush and a 1/4 oze of blow ( I was young and VERY dumb) when I went to sleep/passed out.

When I woke up the next afternoon :D I frantically searched for over an hour (redundancy can work) and could find neither :wallbash:

I resigned myself to the fact they were both lost, jumped in the shower and was about to head out when my spinster Aunt, also lived with my GP's, stopped me and said those magic words......

"Does this belong to you ?"

Almost immediately I heard cherubs singing...


But I wasn't out of the woods yet....this WAS my spinster Aunt asking me if it's was mine....

I coyly replied "yes....it belongs to me" full-well expecting to be busted at any moment, then she replied "I came in to make sure you were covered with a blanke and saw it on the dresser, so I hid it for you so grandma or grandpa wouldn't see it"....

Felt like winning the lottery ....I swear


Are you fucking kidding me ?


Shit like this just doesn't happen to me.....ever.

SO lost and found would better describe it....but man that shit tasted sweet upon our reaquaintance. :joint:


The worst time for me, was when I got super drunk/stoned at a house party & ended up losing my nickel sack.
my boyfriends worst time, was when him & some friends forgot to take the weed out of their pants, and the pants went in the wash after forgetting it was there.


Working outside garden at local hardware store on night crew...was smoking on break and left an 1/8 on a box of pH down and didn't realize it until I got home. Next day that shit was gawn. I always wondered if it was found by a smoker or a non-smoker, because after that day it seemed like day crew looked at us 3 obvious stoners on night crew a little funny.
once when i was younger, my mom found my stash. It was like a qp of some shitty brick weed. She was so pissed/dissapointed i think it was the first time she found out i smoked weed. Anyways to destroy it she burned it in the fire pit. The whole yard smelled like schwagg. lol

Anyways everything blew over and all was forgotton. The winter came and went. Then one day me any my brother were starting a fire the following spring. We moved some logs around, and sure enough there was some bud left in the pit unburnt!

Me and my brother not having any smoke at the moment smoked some of remains and collected some. It was a nice little suprise.

im glad i grow my own now, if mom only knew hahaha

Moldy Dreads

Active member
once when i was younger, my mom found my stash. It was like a qp of some shitty brick weed. She was so pissed/dissapointed i think it was the first time she found out i smoked weed. Anyways to destroy it she burned it in the fire pit. The whole yard smelled like schwagg. lol

Anyways everything blew over and all was forgotton. The winter came and went. Then one day me any my brother were starting a fire the following spring. We moved some logs around, and sure enough there was some bud left in the pit unburnt!

Me and my brother not having any smoke at the moment smoked some of remains and collected some. It was a nice little suprise.

im glad i grow my own now, if mom only knew hahaha

Great story, nothing better than to loose bud and find it again. Once I put a nice nug of the first purple bud I had ever seen, 1996 or so, in a shirt pocket and forgot about it. Like a year later I went to wear that old button-up and to my wonderful surprise there it was, perfectly preserved ahhh so nice!


All I can say is, never put weed in a napkin and be forgetful of the fact that you have a nug in a napkin. Still searching, but efforts look hopeless.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I've done this so many times it's ridiculous:

I'll make a little ball of scissor hash or BHO scrape, do a rip or two off some super dank before smoking the hash, then I'll look down and see a bit of dirt and brush it off on the floor.
Then a few seconds later I realize it was actually the hash and not dirt I just brushed away...



I had two ounces of train wreck confinscated by the Redding (California) police. That really sucked. I am still wanted in California for that so I hope they make it legal before I have to pass back thru.

Lol... :joint:

danny karey

When I was younger, and living at the folks house, I got a fiver of some pretty killer ISO oil. I went down to my room and went to hide it, I decided to put it up on one of those half moon,floor standing lamps, kinda looks like a bowl on the top where the bulb goes.....anyway, Ive never turned on this lamp, either have my parents, ever, so I go to sleep thinking everything is cool.
My father wakes me up the next morning for work, and he turns on the lamp where my fiver is, I don't think anything of it, I have a shower get dressed and go to work.
I get home from work about an hour before my folks, I walk into the house and I notice that it's smokey, and reeks like oil, I run down stairs to my room, it's pretty much hot boxed, I run over to the lamp and the heat from the lamp cracked the fiver and it has spread all over and around the bulb itself..............When I say hot-boxed, i mean like, so smokey it's hard to see.
I turn the lamp off, and try cleaning up the oil, didn't work worth a shit, I then opened all the windows and doors and try to get the smell out before my parents get home.
I spray all sorts of colone, perfume, air freshiner.....Anything that has a smell.
Just before my folks get home, I close all the doors, leave some of the windows open, and I start to pray.

They noticed the smell right away and then asked me about it, I said it was a roach from a long time ago, and must have fallen in one of the vents for the furnace, making it smell threw out the entire house and specifically down stairs.
They bought the roach story, but I was still grownded for ever, screamed at, and a couple weeks later kicked out of the house.

Good times



About a year ago I was out of weed and didn't have any money so I started searching for weed on my floor found a 2 gram nug that had a little carpet hair on it but needless to say I got nice and high afterwards.


Back when Miami Vice was big I was going to harvest an outdoor crop but put it off one day to watch the show. The next day cops raided my garden and I lost it all just to watch a stupid tv show.


Many years ago I had recently moved and I had an ounce of mid grade that I had to drive two hours away to get at my friends, well my dad found it and told me about it. I started looking around the house and out of nowhere I thought to look in the bushes, there it was! he had poured it out in a hedge and it was still in a big pile barely lost any :)

danny karey

Another time, me, my girl,my brother and his buddy all go up to Barrie for Edgefest. It was the year that the temp went down to like +5 on July 1st, it sucked.
We arrive the night before for the biggest,craziest, tail gate party Ive ever seen. We brought a qp of wicked herb, 8-ball of coke, 3 cases of beer, a 40 oz of whisky and a 40oz of Vodka. We have a great time at the tail gate party, stay up very late, and get totally anhilated.
The next day, we go into the show and take a look around, we didn't bring any dope our booze with us because we thought we would be able to leave the park and go back to our cars and grab the dope and booze. I arrive at the gate and go to leave when a security gaurd informs me that if I leave I can't come back in..........I told him I had to get my GF's Azma inhaler from my car, the security gaurd tells me it's cool to go and then come back with the inhaler. I get to the car and shove as much dope and booze down my pants as I could possibly fit, I also grab a couple blankets because it's like +5 degrees out. I get back to the gate, see a different security gaurd, walked right in with out a problem, I get back to my friends with out a hitch.
I pull out a pipe, we pack a bowl. It was very windy that day,and very cold for being July 1st, even for Canada thats very cold for July. We all hudle under the blanket to smoke a bowl.
About half way threw the bowl, we hear a bunch of noises and people talking, it sounds like a bunch of people are surrounding our little blanket-tent and talking all at once. All of a sudden, somone pulls the blanket off of us, and staring us in the face is a Much Music VJ named Rachel somthing, the one with the blonde hair, kinda cute, but big crooked ass nose. There is a camera guy with her and about 100 people surronding us, laughing. Rachel the VJ introduces herself, then shoves the Mic right in our faces and asks us what we are doing under there(under the blanket). We say " uummmmmmm..............Nothing, just hanging out, trying to stay warm". She then asks if she can get under the blanket with us, and before we can answer, she grabs the blanket and gets under it with us.
About 5 seconds later, she pops her head out of the blanket, glares at us and storms off, along with the camera man, and the gaggle of people that seem to be just following her around.
After she leaves along with all the people, we are all asking our selves what the fuck just happened. we decide to stay and watch the show, TOOL was head-lining which is who we were there to see. So we say fuck much music, im sure they've come across a bunch of people smoking , cause this is a concert.......Right? They wont get us in shit?

Wrong, about 10 minutes after she leaves, Some security gaurds come up behind us and escorted us out of the concert, they took our dope and booze.

That really sucked balls...........



Active member
back when i was a novice pusher....a custy ripped me off because he has his scale calibrated weirdly and i didnt catch it. I weigh him out a zip and it measures only 22 grams on his scale, so i threw him an extra 6 grams.

lost that 6 grams god dammit.


Active member
When I was younger, and living at the folks house, I got a fiver of some pretty killer ISO oil. I went down to my room and went to hide it, I decided to put it up on one of those half moon,floor standing lamps, kinda looks like a bowl on the top where the bulb goes.....anyway, Ive never turned on this lamp, either have my parents, ever, so I go to sleep thinking everything is cool.
My father wakes me up the next morning for work, and he turns on the lamp where my fiver is, I don't think anything of it, I have a shower get dressed and go to work.
I get home from work about an hour before my folks, I walk into the house and I notice that it's smokey, and reeks like oil, I run down stairs to my room, it's pretty much hot boxed, I run over to the lamp and the heat from the lamp cracked the fiver and it has spread all over and around the bulb itself..............When I say hot-boxed, i mean like, so smokey it's hard to see.
I turn the lamp off, and try cleaning up the oil, didn't work worth a shit, I then opened all the windows and doors and try to get the smell out before my parents get home.
I spray all sorts of colone, perfume, air freshiner.....Anything that has a smell.
Just before my folks get home, I close all the doors, leave some of the windows open, and I start to pray.

They noticed the smell right away and then asked me about it, I said it was a roach from a long time ago, and must have fallen in one of the vents for the furnace, making it smell threw out the entire house and specifically down stairs.
They bought the roach story, but I was still grownded for ever, screamed at, and a couple weeks later kicked out of the house.

Good times


hahah funny story..that oil hotboxed your whole house. i remember hot boxing the bathroom right next to my parents bedroom as they slept LOL, i was a pretty gutsy kid. i remember one night i was shrooming and decided to just striaght hot box the computer room, my dad goes in there at 630 am to check emails every morning, man my parents were in for a surprise. they used to always catch me smoking in the house until i finally bought my own car and i just started smoking in my car instead.

the cops have definately seized alot of weed. my best friend had a half pound taken off him by undercovers, ive had 8ths dumped into the sewer, zones taken by park police, stupid ass high school days.

i havent lost weed in years, i track every single nuggets and keep high value ones locked up in my safe. i dont even trust my roomate to finger a nugget or two.


I had just gotten a gram of the strongest herb I've ever had, Dr. Kavorkian death bud, it was called. Had a few bowls, and was hanging out in front of my house. Neighbor walks by with his dog. My dog is hangin out with me (she's 16 y/o). She goes to investigate the other dog, and he attacks. After getting them separated, neighbor tells me he's gonna kill my dog if he ever sees her off a leash. I tell him that's not acceptable, and his death would be next if anything happened to my dog. Homeboy goes and calls the police- tells them I'm at his door with a shotgun, and trying to get in (complete lye, I was in my house, explaining to my mom what just happened). Needles to say, 5 squad cars, and one helicopter show up. After several hours of police harassment, I have enough, and start getting upset with the police. They had my mom in the street, with headlights on bright, blinding us all. I stepped in front of the headlights, so my mom wasn't being blinded, and the cops took a exception to this. After some choice words, they decided to "detain" me. Handcuffs go on, and they start emptying my pockets. Everything I had went on the ground, including a ziplock with 1/2 a gram of the bombest herb. I watched that bag sit there almost 2 hours, before one of the cops noticed it. Stupid cop tries to tell me he wouldn't care, except his sergeant was there, and he had to ticket me. I really needed that 1/2 gram after that too..

Other side of the scale, so to speak..
Many years ago, a friend dropped off 7Lbs of really dank varieties to me, straight from the golden country, humbolt Co. Less than 7 days later, "someone" broke into my place, and made off with it, as well as 30 grams of some bomb-ass mdma. They took everything but about a 1/8th of herb. the mdma was paid for, but the 7Lbs were not- I spent the next 4 years paying back my friend for that. In the end, it turned out my roommate staged the robbery, mostly because he was jealous I had started excluding him from my "business". I moved out 3 months after the robbery- before I realized he was involved. As much as I would like some revenge, I've tried to put it all behind me, and learn from my lessons..

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I lost about 5 pounds once.

I had to change locales, and had a friend keep it for me. His mom was a flight attendant and came home unexpectedly. She found it, and being the alcoholic drunk she was, drove down the interstate throwing one nug out at time...

I lost quite a lot of bud when I went abroad to Europe the summer after my Junior year of college. I went to Amsterdam my first week and brought back about a 1/2 ounce to Florence, Italy where my classes were etc. Maybe not the best idea- I traveled by train and walked by at least one guard with a dog in Paris, but I was fine.

I was in Cinque Terre, a beautiful collection of medieval towns in Italy, hiking with some cool friends. We went into a shop for gelato. I was wearing swimsuit shorts which didn't have much pocket room so while I was fishing for money, I dropped the baggie of AK47 onto the middle of the floor. Luckily no one seemed to see it besides my friends who called me a dumbass lol... can't help that shit!

The first time that trip I lost weed was also in Cinque Terre. It was five of us including me and we had 4 bottles of wine and made a fire on the rocks overlooking the mediterranean (so beautiful!!). At the end of the night we break out the bud so we're pretty damned hasted. I simply leave the baggie on the rocks when I'm packing up my shit... I went back the next morning and of course it was gone.

I lost at least one more bag somewhere in Europe along the way, but either way that 1/2 ounce lasted me about a month so whateva :joint: